Kinect. Fastest selling consumer device. “Super-Hardcore” gamers, get over it.

According to, well a bunch of sources, including The Guinness Book of World records, Microsoft and many a video game website, Kinect has surprised us all as it has now become the “fastest selling consumer device in a 60 day period”. Thats right, fastest ever. Apparently, Kinect has sold more than the iPad or even  the Nintendo DS, well at least in its very early few months of release last year, that is. Lets not get that carried away Microsoft. Still, I for one am very surprised with its initial success, its a great fun little gaming peripheral don’t get me wrong, but I never expected it to catch on so fast, so soon. Especially with the acceptable but not great software line up that it currently has. Those of you that listen to our video game podcast, Wonderpod, know very well that I had the opportunity to use and test Kinect for many months before it was released to the public at launch. Thus I knew its potential and how cool the little device really is, but I just didn’t foresee it catching on like it has.

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Dragon Age Hippie Lights

Hump day has returned as it does every week. Be sure to go out and hump someone before the day is over. Makes sure it is consensual humping, I don’t need to get blamed for causing a bunch of rapes. I am sure Wednesday got it’s nick name for other reasons, but the idea of a scheduled day for humping is amusing to me. Okay everyone in the world you are allowed to hump on Wednesday and Wednesday only. Wanking is acceptable the other six days. Mutual wanking is frowned upon, but not illegal. Now to try and make the transition from that brilliant opener.

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WWE RAW Reflections: 08/03/2011

-Jesus tapdancing CHRIST, how long has it been?  I honestly cannot remember the last time I did this.  5 Months?  Six?  Shit, I’m sorry, guys.  If you REALLY want an explanation, I’ll give it to you:  A few months ago, I started working Tuesdays.  And then, X-Mas hit, and my time to do ANYTHING creative was eaten up.  HOWEVER, with WrusselMunya 27 looming in the horizon, better now than ever to start up your favourite wrestling Internet-thing!
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My Take On Hackers

I was trawling the internet for podcast news this morning and came across this story.Sony has won a decision in it’s never ending case against hacker George Hotz. While the decision is a little scary, that isn’t why the story caused me to post. I saw a commenter make a claim that I just couldn’t pass on talking about. So instead of trying to force feed the Wonderpod audience information I think is important, I will write about it. Makes me the nicest man on the planet and I deserve a cookie for it.

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PUCK YOU! 2.3: Post-Trade-Deadline Analysis.


Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned for another installment, and this time we address the deals made on trade deadline day. This is the last stretch of the regular season and these moves could possibly make or break a team’s aim at making the post season. This year, the race is incredibly close (especially in the Western Conference). Let’s see what the crew’s thoughts are, shall we?
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RPG of the Year – 1997

There are only 13 games, but I assure you, these are some BIG games. The other titles are massively overshadowed by the top 5 since the rest range from okay to completely fucking sucks. I would honestly call this the most bipolar year, because you either played a game that was totally awesome or you didn’t and there was very little middle ground.
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Video Tuesday: Broken Alarm

For some bloody reason, my alarm didn’t go off this morning. So I am now an hour behind and not very happy. So another crappy Tuesday for me means funky video for you.  A trailer for the game Alice: Madness Returns, the trailer is slightly twisted. I have been paying a little attention to this game.  It has the appearance of being quite nuts and may talk me in to buying it.  Check out the trailer for yourself.

TCR Comix: The Lifespan Of The Average North American Woman, As Depicted On Facebook

Hey, how’s it going! Lately, The Internet has had this massive erection for the drug-addled antics of one Charlie Sheen.  Apparently, everyone remembered that he’s a remorseless drug addict, and he’s SO FRIGGIN’ FUNNY!  I hope Charlie enjoys this additional 5 minutes of fame, before The Internet loses interest and moves on to the next meme.

IN CASE you haven’t guessed, the whole thing has put me in a crotchety, “I HATE THE INTERNET” mood!  Couple that with a long standing theory I have had (and shared with the ‘Lil Woman’) that I have just finalized and am now ready to share, I bring you the newest installment in my world-famous series of charts, The Lifespan of the Average North American Woman, As Depicted On Facebook!

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DVD Review: Eyes Of The Mothman

I have a confession to make.  I have a slight interest in the Paranormal.  I know, I know, it’s probably a HUGE shock to you, my faithful followers, but I do love the Paranormal.  I own every single DVD set released by Unsolved Mysteries.  I own the entire series of “A Haunting,” including its two pilot episodes.  Hell, one of the first books I had ever read was Mysteries of the Unexplained, a Reader’s Digest anthology of little snippets of paranormal stores.  I just enjoy this stuff so much.

One of my favourite veins of the Paranormal is Cryptozoology.  MONSTERS!!  Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, the Mongolian Death Worm, all good stuff.  Whether it’s real or not, I really could care less.  There’s one Crypto, though, that grabbed my interest immediately, and is near and dear to my heart.  Hell, he’s one of the stars of my comic series.  The plucky, red-eyed anti-hero, the Mothman!  And, it was through this fandom of The Mothman, that I came in possession of a screener copy of an independent documentary, The Eyes of the Mothman.  I was approached to review this DVD, based on my apparent interest in the subject matter, a request that has since provoked me to add the title “Paranormal Expert” to the list of things I call myself.

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Bellator 36 Preview

I’m trying to do this Bellator preview thing. I’m no expert, but if you’re an MMA fan, go out to Shreveport or try to watch on tv. Even if you’re not into MMA, give this a shot. These should be some great fights and a reason to watch.

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