FPS of the Year – 1996

…Fucking hell. I was worried this might happen. Okay, as a general disclaimer, there are some serious BIG games this year…many of which would normally be #1, no problem. I’m confident in my #1, however, especially as it’s my favorite FPS. Yes, as in ever. No shitting. No peaking, now! Read through it, goddammit!
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Fan Rage RPG

The first day back on the job after an injury or an illness is always weird. You tend to think more about what your body is doing. I suppose it’s worse the longer it your recovery takes. I try very hard to put the fact I was really ill for 15 days out of my head and just go. Still not listening to your body isn’t a good idea either. I always try to strike a balance between making sure not to rush back in to work and just end up back at home again. Your going to have to pay me Rajon Rondo money before I play hurt. Never understood the guys who took pride in playing/working hurt. My personal experience tells me that it usually causes more harm than good.

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Retropod – Episode 3

Hold onto your sausages and butter them buns, it’s time for another Retropod! This week we discuss Mario vs. Sonic, the new Mortal Kombat and how it relates to the original series, and various whimsy. Enjoy!
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Discount Bin Reviews: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (DVD)

As a boy growing up in the mid-1980’s, the prospect of a live action Transformers movie would probably have made my head explode. Sure, there was the animated feature Transformers: The Movie, and while entertaining it was more like an extended episode that served to introduce a new slate of characters for the TV series and toys. It wasn’t until I was 30 years old that a live action Transformers movie finally got made. Despite my cynicism with regards to Michael Bay and the robot designs, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It was a major blockbuster worldwide and here we have the 2009 sequel, Revenge of the Fallen, which I missed in theatres and slowly got around to seeing it on DVD. This time however, my cynicism was justified; as this movie is everything I feared the first film would be – bloated, confusing and generally unlikeable.

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“Nintendo On”. Remembering The Best Hoax Of Them All.

Lately, there has been a lot of speculation concerning the next console from the big N. Will it have LCD screens that stream HD content from the games we will be playing? Does it have visuals superior to the PS3?  Are there 2 different controllers for 2 different purposes, one for motion controls  and the other for ” hardcore ” gaming? Is there  no Hard Drive, yet again? Will the LCD screens be 3D like the new 3DS? Honestly, at this point, only a select few lucky developers and the powers that be from Nintendo know the truth about this mysterious system. While there have been pics that are most likely fakes and elaborate hoaxes none of them come close to my favorite Nintendo hoax of them all, the “Nintendo On”. It was jut prior to the announcement of the Wii, and people were expecting a revolution, and the Nintendo On gave some gullible fan boys JUST  what they needed to see to actually consider it as possibly a real system. This hoax was so well done that Nintendo was actually searching for the maker of this video to offer him her a job in their marketing department. So, at a time where we are getting all sorts of ” info” about the latest Nintendo console, take the time to go back and remember that even the greatest info leaks are usually hoaxes. And the Nintendo On is my favorite hoax of them all.

[youtube 61G07Z8aqlw]

Power Poll 6/5/11… or so.

The title will be the only sarcastic line. I’ll keep voting, and look at this is a relative position for a while. And that might be for the best as I roll through the most demanding time of the year for my work. So let’s get positive, and check out the results!

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Kill Osama Bin Laden In This Free Publicity Seeking Videogame Game, If You Want. I Guess.

So there is a level just recently released in some old FPS that I have never heard of centering on hunting down Bin Laden. “The Death of Osama bin Laden” is its title, to be exact. And now, apparently, they have ” recreated” the final assault for all to experience. From the video below well, it doesnt look like a very well made and probably not very accurate recreation of the events. However, if you feel the need to give this a shot, or perhaps a double tap shot to Osamas head, its free to download. You can see the video right here below and decide for your self if its something you want to play for free or if its a classless publicity stunt for the developers. In either case  from the footage  below, I don’t see it as being really any fun to be perfectly honest. The good people at Kotaku have more details for anyone actually interested in them. Check out Kuma games, if you want to download it.


[youtube TriSrIBe1Dg]

Wonderpod Episode 62

Wonderpod episode 62 is ready for you fine people. This week we the show is split in half. By that I mean the first half is a great show for everybody as it covers our standard stuff. The second half of the show deals with the Sony/PSN incident or incidents. So you can pick and chose which chunks of the show you wish to listen to.

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iMPACT 05/05/11: RIP His Pal?

The build to TNA Sacrifice continues… or so I’m told. I’m not sure how many people order the PPV’s, after all. Nonetheless, this is the first taped episode since we saw Obama use Hogan’s Real American theme song on Saturday’s event, and the declaration that Osama is dead. Theoretically, TNA iMPACT has lots of news worthy stuff they can use to stroke Hogan’s ego. I hear they are also no longer called TNA either…. or so they say… let’s find out, shall we?
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Brawler of the Year – 1995

This was a slow and therefore REALLY easy year to choose for brawlers.
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