Minecraft Diary EP 3

Time for another entry in the minecraft diary series. We last left our stalwart adventurer trying to construct a magical box. What could possibly be in store for us this time out?

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Official News Bulletin: The Glaserton-Snorigim Transcontinental Railroad has been completed.

Late this evening in the small land of Serverville a milestone has been reached in the development of our world.  The ongoing Transcontinental Railroad project has finally been completed.  The enormous project took upwards of 2 weeks to complete, which is equivalent to around 200 Minecraftonian days for you non block heads out there.  A vast pool of resources had to be used to complete the task, with minerals for the tracks coming out of the Glaserton caves, Mount Doom, Ocean Mine, and various generous donations from citizens’ personal mines.  The finished track spans the length of 2 Minecraftonian maps starting from the station in the rainy lake land of Glaserton, then crossing the Glaserton archipelago, after which it crosses Squid Ocean over a soon to be beautiful work in progress suspension bridge by our very own architect jackson12345.  The railroad then weaves it’s way past Mount Doom heading straight towards the Snow Zone and the station in the town of Snorigim.

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Minecraft Plus

I have a keyboard and the ability to type words in sentence format. Everything appears to be in place to write a nice update. Oh wait, something still seems to be missing? Oh right any motivation or feelings of creativity. While not feeling creative or any desire to write is a lame excuse. It is how I have felt in the last couple weeks. I am sure there are millions of readers out in Internet land that were so sad with my absence. Read more »

MPX Scars and Tattoos 7-16-11

So tonight was MPX’s Scars and Tattoos. Right now I’m in reflection mode, but I think this might have been MPX’s best show top to bottom. It was hot. Duh! It’s July in Texas. The crowd was a little out of it because of the heat.
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PatMan Picks Retro PC Games. Earth Worm Jim

Earth Worm Jim is one of my favorite  old school 2D platform games of all time, that didn’t star a plumber searching for a kidnapped Princess. It was a fun, colorful and funny platform title with great gameplay and it was because of its humor and its crazy colorful environments that it had tones of re-playability. Originating on the consoles, specifically the Sega Genesis, Earth Worm Jim can often be mistaken as a console only platform game while the truth is its best version was, ironically on the PC. While I did play the title on consoles it was the PC version with its superior audio and more colorful visuals that was the better version, and that is why it is my pick this week for retro PC classics. One thing I loved about this game was its unique gameplay that included humor when ever possible. Your a worm, in a bionic battle suit, with weapons and abilities that are both cool to play with and funny as hell to watch. Using your worm body as a whip, or at other times as a propeller to slow your fall down was both hilarious and fun at the same time. And the voice acting , sound effects and music were re done and improved for the PC version as it sounded absolutely great running off of CD ROM, something the SNES version could not match. The aiming on the PC version was also superior to console versions as PC gamers could utilize the mouse for much more accurate shooting and faster reaction times. Earth Worm Jim is a classic platform game no matter what system you play it on and there is nothing like sending a cow into orbit, navigating underwater or shooting and platforming your way to the next level in the game. It just happens to be that you can do all this with superior looking colors , better controls and nicer sounds on the classic retro PC version. Its safe to say that the game running on PC back in the day was..” GROOVY” !

[youtube iQLHX2KUdmg]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Jake(Before His Snake) VS Junk Yard Dog (Daddy Ritter)

Welcome to another episode of PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling classics. This week I am going back in time to a point further than I remember actually watching Stampede Wrestling on television as a kid. I don’t know if my fellow Calgary man G was watching the promotion as far back as what is seen in this classic video, but I don’t personally remember actually seeing a lot of Jake Roberts or Big Daddy Ritter competing in Stampede, so its a nice treat to watch them now. As we all know, both men would become very famous wrestlers in the WWF and in other promotions around the world. However, in this video we can clearly see that both men are still in the early stages of their careers, still learning how to “evolve” into the the big super stars that they would eventually become. Worth noting this time around is that Jake Roberts was the current Stampede North American Heavyweight champion while Daddy Ritter ( JYD for most of you) was the former North American champion making this a pretty big match in Stampede for the time. But there was something else on the line in this match that maked it even more special and more interesting for classic wrestling fans. The winner of the match would go on to face the legendary Harley Race, for the world championship title on a future card in a Stampede Wrestling event. It truly was a wonderful time in wrestlings past where world champions form the big organizations would sometimes come to places like Stampede and wrestle in special matches against local territorial champions. See you all on the next PatMan Picks!



Wonderpod Episode 71

This week’s Wonderpod is a little more angry. There was a lot more raging and ranting last night. Mostly from your loyal MP3 herder. Actually there were several old school bits that made a return last night. We did make time to talk video games in between pornville and a distinct lack of pants.

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Impact Wrestling 07/14/11

Hot off the heels of Sunday’s Destination X PPV, Impact Wrestling is set to follow up with something dubbed “A Midsummer’s Nightmare,” or so we’ve been told by Heath Farley last week. For those of you that have already read spoilers… well… let’s just get to this.
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Games That Deserve Mentioning – Episode 1

Since Wikipedia’s a fuckhead, there are some titles I missed. Further, since there were a lot of games that were GREAT that came out certain years, some titles got overlooked that I thoroughly enjoyed and felt needed highlighted. These…are those games. Yeah, no super awesome intro, but it is what it is and I’m sure you’ll agree, these games are bitchin’.
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Gun Sage’s Update About Stuff And Also Things That Nobody Probably Gives Two Shits About But Hey Whatever

I have all kinds of news. Exciting news, bad news, good news, shitty news…all kinds of flavors! Man, where do I even start…well, how about with…
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