Why I’m Hopping Mad

I’m veering off topic a little tonight. Usually I talk MMA or wrestling, but tonight I’m going to rant a little bit of what’s on my mind. I hope you all enjoy.

I have thousands of reasons to celebrate. It’s my daughter’s second birthday. (Love you, Baby Girl!) Father’s Day is a week away. We’re taking my father-in-law someplace special (that I’ve never eaten at before, too). My anniversary is two weeks away. (5 years! I love you, Beautiful!)
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Games You May Have Missed This Year. Never Dead

This year at E3 my attention was overwhelmed with fun and awesome 3DS games , I was defending Kinect titles from the “negative ones of the internet” ,optimistically scratching my head over the Wii U and “nerding out” over 2 Halo announcements. In other words, there was a lot to digest. So its no surprise that more than a few games went under the radar for me. Chances are they may have for you as well. I have covered one such game already a few days ago in Rayman, and now I have discovered another. The title is called Never Dead and it is a title that I missed completely this year at E3. Its  from Konami and it has officially stirred my attention. Its art style and its action have me wanting to learn more and it has officially become a game to watch , at least in my opinion. Lets a take a look at it from Konami them selves, via youtube. What does anyone  think ?

Stampede Wrestling Classics. Dynamite Kid& Duke Myers vs Billy Jack Haynes & Bruce Hart

Back by semi popular demand, I welcome you all to another episode of Stampede Wrestling classics. Join me this time around for more classic Ed Whalen commentary, tag team action featuring talented teams who just don’t seem to like each other and one hilariously blind referee. In other words, business as usual in the Stampede promotion back in the day!  Billy Jack Haynes was billed as a “very impressive newcomer” to Stampede Wrestling and ,of course, he would become a big Star in the WWF soon after. And what better a partner for any newcomer in this territory than a Hart brother, namely Bruce Hart. As you know, because you must have listened to or famous Stampede podcast that you can find right on this website, our own Audio Master G was lucky enough to have several of the Harts as substitute school teachers, including Bruce Hart at one point. The amazing growing and shrinking (Vitamin S does the body good when your in the WWF) Dynamite Kid along with ring veteran Duke Myers held the tag team titles, but the didn’t put them up on the line in this match to emphasize that they were the “cowardly bad guys”. Worth noting around the 5 min mark is the crowd hilariously chanting “we want a ref”. Also worth noting is the chaos that breaks out after the match finishes, including “run ins” from The Great Gama and also Davey Boy Smith, who takes a few shots at his future WWF world champion tag team partner. Enjoy the classic action, the fans reactions and the commentary from the late Ed Whalen. See you next week, but in the meantime and in-between time, thats it, another edition of Stampede Wrestling!

A Visual Interpretation of E3 – Microsoft

The crazy week that was E3 is finally over.  If you listened to the podcast there was tons of news to cover.  So I thought it would be nice to look back on the week, but with pictures of course!  I’m starting this little mini series where I’ll draw pictures of how I thought each of the big 3’s press conferences went.  So without further ado let’s look at Microsoft.

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Star Trek vs Star Wars. Which Was The More Nerdy E3 Trailer?

There were a lot cool of E3 trailers this year and as you fine followers of Wonderpodonline.com know, we covered many of them right here for you. But there were 2 that should give hardcore science fiction fans pretty high hopes for the future and a reason to get out of the basement , stop dreaming of sex with green babes and go buy a video game or 2. One such game is for Star Trek, set in what appears to be the rebooted Star Trek universe, whats cool is that  it actually doesn’t look like it sucks, for a change. The other  trailer is an amazing cinematic experience for The Old Republic ,which almost makes me think that the trailers for this title will set the bar way to high for the actual gameplay. Thats when it actually comes out, that is. Were not Yoda, we don’t live to be 900 years old guys, hurry up. All joking aside take a look at these 2 fine E3 trailers and enjoy them on a lazy Saturday night. Check out the cool videos below, after the break.

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PatMan Picks PC Classics. Crusader:No Remorse.

I was introduced to this PC classic by a friend who just “had to show me this cool new game called Crusader”. Boy, I am glad that he did. After watching him paly that day and trying it out myself I knew I had to go out and buy it. Although a shooter at heart, Crusader: No Remorse had a graphical style that was different form the corridor FPS that littered PC hard drives around the world at this time. Set in a 3rd person perspective you have a much larger view of the map that you are exploring so that you can see your enemies, discover the traps and plan your next move. This graphical style really made Crusader stand out from the crowd. If you decided to just blast your way out of these maps like in may other PC shooters, you were in for a sad surprise pretty darn quickly. You had to find and destroy security cameras, jump over land mines, disable alarms, roll away from lazer beams, decide weather to kill enemies or let the unarmed ones live all while searching for hidden items. One thing I loved about this game was the ability to remotely control turrets and armed bots from a distance, which  killed off many enemies before you set foot in that room. Another cool thing about Crusader was at the end of every level, you returned to a ” home-base” where you then proceeded to locate people and talk with them, getting new objectives and new weapons. It was almost like a little bit of RPG elements tossed into this action title and it worked very well for someone like me, who is not a big RPG fan. I use the term “RPG elements” very loosely here. The only minor issue I ever had with Crusader was the “choppiness” of the controls  at times when jumping and rolling out of the way of obstacles. This really became annoying in later levels sometimes. Check out the video below of Crusader No Remorse for more details,and I will see you all next time on PatMan Picks PC Classics !

[youtube BtJ-IA7BWSM]

Wonderpod Episode 67 (E3 Show)

This weeks Wonderpod is a wild episode. We attempt to give you our take on E3 which is always a daunting task. For those of you that didn’t pay attention to the information overload this will be a good listen. Our intent was to give you the run down on the press conference from the big three. Then we delve into games we liked and that type of stuff.

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iMPACT Wrestling 06/09/2011- review

Welcome again to another wonderful Pintnoir Impact review. No declaration of struggling to watch the show, just plain old ‘noir coming to terms with this new direction good and bad.

Bad- Bischoff and Hogan come to the ring, cocky as always as they proclaim that iMPACT Wrestling is now back in better hands minus a “Network Stooge” calling the shots. Bischoff promises to better represent the X Division (sarcasm seeps from his every pore) They then proceed to call out the number one contender, Mr Anderson proceeded by the TNA champion Sting.
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Minecraft Diary Episode 2

Welcome to the second episode of the minecraft diary. When we last left our poor hero he was in a mushroom induced haze, hiding in a squalid cave. Really no different what a lot of hippies experienced at Woodstock. Join him this week to see how his adventure is going.

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Zelda Wii U Demo Running In HD Results In N-Gasm.

The good folks at IGN have a nice video of some time they spent hands on with the Wii U tech demo set in the Zelda universe. Its just a tease for Nintendo fans to be sure, but its the first real new look at a Zelda game running on the new WiiU hardware, so its at the least worth a quick look. You can put the resolution of the youtube video below  up to 720p  but apparently the demo is actually running at full 1080p on the show floor. The video doesn’t not show off a lot of what the WiiU can actually do that  is innovative and fun, which is  bit of a disappointment to be honest, but this first look at Link in HD is still enough to get most Nintendo fans all excited about the future of the Zelda franchise. It sure has me interested.

[youtube =arHNcSMXaBk]