PUCK YOU! 3.1: The 2011-2012 Season Begins… Part 2


And so, the debate about ice hockey continues… here is the second part of the Wonderpod Online Crew sounding off about the start of the 2011-2012 NHL regular season.
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Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 31 – 35

Hey friends, SRD here again. It’s that time of week again. We here at Wonderpod join our friends from TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. There’s actually some really interesting stuff going on this week, but I’ll let the entries speak for themselves. This week we have:

35. Warcraft II – Tides of Darkness
34. LEGO Star Wars
33. Earthbound
32. Persona 4
31. Rise of Nations

You Love It, I Hate It – Chrono Cross

I’m hoping this will be a new series I can get going and I’m starting with something that, as will be a trend in this series, people seem to universally love, but I just can’t “get:” Chrono Cross. Now initially, I didn’t like this game because it didn’t feel enough like Chrono Trigger. I halfway expected it to be either a direct sequel to CT or be very similar in nature.
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PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. First Televised Ladder Match? Bad News Brown vs. Bret Hart.

Welcome back to another Stampede Wrestling classic encounter as we again travel back in the pro wrestling time machine and return to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This time around I have discovered what could very well be the first ever televised ladder match. The ladder match is of course a very popular event made very famous in the WWF. However, unlike what some younger pro wrestling fans may think,Vincent Kennedy McMahon did not invent the ladder match. This type of match had been done long before it ever made its way to that big time federation. It was actually Stampede legend Bret Hart himself who suggested the ladder match should be used in the WWF. So,when was the first ladder match, you ask? The first ever ladder match is up for some minor debate, but most “wrestling historians” strongly suggest that Dan Kroffat, way back in 1972 , invented the first ladder match in Stampede Wrestling. Kendo Nagasaki has also been mentioned by some as perhaps inventing the match around that same time but that is unconfirmed, yet he still deserves a mention. In either case, no televised account of either match seems to exist but I do remain hopeful that there is some evidence of the first ladder match somewhere. I do, however, have one of the first ever internationally televised ladder matches. It involves Bert Hart and his opponent Bad News Allen ( Brown), two men who had been feuding for some time in the Stampede territory. Of course in the years to come they would continue this feud on a bigger stage in the WWF. Enjoy this classic ladder match, possibly the first on TV, and I will return next time with more Stampede Wrestling classics!

[youtube bIda2Q8ghBM]

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: Diddy Kong Racing.

From its mode 7 beginnings on the SNES all the way to its much anticipated and upcoming release on the  3DS Mario Kart has been the undisputed champion of kart racing titles, often leaving any and all competition in its dust. In the past, however, there was one exception. That game was Diddy Kong Racing, developed by Rare for the N64. This mascot racing game , which introduced gamers to early versions of both Banjo and Conker, was every bit as fun to play as Mario Kart 64 and in some aspects it was even superior to it. The visuals in DKR were far superior to the bland , non polygon racing characters that plagued Mario Kart 64 . Also, the the race tracks and backgrounds came to life with more colorful, bright and crisp visuals than seen in Mario Kart 64. Not satisfied with just using go-karts, DKR featured hover craft to race over land and water and also planes to fly above the tracks. Thus, the three different vehicle types gave a nice variety for racing fans and kept things very fresh and new. Another great thing about DKR was its adventure mode. Unlike any kart racing title up to this time in video game history, payers did not just choose a circuit on the menu and race from there. Instead, there was an entire world to be explored in order to discover the hidden locations that held all sorts of tracks to race in. Think Mario 64 and its hub world, only larger, and you will get the idea here. Also, after an entire group of tracks was completed with first place victories, a boss would appear and challenge you to a fun but often not so fair race. Defeat the boss and you unlocked an even harder race modes that included collecting coins, finding mysterious keys and more. DKR was a fun, unique adventure of a kart racing game that was at  its time and arguably still is the only kart racing game that was in the same league as the legendary Mario Kart series. In my opinion on the N64, if I was somehow “forced” to choose only one kart racing game, it would be Diddy Kong Racing. Good thing I never had to choose!

Smackdown 10/21/11

The WWE has been plowing through their storylines since the summer… and not much will change tonight. As opposed to marketing one of the biggest gimmick matches in the traditions of Mexico’s wrestling scene, the WWE forgot to mention on RAW that they are having a mask vs mask match on Smackdown. At least they had the common sense to announce it on their website for us so-called 10%’s, the same people who knew about it before they even posted it… Let’s get to it, shall we?

Oh yeah, in case you forgot (you probably did), there’s actually a PPV on Sunday. So this is the go-home show. They couldn’t wait 3 days for the mask vs mask match… with no build… gawd…

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Impact Wrestling Review-Pintnoir

And Hillbilly Jesus cried…..

Getting ahead of myself. After what should of been the greatest PPV of the year, but instead turned into false expectations and lukewarm matches (except for Austin Aries vs Kendrick, and Lynn/RVD) we have the aftermath.
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Wonderpod Episode 85

The celestial calender tells me it’s Friday. That means it is time for another episode of Wonderpod. This weeks show is the brain child of our very own Jon, along with special guest the traveling G brothers. We got a great show all ready for you to listen to. So go, click the thing and read the list or skip straight to the download.
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Biff Zongo: Rape Alley

Fredrik: This is not based on my real life. But a lot of people used to get beat up and robbed in my old hood just outside my window. It was noisy!

PUCK YOU! 3.1: The 2011-2012 Season Begins… Part 1


Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned for another season! We’ve added some new features… but more importantly, we’ve stayed true to the idea that this is a commentary about hockey by fans, for the fans. Censorship has no place here. As we are a couple weeks into the regular season of 2011-2012, it’s time to address both the offseason, and the one currently underway. Let’s get to it, shall we?
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