Impact Wrestling: 06/16/11

After a break from the Thursday product, I’m back to review another episode of Impact Wrestling. I won’t lie to you, I’m a wee bit tired having stayed up late watching a bunch of idiots in Vancouver riot after the Boston Bruins won game 7 to capture the Stanley Cup. As a hockey fan, and a possibly former supporter of the Canucks, it’s embarrassing. So before I get to reviewing the show, I want to let any non-hockey fan out there know that this is not a normal activity or outcome… albeit some argue that the riots were going to happen regardless of who won that game.

Wrong show… the Saint’s do no go marching in… just the SWAT.

It’s the fallout (New Vegas?) from the Slammiversary IX PPV last Sunday are more or less smarks the 9th anniversary of the TNA/Impact Wrestling’s debut on June 19, 2003. Coincidentally enough, my birthday it that day. Check out Pintnoir’s fantastic review of the event here. Pintnoir covered Impact for the last two weeks and will be resurfacing on Friday for Smackdown! Be sure to check back for all things wrestling on the other blue show.

Now, onto the wrestling! I hope!
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Patman Plays, Spiral Knights. Free To Play First Impressions

Those of you that listen to Wonderpod video game podcast , have played online with me or perhaps have read some of my past post know that one of my mottos in life is “If its FREE, its for ME”. So, when several Free To Play games came out on Steam a little while ago, I  just had to go take a look at them and see what they are all about. I downloaded Spiral Knights from Sega just last night, went through the single player tutorial, played with some semi-annoying randoms and finally hooked up with our very own Glasenator for some co-op action. What do I think of my short time with this free to play game? Read on fine people as I give my initial impressions ,and of course ,post a few colorful in game screen shots that you all like to see. We will be discussing  Free To Play games on the next Wonderpod Video game podcast coming soon, but for now check out my initial impressions on Spiral Knights right here, after the break.

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RPG of the Year – 2004

You think last year was a big year? Ha ha ha! This year, there are 49 games! Madness! Let’s do this thang!
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What The Heck Is “Family Guy Online”?

Found an interesting bit of news this AM  as I was checking out my usual websites and blogs around these fine internets. Apparently, there is some sort of closed beta sing up for something called ” Family Guy Online”. Details are pretty sketchy at the moment aside from an email confirming your in …SOMETHING. The game seems legit as it looks to be endorsed by Twentieth Century Fox and it has its own Facebook page. So what they hell Im going to sign up for it and see what happens. If it turns out to be some sort of Family Guy MMO ,or more likely maybe a new Facebook game, its at least worth a look. I like Family Guy. I like Video games. So maybe it will be something interesting to try out. Anyone else sing up yet?

Child Of Eden Looks Like An Acid Trip Fun Time!

For those of you without a motion controlled video-game device,this may be the first time you have heard of  the shooter called Child Of Eden. For my self, I have been watching it with cautious interest for some time now. It looks absolutely beautiful, albeit  “trippy”. The music and the visuals are really something out of the norm making it potentially something special. Reviewers seem to be liking the title as well . GamePro has given it a 4/5, IGN a  8.5/10 and game informer 8/10 . The only complaint that seems to be going around the internet concerns the games length, clocking in just above the 90 min mark. This seems very low you might be thinking and I tend to agree. However, with a game like this I can easily see myself playing it over and over. Its a concept that many gamers out there have somehow forgotten about, or they are so young and spoiled that they never experienced it. Its called “Re-Playability”. One of the greatest games of all time, Pac-Man was just one maze and the same Ghosts chasing you over and over and over. Yet, gamers played that classic for hours on end,because of its amazing re-playability. I am not saying that Child Of Eden will be in the same legendary category as Pac-Man, however it looks likely that it will have a LOT of re-playability. Check out the trailer for this interesting title that apparently can also be played with a controller, although reviewers prefer Kinect it seems. Looks like a cool game and  great concept for Kinect and although I am not certain that I will personally pick it up for 50 dollars, I can see why many will and that they will be in for a treat. Now, I wonder what  playing this game on drugs would be like??

[youtube 8YhYcIZrMCI]

Slammiversary IX- A review

Its that time of year again for the anniversary show of TNA iMPACT Wrestling.

*Three of those faces are not present can you guess which.

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Crytek Says Next Xbox At E3 2012, Along With Time Splitters 4 !

So, by now we have all had just abut enough E3 news for 2011. Some of you have seen enough trailers, game announcements, twitter comments and “best of moments”. Hell, I am almost fed up with pics of booth babes from E3 2011….ok…. almost I said. So what better for me to do than give you MORE E3 news, right?  Well hold on one second before you send the hate mail my way, im actually talking about E3 2012 here. Thats right, with more than enough  2011 news to talk about for the rest of the year, Eurogamer has released a very strong rumor that the next X-box will be shown off at E3 2012, just next year. According to a “very high raking Crytek employee” who ” let it slip” that they are working on TimeSplitters 4 on the next Xbox and both the game and the new system will be shown off in 2012. So, although no more than a rumor at this point, it seems very plausible considering Nintendo has shown off its new hardware, the Wii U this year.  So if true, thats possibly 2 new hardware systems coming out in the next couple years. Wow. Does the industry really need this? I love new technology and new games, but its going to be  hard on the wallet. Details are non existent at this point and the good folks at Eurogamer are calling this a rumor for good reason. But its not going to surprise anyone when e3 2012 comes around and we get to see the first details on the next X-box. Looks like Halo 4 may be the X-box 360 swan song.

RPG of the Year – 2003

This is a HUGE year. There are 45 games! This is also the first year we’re seeing a mobile game on the list. While you’d think this would make it hard for me to choose, just a simple glance at this list and I can already tell what’s what. Read on to find out!
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BF Basketball Pinata

Everything is going so well in the last few days here at Wonderpod Online. Time for me to come in and ruin the hot streak. How will I do that exactly? Simple by writing about things without pictures or video. That will cool the hot streak right on down as nobody likes walls of text. Well kids being the resident asshole I am about to slap up some walls for you. Read more »

Retropod – Episode 4

No, we are NOT dead actually! Behold, another brand spanking new episode of Retropod! May your loins quiver with excitement and possibly excrement! Enjoy!
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