PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Crazy Taxi.

Remember playing Crazy Taxi back in the good old days of video game arcades?  Well how about giving this classic and fun racing game a spin on the iPhone, for absolutely free. To promote the upcoming new Crazy Taxi game, SEGA has dropped the price down on the original to ,well, FREE. So check out the trailer below and relive some retro fun, or if you lived under a rock and never heard of this game, now is the chance to experience it. You need to get downloading because after March 19, it wont be free for the picking anymore.  I will be playing quick burst of Crazy Taxi on my iPhone in-between rounds of Titanfall. See you all on the flip-side!

PatMan Plays Titanfall. First Few Days.

Titanfall has finally arrived and I had the chance to play some of it over the last few days on my Xbox One. Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last little while you know the game is good. As a matter of fact, I think it is more than good, it is very good and very fun. It does lack a single player mode, and that is noticeable, however what IS there is very fun to play. So, take a look at some random video of me playing Titanfall below and I will see you all on the flip side.

Wonderpod Episode 198

We are back to a three man crew for this week. Gunsage has scheduling conflicts so he unable to join us for the time being. He will be feeding us questions to answer starting next week. This weeks show is a little games and a little movies. Oh, and an wonderpod classic returns
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Through The Wurm Hole (Part 7)


My mind is made up, I am preparing to make a journey to Mountain Shadow. When I informed Maria of my decision she seemed more amused than concerned. She informed me that my home would be left open should I decide to return. I refused to let her odd reaction deter me from my goal. The biggest problem I have now is my transportation. I was still not ready to attempt the trip on horseback, that much was clear.
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The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode Two

Does it pick up after a rather uninspiring first episode? Read more »

PatMan Plays Project Spark. User Game Creations .


I am having a good time exploring the Project Spark Beta, and as seen in my previous video from yesterday, I have been playing around a little bit with creating stuff of my own. But I have not yet attempted to make an entire creation, or game if you prefer, by myself yet. What I have been doing is checking out existing community users projects and games that already exist. You see, in Project Spark you can enter these games and play them. Not only that, you can also modify them and make them what ever you want them to be, if you so desire.  You can be a player, a creator, a modifier or all of the above in Project Spark, and its pretty cool. So far I have just been checking out the user creations and not modifying them. They are Hit or Miss as far as quality goes, but fortunatly, there is a voting system that helped me to figure out what to give a try. I ” played” in a lot of different creations.  Games inspired by LOTR, Zelda, Tetris and more. Plus some random FPS games and even 2D side scroller. The funniest one was a creation named “Just Waiting For Titanfall”, where all the game has is a massive ” titan” falling from the sky.  Below are a few of the user games I played in.  If I have time  in the next few days, maybe I will try and make a creation of my own. Then again, Titanfall drops on Tuesday so there might go that idea. See you all on the flip-side. !


PatMan Plays Project Spark. Starting Out In The Beta.

I am in yet another beta for yet another anticipated Xbox One title that I have been interested in for some time now. First it was the Titanfall beta, now Project Spark. I have to admit that while I understand the allure of games that allow you to build things, titles such as Wurm or Minecraft,  I just don’t have the time nor the patience required to actually play games such as those. That is where Project Spark comes in handy. It allows players to create worlds with all sorts of characters , environments and buildings. But it allows them to do it at a much more fast pace. Now this video actually does not show me creating an entire game world, but it does show my first few mins in a cool mode that can almost be compared to a “choose your own adventure game” where you choose what to make and choose where to put it in your very own, custom game world.  I look forward to checking out and playing IN other user made games tonight. I have seen some Zelda inspired games, 2D platform games and even a FPS game. Maybe I will post some footage of them later on, but for now, check out some early beta footage below and I will see you all on the flip side!

Smackdown 03/07/14

In all fairness, I could give two shits about tonight’s episode. But here goes nothing. Too late to get someone else to do it.
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Wonderpod Episode 197

Wonderpod is all new this week. I have no clue how to condense this episode into a short introduction. Things started off wrong and just went wild from there. There is a chunk of this show that is going into a top-secret storage bunker. Stored between the arc of the covenant and Half-life 3. We will never speak of that dark moment again.
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Through The Wurm Hole (part 6)


For the last few weeks I have honed my hunting skills. In doing so my adeptness with a sword and shield have grown tremendously. I bring more meat into the village than Mickie can easily use in a week. Beyond that, I have continued my study in carpentry and masonry. I find building to be a natural fit for me. Soon I may take on learning more fine skills when it comes to carpentry. Like furniture and barrel making. It feels wonderful to no longer be useless. My confidence has improved vastly since the fateful hunting trip
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