Zelda 3D: Now With 2D Trailer

Normally I don’t touch the Nintendo stuff around here. That has clearly been defined as the domain of PatMan and Glasenator. They are the people you see for all things Nintendo.  My original reason for watching this trailer was the 3D/2D thing.  How would footage from a 3D game look in 2D.  Pretty damn good actually, which was a little surprising. Don’t believe me then check it out for yourself.


It’s May the 4th, a day my generation has designated Star Wars Day, because it sounds like “May The Force (Be With You).”  It’s a wonderful day for hipster buttplugs and otherwise uninteresting people to look nerd-cool by pretending they like Star Wars.  For real fans such as myself, it runs the gamut of Embarassing to ‘A Day of Mourning.’  In any event, here’s a comic I drew about Star Wars last year.  Please read it!

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Hockey Bin Laden

I really had no intention of writing anything today. I am buried under so much offline work, that it just wasn’t a priority. Then the never ending virus I have contracted decided I needed to be tired and grumpy today. So after doing a few hours work and reading some things I have obviously changed my mind. Let’s get right into it before anything else happens to piss me off.

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Wii don’t need a hard drive…again? Wii 2 specs lack HardDrive?

Sources at Kotaku and other web sites such as 1-up.com  are suggesting that the new Nintendo hardware, call it the Wii 2, Project Stream, or Cafe it doesn’t really matter at this point, will NOT have a Hard drive storage solution to match the X-box 360 or the PS3. It is suggested that the Wii 2 will offer 8GB of internal  flash-based storage instead of a hard drive. This seems to me to be a mistake based on what we know as current generation HD consoles. With such a relatively small amount of storage space  installing games , playing HD movies, downloading massive amounts of retro Nintendo classics and well doing may of the things the current HD consoles can do will not be an option for the Wii2. Of course, these specs can and often DO change in the time span of an entire year. We also know nothing of the “next big thing” from Nintendos Wii 2. Perhaps the  highly rumored streaming LCD controllers will make up for the lack of storage and we as gamers will be playing the next Nintendo system in all new innovative ways, making the lack of HD space irrelevant.  However, for now, it does seem silly that the next big thing in videogames, one that is rumored to be taking back the lost Nintendo hardcore market and one that out preforming the PS3 will be no problem, does not have a hard drive. As with all the wii2 news as of late, it is not 100% confirmed so, hopefully things will change in the next year as far as hardware specs are concerned, or the system will be so innovative that we wont even notice a hard drive absence. But for now, if true, count me as initially displeased.


Will cool controllers make up for no Hard Drive ?

Not so Incredible

There is a topic that I need to talk about, but I will start by talking about something not so incredible. Raw last night was pretty bad. It was centered around somebody who wasn’t a major character-The Rock. All it does is show the wrestling world how little they have in John Cena. There were some good moments. Kharma (“Awesome Kong”) is money for the WWE if they do it right. The feud is ready-made with her and Kelly Kelly. And while I still think of Kelly Kelly as the girl who couldn’t unhook her bra on the first ECW on Sci-Fi show, it should be a really strong feud. Mason Ryan (“Matista”) looked like a million bucks last night. I see him being money; just don’t ask him to take a piss test. Great Khali in the tooth fairy outfit was awesome. This is entertainment. If you want to see pure wrestling, go find Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate USA or some other promotion.

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FPS of the Year – 1995

This is a big year, no lie. I won’t say it’s the biggest year, but holy damn. Even still, a lot of titles doesn’t mean a lot of good games, so…well, let’s just get into it.
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D&D Daggerdale

Another  game trailer morning.  I need to be getting the heck out of dodge this morning, so no time for the rambling. This mornings trailer comes from Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale.  An RPG that audiomaster G was telling us about on Facebook a couple months ago. Four player dungeon brawler is what this appears to be,, which will be fun. The question become’s can you also play it single player or not. If so then it’s a safe bet I will purchase it.  The trailer is dealing with story of the game, as usual I got it from our buddies at gametrailers.

Something A Little Different

I am sitting here trying to decide what to write. Which is a little odd for me as I normally just let it pour out and clean up afterward. I like to think of these posts as my one chance to just ramble about what I want and let the audience decide what to make of it. Today I took great care with my tone and words. I did my damnedest to make sure I am clear on what I write today is something I can look back on years from now and still feel strongly about.

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Scruffy in “G is for Girls”

PatMan Plays : Mario Kart DS

Nintendo is not well known for its racing games. As a matter of fact, there are only two racing series that come to mind that Nintendo fans can gloat about to non-Nintendo system owners. The first is F-Zero, a hyper fast sci-fi racer that will make you enter elliptic shock faster than you can say “Pokemon cartoon Lawsuit”. The second is Mario Kart, a super fun Kart racer with almost cocaine like addictive multiplayer possibilities. Way back when Nintendo executives decided to put Mario and friends behind the wheel of a go-kart, they bet heavily on the side scrolling plumbers’ popularity to sell this all-new racing series. And boy, was their bet was right on the money. But even the greediest Nintendo executive probably was not expecting the massive popularity that would emerge from this series over the years. Mario Kart has been a best seller since day one on the mode-7 graphic SNES right through the N64 when it jumped to 3D graphics ,then on to the Gamecube with Double Dash and even on the Wii. And now, gamers such as myself look forward to the latest version coming soon to the 3DS with great anticipation. But I am not discussing any of these Mario Kart games today . I am reviewing what I believe to be the best of the series, thus far. Nintendo has perhaps created, for its time, the ultimate Mario Kart experience to date on the Nintendo DS handheld system.

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