MMO Dorking (Wurm Online)

This time around for an MMO Dorking video, I decided to go with Wurm Online. A game I have played for over a year. The video is a tour of my main deed Rownsburg. You will get an overview of what a deed is like and how much I have managed to improve the place. Video quality may be a little wonky and I apologize. The edit was a battle this time around. Personally I blame java. Enjoy the tour

PatMan Plays Strider Part 2.

The temperature has dropped below -25C today and that can mean only one thing. Stay at home and play video games! Well, at lest after everyone has gone to bed that is. I am back with more Strider game-play footage taken directly from my X-Box One. Strider is a great action platform game from the past that I have only personally discovered now, all these years later. However, like many of those classic games of yesteryear, it can become frustrating and darn right hard at times. I have to wonder, am I just getting old and are my reflexes getting slow? Or, have games become way too easy as of late and do they just hold your hand all the way to the end ?  Or maybe it is just a bit of both?  Anyways, check out the footage below and I will see you all on the flip side!

Smackdown 02/28/14

This doesn’t look like the Olympics. There is no way this is Assassin’s Creed 4. I am fairly certain this is not hockey, so what in the hell is this insufferable crap on my television? Sigh, god damn Smackdown time, here we go… wee?

Hopping time…

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PatMan Plays Strider. Xbox One.

I have played more than my fair share of action /platformers in my game past. Yet I have never played Strider. That is until last week.  And, for the relatively inexpensive price of 14.99, I am enjoying this title very much.  The game has that classic old school feel to it while also having a great new ” HD paint job” to enhance its visuals and overall atmosphere.  Unfortunately ,I don’t have any of those great nostalgic feelings when playing Strider, because as mentioned, I never played it in the past. However, at the same time, I am experiencing a great fun game form the past all these years later, for the very first time. And that in its self is very cool. Check out some game-play footage of me playing on Xbox One, and I will see you all on the flip side!

Wonderpod Episode 196

Wonderpod rotates to a four man unit this week. There was a great audible slash quick change in this episode. Might have been comedy gold or comedy crap. That is the great thing about the show. Everybody can listen and decide from themselves. Some gaming and some movies make up the bulk of the show
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Through The Wurm Hole (part 5)


It all seemed so simple. Walk around close to the hunting lodge and find another rat. On top of a small hill I could see two rats a distance away and a wild boar closer to me. In retrospect that the boar ignored my presence should have been a clue. In my head I thought about how easy pigs in the village were to kill. I figured a wild boar couldn’t be much harder. I ran, my sword held high at the boar and took a mighty swing
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Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

About as good as you would think a handheld Arkham Origins would be.
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PatMan Picks Free iOS Games. Dead Effect

With all the recent Titanfall beta love and my weekend obsessions with Killer Instinct, it has been a  while since I have looked at the iOS game market. My XBox One has completely dominated my small window of gaming time, and rightfully so as its a great new system to have. But, that will be changing, if only for a few days. Dead Effect, a zombie sci-fi killing fest, has gone free on iOS. As usual these free deals don’t last more than a few days, so get downloading. I know what you are thinking, ”  Yippee,another Zombie game?” and you are  kind of right. But, its a very nice looking one and it is fun enough for the FREE price tag it has at the moment. So, go download it and play some free iPhone games this weekend. Below is a trailer of the game for you to watch as you wait for it to download on your i device. Happy Zombie killing and I will see you all on the flip-side!


Smacktrack Speedskating 02/21/14

Well, it’s official. Bieber is now the US’s problem. Good. Now people who follow the show on Sunday know that we talk a bit of hockey, and myself and the US gents have a rivalry. Granted, the Canadians beat the US for Gold in women’s hockey, and ousted the men. But both games were great and close. Also, by the time Sunday rolls around, I’ll still be watching the game likely when the show starts. So I’ll smell yeah a little later on it. Let’s get through Smackdown and off to Sunday’s PPV, shall we?

Hopping time…

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Wonderpod Episode 195

Three dude’s recording in a canoe. Okay so that didn’t happen on this week’s Wonderpod, but wouldn’t it be cool. We gathered together last night and banged out a brand new episode. The internet gods were with us this week. So everything is back to as normal as we get.
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