Through The Wurm Hole (Part 4)


I would love to tell you the morning of my first hunt dawned bright and clear. That is how all supposed epic events started in books. Nothing could have been further from the truth in my case. I awoke to clouds and light rain as I made my way to Ephraim’s house on the far side of the village. He was ready to go with horses hitched to a cart. I climbed aboard and off through the village we went.
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The Wolf Among Us – Smoke and Mirrors

Does it build upon the amazing first episode or should we send this series to the farm? Read more »

MMO Dorking (Dragons Prophet)

Time for another random MMO video. Dragons Prophet from SOE is a free to play game. Like Star Wars it took me a couple runs to get interested in the game. Oh who am I kidding, any game that lets you ride a dragon in the first twenty minutes is awesome. Seriously, no waiting to level whatever for a mount you can capture one at like level 5. Then keep capturing them as you go. Anyway the video shows a taste of combat and me dork flying around.

The Elder Scrolls Online Beta (thoughts)

I finally feel comfortable with talking about my time in The Elder Scrolls Online beta. The fact that the NDA recently got dropped is one reason. The second and most important reason is I was able to get my own thought’s in order. As ESO really provoked a different kind of response from me than an MMO normally would.
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MMO Dorking (SWTOR)

This weekend I spent a decent amount of time playing two different MMO’s. One was Star Wars The Old Republic and the other was Dragons Prophet. This video comes from SWTOR and gives you a brief look at combat and mission running. I even through in a little of the cut scene stuff from when I was wrapping up missions. I was not to hot on SWTOR during beta or the first time I played it after launch. This time around playing as a smuggler/gunslinger I am having a lot of fun. So expect a couple more videos as I run through the game.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (trailer)

On Friday here in North America the new installment of Donkey Kong Country will be released. The game is set to launch on the Wii U and I have to say it looks great. What appealed to me even more was the music. Which is interesting given how little I normally pay attention to game music. Giving the trailer a look is worth it for the music alone. I know we got a few Wii U owners in the crew. Any of you planning on picking up Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze? Man that name is long.

PatMan Plays Titanfall Beta. Day 2. New Game type.

I have had a little more time with the Titanfall Beta and I am enjoying it even more than last night. I played a different game type today and it will probably become my favorite.  It is based on the classic Battlefield game type of taking positions and defending them. The more positions you have, the better off your team will be. Of course, there is plenty of death match like action to be had as well along with the bit of strategy. The best way to describe Titanfall for those who have not played it is a follows.  If you are in a Titan, the game plays like a very fast paced, modern version, cross between Terra Nova and Mechwarrior. If you are playing on foot, the game feels like a much more smooth combination of COD, Crysis and a little dash of Halo. Maybe it is me, but the hit detection on foot is very impressive and accurate, while in the Titans  it is less so. But then again, this is a beta not a final product. Even though Titanfall should have a single player mode and does not, after playing the beta I am pretty certian that I will be spending my Valentines day gift card of MS points ( or is it MS money now?) on downloading Titanfall on March 11th. Respawn is lucky that they came out of the gate first with this New Gen shooter. They will, probably, get away with not having a single player story mode. If Gears Of War or Halo 5 were already out, with more content for new gen gamers to digest, I don’t think they would have the same sales they will have in March. New Gen gamers are “starved” for a shooter and Titanfall is a very good one, even without a single player mode.  Check out my video of day 2 playing the beta below.

PatMan Plays. Titanfall Beta.

When I got my hands on a code for the Titanfall Beta this morning I was eager to give this hyped up shooter a shot . Of course, family weekend activities took precedence over a video game beta and I had to wait until tonight to dive in. Or should I say “fall” in?  Silly pun aside, what do I think of Titanfall? Well I do like it. It is fun. It is very fast and very smooth . The hit detection is very good and there’s a lot going on both horizontally and vertically on the battlefield. It is not the next big step for shooters, but it does combine many great elements of previous online shooters  very well. I enjoyed playing both as a Titan pilot and also as a foot soldier. And, they do play differently. Early in I am currently much better on foot than controlling a mech. I recorded some random footage of the beta as I played, so check it out below. It’s too early to give any major impressions and, of course it’s only a beta, so its a work in progress. But with the quality of game play and the lack of new games on next gen systems, I am thinking long and hard about getting Titanfall when it launches.

Through The Wurm Hole (Part 3)


Today the Maria’s expedition returned to the village. Outside of gathering supplies they brought news as well. It appears that several smaller settlements have been destroyed. All of them fairly close to Arcana. Interestingly the man who brought me here returned with the rest. I was finally able to thank him for saving me that day. He owned a settlement named Mountain Shadow and I was welcome there anytime. He followed Maria and they seemed nervous about something. I went straight to Ephraim’s house to discuss the work he had for me.
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Smackdownhill Slalom 02/14/14

More Olympics, less road to WrestleMania. Blah blah blah, maybe something will make me stop and hit play…. TONIGHT?!?!

Hopping time…

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