Bioshock Infinite Game play Demo

This video pretty much speaks for itself. I knew the next Bioshock was going to an excellent game just from the early screens. This game play demo from E3 seals the deal for me. I see game play elements from the first two wrapped in a brand new setting, which works for me. Obviously this video comes to us from the fine folks at gametrailers

TCR Comix: Google Plus

Lately, the Internet is all abuzz over the newest “Big Thing,” Google Plus. For the uninitiated, Google Plus is Google’s Pepsi to Facebook’s Coke.  The catch is, right now anyway, it’s pretty exclusive; you need to be invited in order to use it.  On top of all of this, for a little while, Google had to cap invites for whatever reason, so there was this air of elitism amongst Google Plus users.  Now that Invites are open again, I’m basically giving them out to anyone who asks.  In conclusion, enjoy this comic!

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Smurfs Episode 4

The last episode of the original smurf comics. I have one or two more one off’s laying around that may get posted. I am still unsure I can do more of these at this point. I am not really sure anyone wants me to either. Screw it, they make me laugh even today the rest of the Internet can go get bent. *Edit* After reading this again, it is one of the few smurfs that the topic still applies. The Internet never changes.

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Video Game Movie We Have ALL Been Waiting For! Space Invaders?

There have been rumors in the past few years of a Halo motion picture with big names like Peter Jackson converting the epic universe to the silver screen. But now movie rumors about Halo need to step aside, because according to the good folks at the Hollywood Reporter, there is a Space Invaders Movie in the works! No, really there is.  Here is what the Hollywood Reporter has to say about the movie. “The classic 1980s arcade game from Taito and Midway, which is ranked as the top arcade game of all time by Guinness World Records, is heading to the big screen courtesy of producers Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Odd Lot Entertainment’s Gigi Pritzker. … now on the hunt for a writer to come up with a story”. Yeah, coming up with a story inspired by the classic video game may be a tad on the challenging side. Wait !  I got it !  How about a movie where waves of simplistic and slow moving space ships in single file , slowly come down towards earth. All the while a tank with a gun on top, umm shoots them one by one , also in single file, before they… umm, land and invade us?  Ok so the story may need some work, but then again when has a video game movie ever had a great story? Keep your movie going eyes peeled for details on the space invaders movie, soon!


Space invaders The Movie , Now in 3D ! Look at the potential!


PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Chris Benoit vs Great Gama Title Match!

Its time once again for another old school classic Stampede Wrestling moment from the PatMan. This time around I am including one of Stampede Wrestlings most talented wrestlers who, like many others, went on to enjoy great Success in the WCW ,WWE and Japan.  Unfortunately, his story did not end with success but rather with horror and shocking acts of brutal crime that I need not remind any of you about. Yes, of course, I am referring to Chris Benoit. Lets look away from his horrific end to life and temporarily concentrate on him at a much younger age where his wrestling was all that mattered. Chris Benoits in ring abilities were very impressive right from the get go, and his obsession with emulating his icon The Dynamite Kid are visible in many of his earlier matches. I have for you today what could very well be Chris Benoits first chance at the taste of a championship belt. His opponent was a very talented grappler by the name of The Great Gama, the mid heavyweight champion and a much more experienced wrestler than young Chris was at the time.  Worth noting in the video is the appearance of Davey Boy Smiths “evil cousin” Jonny Smith who is up to his usual heel antics. Also worth noting later in the video is an in ring interview where another young wrestler destined for success, Flying Brian Pillman , can be quickly seen several times to the left of Chris Benoit. Our very own Audio Master G ,who was actually body slammed by Chris Benoit onto a couch in his childhood back in Calgary may be interested in this classic match as he is the only person I know who took some bumps form him. Maybe he could have given the Great Gama a few tips? If you don’t know that G had encounters with Chris Benoit & Bad News Brown while I took an accidental hit from The British Bulldog & encountered an angry Bret Hart at Safeway, you clearly must download our Stampede Wrestling podcast, found at both and BWF.


PatMan Picks Retro PC Games. Parsec on the Ti994a.

Thus far, I have been basically picking PC games from 486 and Pentium PCs which I  personally and loosely like to call the DOS era or “golden age” of PC games. The truth is, I had been enjoying video games as a child on personal home computers well before then. So, this time around, its an episode of PatMan plays VERY retro PC classics. Im going way back this time, so far back that I may lose most of you with both the personal computer and the game. The game is Parsec and it was for the Ti994a home computer which, more or less, was about as powerful as the latest Texas Instruments calculator that is now on the market. But, for its time it was cool, and the games were great fun and had some of the best visuals and audio around when compared to the games of that time. Parsec was one such game, it was a great space shooter with, for its time, very nice visuals and sounds. And with the speech synthesizer it even had muffled speech capabilities. The game consists of wave after wave of different alien enemy craft, some coming down from the top while others snook up on you from behind. After defeating the various waves of enemies you then encountered an asteroid field which you had to navigate and blast your way out of. Sounds pretty simple, and really it was, but as a kid that didn’t matter after all thats how games were  back then. They were simple and fun. And believe me as the levels progressed, it may have looked simple, but it got more and more difficult. One issue players had to deal with was the lasers overheating on your space craft. And for me, the most challenging part of the game came in the refueling stages where gamers had to make their way in a very tight and unforgiving tunnel in order to fuel up. You did have the option to skip the tunnel, if you thought you had enough fuel and skill to make it to the next one. However, If the player runs out of gas they will crash and die so sooner or later you were forced to go into them. At first I always died in the tight tunnels, but this was due to not knowing that you could manually change the amount your ship would move up and down by pressing on the number keys. Once I figured out how to make very slight movements in those tight tunnels, I could fuel up and enjoy this game for many levels. I will return to the DOS era of retro PC games next week. However for now enjoy a game that helped pave the road to that classic era.

[youtube FZgFAgmJkiE]

Wonderpod Episode 70

Wonderpod is alive and kicking. I wrote this very late last night, as I am magically far away from the keyboard this morning. We gathered together last night and it felt like a dog days of summer show for me. We talked video games, smurf berries and possibly smurfette.

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Impact Wrestling: 07/07/11

Back on Thursdays, is this G here. Yep, another week of craziness bookended by a long weekend up North and down South… which included all the drama of the NHL free agent frenzy. But you don’t care about holidays or hockey, no valued reader. You want to know what happened over in Orlando… and who Sting will emulate, tonight? Hell, I’ll even toss the Power Poll at the end for you!

It is the go-home show before this Sunday’s Destination X PPV.

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New Minecraft Flying Mob?

Hey everyone, time for another Minecraft video.  This time I was just walking around our server when all of a sudden it started to lag real hard and then this showed up.


Funny StarFox Parody Video For Your Long Weekend.

I hope that your all enjoying the various long weekends, Canada Day up here and Independence Day down south. There is a very funny and well made Star Fox parody floating around the internet as of the last few days, so why not check it out while you relax this long weekend. Its worth a look even if your not a big Star Fox fan and pretty hilarious at times if you enjoyed the games back in the past. I hope that you all enjoy yourselves and see you all back at WPO soon!

[youtube ztRBs3riPsA]