Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 36 – 40

Hey friends, SRD here again. And once again, I’ve rounded up all our friends from Wonderpod, TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. Lets get right to it, shall we?

40. Pokemon (GBC)
39. Call of Duty 4
38. Battlefield 1942
37. Assassin’s Creed 2
36. Animal Crossing

A Xeno Retrospective

Xenogears was a fan-fucking-tastic game. In fact, if you’ll recall it won RPG of the Year for me that year. I cannot honestly speak more higher of it. If you like sci-fi, martial arts, giant robots, anime, RPGs, oldschool Squaresoft, or any combination thereof, there is seriously no reason to pass that bitch up. And yet, much like Final Fantasy 7 and so many other titles, an unnecessary, but initially interesting prequel series was started: Xenosaga.
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PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Davey Boy Smith vs. Dynamite Kid. Before they were Bulldogs!

Its time once again to travel back into Calgary’s rich wrestling past for some classic Stampede action. This time around I have a match showcasing the members of my favorite tag team of all time, the famous British Bulldogs. Or should I say future favorite tag team of all time. The catch is, this match takes place well before they ever teamed together, left for the WWF to became world champions, dominated in Japan and then returned back to Calgary once again. As a matter of fact , as you will soon see, Davey boy Smith is VERY young and practically unrecognizable when compared to his much more muscular, future Bulldog self.  It is very evident that both of these yet to be world famous British Bulldogs are clearly not spending the same time working out in the gym and are not “into the juice” at this point in their careers. This is a great match for the Stampede mid-heavyweight title , held by the” heel ” Dynamite Kid as he defends against a very popular new ” face”, young Smith. As usual the crowd is very into the match, and also as usual in Stampede Wrestling the referee acts both  idiotic and blind, driving the crowd nuts with his final decision. Worth noting this time around is the post match interviews with both future Bulldogs. This is where you will really see how young these future legends both were at this time and also how much time they must have spent in the gym soon after! Enjoy this classic encounter that took place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and I will see you for another ” Ring -A- Ding- Dong- Dandy” next time.

[youtube xKB4NnNdTfM]

PatMan Picks N64 classics. Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire.

Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire is yet another example of my fondness of expanding the Star Wars universe into  interactive video game form. I am particularly fond of this title as it released near the very launch of the N64, was very ambitious for its time, and turned out to be great fun. Lucas Arts would develop better looking and controlling games in the N64s future , however this game was amazing for a launch title on a brand new 3D system.What made Shadows Of The Empire great was that it incorporated a multitude of game play types into one fun experience. Do you like 3rd person shooting, racing, jet packing, platforming, 1st person shooting, space ship combat, boss fights and more?  This game had it all. Hell , you even fight the legendary Boba Fett in this title, what more could you ask for? All this ,of course, taking place in that new “full polygonal, textured 3D “, thanks to the cool new N64. The classic Star Wars sounds & soundtrack were also very well done for a launch title and really helped with the over all experience. Another interesting thing about this game is the story took place in between  the start of The Empire Strikes Back & Return Of The Jedi allowing us to encounter both classic locations and characters while discovering all new ones as well. While navigating fast moving snow speeders across the frozen terrain of Hoth and taking down Imperial Walkers may be overdone at this point in video game history, believe me, it was amazing doing it for the first time ever in 3D . Looking back at some of the blurry, repetitive textures and minor control issues , a part of me wishes this title came out near the end of the N64 life cycle. This game would have greatly benefited with the much larger cartridge sizes, RAM expansion pack, rumble pack support, and the over all experience developers gained while discovering the world of 3D gaming on the N64.  That said, its was a great, ambitious title set in a cool time in the Star Wars universe with great diversity of game play.

[youtube U_XW3V8Bgks]

Smackdown: 10/14/11. This has to be better than RAW

Egad, RAW was horrible this week. I’m not even going to bother getting into it, instead turn the page to everybody’s favorite “B” Show. So, let’s just hop into it… shall we? Oh, and if you haven’t heard, it looks like Dave Lagana has jumped from ROH to TNA. Totally unrelated, I know.
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Impact Wrestling- A pintnoir Review

Welcome back to Knoxville, Tennessee! Home to Impact tonight.

We start the show off with a Kurt Angle Promo, he proceeds to call out Roode and  brags about how he will remain the champion. Amidst the boos from Knoxville. Kurt Angle goes to leave but before he completely leaves the ramp he issues another challenge to Roode, he has put him in a handicap match against the owner Jeff Jarrett and Gunner.

We cut backstage where Jerry Lynn, RVD, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are fighting. Each against their perspective Bound For Glory opponent.

After commercial we shoot back to Daniels and Lynn beating Styles on their way to the ring. Once inside the double team beating continues until a late RVD comes for the assist. Once the match is underway it becomes a back and forth with Styles flipping outside the ring on Daniels and Lynn. Eventually leading to a styles clash to Daniels which he counters and in turn leads to Lynn getting clashed while Daniel walks back up the ramp. With an irate Styles looking on.

Next up Samoa Joe takes on Matt Morgan. He we watch as the Samoan submission machine goes from face to heel even deeper as he goes blow for blow with Morgan only to lose in the closing moments. (as far as how he lost my computer froze, so I’ll will guess in an embarrassing fashion) Joe snaps and puts Morgan in a modified ankle lock. Just when you thought you could predict the outcome, you do and Crimson comes out to save the day. Another ramp match announcement. This time it is for BFG, a triple threat match.

Yeah a Mexican America promo! I love this almost weekly occurrence of stereotypes. The proceed to call out Ink Inc. The usual high school banter begins on both sides about MA being hypocrites because they’re from this country. Hernandez and co don’t how to respond seeing as how minus Sarah Stock aka Sarita (who is Canadian) they attack. Usual ruckus happens with all four jumping them with Sarita in her glam face mask delivers some slaps until a ray of sunshine descends down the ramp. Christina Von Eerie! Cleaning house. Until she bumps into Hernandez who her real life boyfriend Jesse Neal takes out. Jesse ends with ” Bring all the women you want, we got ours!”

An X division tag match between the heels Austin Aries (c) and Kid Kash vs Brian Kendrick and Jesse Sorenson. A decent match with the obligatory heel turning on each other, leading to Aries going for his belt to use on Kendrick who ducks and applies sliced bread on Aries who land face first on the belt. Win for Kendrick/Sorenson.

Karen walks backstage with Traci by her side looking hateful. Its good to know someone is having a good time, you know with Karen all smiles.

Obviously the knockout segment is next. Velvet, Mickie, Winter and Angelina Love come out to what I assume was some kind of tag match, similar to Vinnie Mac’s biz, but shortly after out comes Karen, Traci and (ugh) Madison Rayne kicking ass as only she can. Between Rayne’s screeching ass kissing and Karen blatantly expressing how we all feel about the current Knockout division, that no one cares. She describes having to fight to put them on the card because no one wanted them. Then she verbally assaults Velvet before being shoved Vel and tripped by Traci leading to an all out knockouts cat fight. Wow how we have devolved.

This is the best representation of the current Division

Bully Ray talks about how Anderson better not make him made since he is the special enforcer for his match against Steiner.

AJ talks about how his and Daniels family aren’t speaking to each other leading to their I Quit match. Daniels comes from behind and attacks AJ choking him out with a camera cord?

Bully Ray /Steiner come out followed by Mr Anderson. Match is usual Immortal match with interference from Ray and eventually Abyss how clocks Steiner with a chain in full view of the ref  Anderson knocks down Abyss getting the pin on Steiner. Afterwards comes the Immortal beat down on Abyss with almost every available member before Anderson comes back only to get Bubba Bombed onto a table.

Angle backstage taunting Storm accusing Roode of knowing he was interfering in his match and pinned Storm anyway. Storm looks conflicted after he throws out Angle.

Updated BFG card is shown along with the ascension of Roode who a hardworking wrestler, when four years ago he was a rich tycoon similar to JBL but I digress. This is TNA where Velvet is a face and has had no previous attempts at the knockout title when she had like three when she was a heel. And she really believes she was a victim? But again back to Roode rich much? (Sorry for the rant it was bothering me)

hey if she can have a double so could Velvet. but likely not.

Roode beats Gunner with the Crossface while Jarrett wallows on the floor with Karen looking on. Afterwards (sigh) Immortal comes to the ring. Storm attempts to help until he is over whelmed. Then the former prodigal son Hardy cleans house giving Jarrett the twist of fate.

Jarrett yells at Hardy to leave and never come back or step foot in Philadelphia. Hardy says he’s buying his ticket.

Hogan and Joker-Sting come out to sign the contract. Hogan refuses to sign first. but eventually signs. Bischoff comes out to say he wants revenge for Sting touching him only for Hogan to bash Sting in the back with a chair. The show closes with Hogan foot on Stings throat.

here comes the smoke and mirrors

Here comes BFG, hopefully this means the end of Immortal and the a Bobby Roode title run.

Wonderpod Episode 84

Time for some hot Wonderpod action. This week we wander off the beaten path format wise. The show is still about video games and was a lot of fun to record. You, the fine listening audience will have to tell us what you think of us mixing it up a bit. If you like it will do more of it.
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Biff Zongo: The 4 Worst Stone Age Inventions

Fredrik: The invention of stone was clearly one of the best inventions of the Stone Age (together with stuff like fire, water and animals). But these are clearly four of the worst inventions.

Why Am I Paying Full Price To Be A Beta Tester For Games?

I’m sure we’ve all asked ourselves what warrants full purchase price of a AAA title on launch day? Perhaps it is a much anticipated sequel? Maybe, it’s the allure of playing online with our friends and getting as much bang for our buck while the servers are full? Maybe we’re just simply tired of the same old, same old, and buy into something new?

I don’t know about you folks, but I am dangerously close to ending the practice of buying any game upon immediate release.

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Obscurity: Wizardry – Tale of the Forsaken Land

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