Through The Wurm Hole (Part 8)


I feel uneasy as I walk to Maria’s home. I am not sure what is causing the sensation. While Maria is stern, she is never cruel or unjust. In fact on most days she has displayed a marvelous gift for humor and warmth. My thoughts turn to what she could want to talk to me about. I have lived here in the village for eight months now. I just hope she does not try to dissuade me from going to Mountain Shadow. Just as that thought left my mind I reached the door of her impressive keep. I was ushered in to the main chamber and told to wait.
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PatMan Plays Ryse Son Of Rome.


What IS going on people? PatMan is back with another Xbox One game-play video. This time I am playing the early levels of Ryse Son Of Rome. This game had a bad development history as it originally started off as a Kintect 1.0 title for the 360. It was then canned and moved to the Xbox One, and then it lost the motion controls altogether. So, with a development history like that I was a little apprehensive about buying this game at full price. So I didn’t. But I did get my hands on it last weekend and I have to say that I am presently surprised with the game.  It may not be a game of the year contender, but with its great visuals and gory combat, its better than I expected. The controls are a bit clunky, but playing in the age of Rome is pretty cool. Check out some very early game play footage, maybe if I have time this weekend I will stream some game play. Till then, I will see you all on the flip side!



The Wolf Among Us – A Crooked Mile

The calm before the storm.

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Fulgore Returns In Killer Instinct.

The final content for season one of KI is here. The poster boy for the KI franchise, Fulgore has returned along with an arcade mode . For $19.99 you can download every character, game play mode, stage and retro costume in the season. A very good deal considering that you only pay one third the price of a retail fighting game. KI may not have a story mode, but it never did to be honest, and its roster is smaller than most modern fighters, but whats there is awesome for its low price tag. Check out some footage of me trying to figure out how to play as Fulgore on the first day he came out.  See you all on the flip side!

Wonderpod Episode 202

Wonderpod is brand new and running wild. This week the crew discusses three separate areas of interest. One of which we only tackle once a year. The other two are long standing favorites of the crew. Feels like the type of show that has something for everyone. Give it a listen and let us know if it was.
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Wonderpod Episode 201

This week on Wonderpod. We go back to recording in a dark broom closet. There will be live shows in the future and we discuss the details. We cover some hardware news and more on this episode. Kind of cleaning out what we didn’t cover last week. We are using a new version of our audio recorder so there is a little audio wonk this week. Enjoy the show!
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Wonderpod Episode 200

Wonderpod has reached episode 200. We did something new and went all the way live. Normally we sit in a quiet Skype call and record. This show was all over the place. A little normal and a lot of nostalgia. The crew feels good reaching this mark. Warning the audio goes a little crazy from time to time. Doing something new always throws you a curve. We may try broadcasting live again in the future.
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Persona 4 Golden

The reason to own a Vita. Read more »

Wonderpod Episode 199

Wonderpod has rolled into the station at stop 199. We stand on the precipice of our 200th episode. Speaking of that next week we will do the show 100 percent live. Further details on the where and when are coming this Monday. We will hope you join us for the live show. This week we talk some movies, video games and hardware.
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More Titanfall. PatMan Plays.

What IS going on people?  I have had some more time to play Titanfall, and by using the simple ” Xbox Record that” voice command along with Upload Studios, I have put together another game play video.  I am really enjoying the time I get with this title. But no matter how great the multi player is, and it is pretty great,  that is still no excuse of not having more content. Especially at full retail price. Anyways, check this video out, its me kicking ass and also getting my ass kicked in the thick of the action.  I will see you all on the flip side!