Angry Rant-PED Edition

Forgive me for this rant. But I’m angry. This is not focused on a specific wrestler. This is just me railing on the upper echelon of the business and the prices it takes to get there. Forgive me, but I am angry.

I’m angry that there are still wrestlers out there using PED’s. I understand I am not a wrestler, and I don’t have the same perspective on the business as somebody inside would. But I am a fan. The people in front of that camera matter to me. I’m tired of caring about a wrestler and then hearing about them violating the wellness policy again and again. And it’s not the same idiots like Chris Masters or Mr. Kennedy (dramatic pause… Kennedy). It’s guys I’ve cared about: Chavo, Regal, Sin Cara (though it looks like they might find a better one because of the first one’s violation). I’m angry at watching wrestlers cut corners.

I’m angry at the unreal expectations the WWE, TNA, AAA (Yeah, I’m going after my sacred cow, too.) have set before their wrestlers. Why is Andy Leavine on juice? Why is Sin Cara? What about Hector Garza? Why did they take 5’3” Rey Misterio Jr. and make him put on weight? He is way ridiculously over his ideal weight for his size. And we wonder why he’s about to get ANOTHER knee surgery? What about Chris Benoit’s and Eddie Guerrero’s abnormal thickness for their heights? Remember when Randy Orton was coming back from surgery and Vince McMahon told him he needed to work out (on national tv)?

I’m angry that nobody seems to be trying to look into the “why.” Nobody seems to care about finding the root cause of “why” wrestlers are using their PED’s. Maybe it’s Body Dismorphic Disorder. Maybe it’s addiction to the adoration of the crowd. Maybe it’s cause they’re young and stupid and think they won’t get caught.

It’s time to change the culture. You can’t just give press lip service and then do what you’ve always done. Be different.

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Biff Zongo: Gorgo the Go-Go Dancer

Fredrik: This is one of my weirdest stories ever. “What the hell is this? This is not even an idea!” I said to myself. I thought that Jan would not like it, but it turned out that it was one of his favourite things to draw. That really makes him the weird guy. I mean coming up with this idea is totally normal. You might even say healthy. But liking it… that’s sick.
Jan: But there’s a go-go dancer, liquor, aliens and a disco ball. How could one NOT like it?

Remakes I Want To See

In a world with few new truly fresh ideas and constantly performing necromancy on classics to pilfer valuable coin from the consumer, why in the world would I want MORE remakes? Well to be honest, normally I wouldn’t, but you see games like Bionic Commando Re-Armed, some of the Ys re-imaginings, Pac-Man Championship Edition, and a number of others and you start to think maybe they’re not so bad after all…if they’re done right.

So enough build up…here are 5 titles I think should be made as remakes/re-imaginings and how they should work.
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All Hail Scruffy!

“Halofest” trailer explains what to expect at PAX.

In honor of Halos 10th anniversary, the “changing of the guards” for the series development and well, fan demand for such an event, Halofest will be occurring soon at PAX. I wont be attending PAX , but for those of you that are making it there, I guess Halofest might be something to put on your “to do list”.  WTF is  Halofest , you may be asking? IGN calls it ” a convention/celebration/bacchanalia of all things Halo”. So if that explanation is not enough for you, and its not enough for me to be honest, why don’t we all take a look at the trailer that has been put up a few days ago about Halofest and see for ourselves, shall we?

[youtube ry3-PRxtYU0 ]

Patman Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Young Bret Hart vs AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkle.

One of the great things about Stampede Wrestling was its inter promotional matches. Many classic encounters took place in Calgary between the Stampede roster and champions from other wrestling territories such as the AWA, NWA, Japan and even other Canadian organizations. Here is a classic encounter out of Stampede Wrestlings rich past thats bound to interest wrestling historians. A young Bret Hart challenges the 4 year world title reign of the legendary AWA heavyweight champion, Nick Bockwinkle. Bret was legitimately injured at this time and, of course, in the early “learning phase” of his career. However that did not stop Bret , the future “best there ever will be” and Nick,who was at the time “the best there was” from putting on a good wrestling match for all the fans. Worth noting is the mention of Davey Boy Smith winning the Stampede light heavyweight title, earlier in that same night.  Worth also noting are the post match interviews by Ed Whalen with Nick Bockwinkle and  “Dr. D” Shultz ,who of course, competed in Stampede for several years. Dr. D also competed in the AWA, NWA, WWF and is most famous for his assault on a reporter who told him wrestling was fake! Enjoy the classic match and I will see you all for another ” ring-a-ding-dong-dandy”, next week!

[youtube XNp1xkXEP60]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Jungle Hunt TI994A

By now, it must be obvious that my personal favorite time in PC gaming history, my “golden era”, is around the 486 to Pentium 1 days. For its time, it was the best era in PC gaming with the advent of CD ROM gaming, my very early 3D graphics cards (if any at all) and my Sound Blaster 16. I believe the best PC games came from that time. However , I will once again go much further back in my PC time machine and yet again visit my childhood games on the TI994A. Games of this era are, obviously, pretty simplistic. But they also hold great memories and are the foundation of all PC games that came afterwards. Jungle Hunt was a pretty cool action/platform game for its time, and I played it a lot. Some levels have you jumping from vine to vine to reach safety, but make no mistake the jumping needed to be timed very well, for each vine moved at different speeds. Other levels have you running, jumping, and lying down to avoid rocks and boulders which will crush you if you are not skillful enough to evade them. Then there are the Alligator infested waters that you must swim across and underneath using only your knife and air supply to fight your way to safety. And finally you find the damsel in distress, who is quickly about to become tonight’s soup of the day, unless you save her from the natives with the big spears that are trying to stop you from rescuing her. Of course, after you do rescue her, you have to repeat the process over and over, with more challenging difficulties and enemies. Jungle Hunt was a very fun game for a more simple time in PC gaming history.

[youtube 2x1mnVfYXCo]

Wonderpod Episode 76

This weeks Wonderpod was a little rough. Glasenator had just returned to college and so the big bad Internet was slapping him around. So we went from three down to two for most of the show. There was nothing Glasenator could do about it and we understand that totally. That did not keep Pat and I from talking about games and grabbing golden skulls along the way.

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Impact Wrestling: 08/18/11

Wow, what a show. In the last little while Impact has managed to defy logic in many ways, from turning Mr. Anderson from face to heel like he’s a bouncing rubber ball… they’ve tossed the championship back and forth, and built up further the feud between Hulk “Can Barely Walk” Hogan and Heath Farley… and it looks like they’re pushing the greenest guy in the roster, Crimson, straight to the moon.

Sigh… Well at least we should get to see Eric Young fight Scott Baio tonight, right? Sorry, no.
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Blue Marine & Land Master Return In Latest StarFox 64 3D Trailer.

Starfox 64 3D is looking pretty slick on the 3DS. Not only is the 3D effect impressive , ok you may have to trust me on that if you don’t own a 3DS to watch the trailers, but  also the visual improvements are  nicely done. Lets take a look at the latest trailer for the game, this time showing off the underwater vehicle , the “Blue Marine” and also the Tank, known as the “Land Master”. Although it would be great to see an all new StarFox title built from the ground up specifically for the 3DS hardware, I still am excited to play this updated 3D remaster when it comes out next month. Hopefully this game will sell well and encourage the big N to make an all new Starfox 64 sequel.

[youtube 45i0SNYpRfo]