Wonderpod Episode 161

This week on Wonderpod. It is the week before E3. So we scrapped together some topics concerning the big event. It’s kind of a preview podcast, but not exactly. There is a lot of joking around and not many bold predictions or analysis. We do manage to give our thoughts on what we want to see and what we actually expect to see at E3 next week.
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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 76

Mary had a little lamb…

G fails to appear for the first half of the show, leaving the rest of the crew to wonder whether or not the 75 week appearance streak would end.  JT fills in for him in his absence while we relive what happened on wrestling television this week.  After the break song, picked by Jorge, G returns for the news, as Joe defends himself from Ustream commenters insisting he does whatever WWE tells him to do.  It’s a claim Joe denies despite tweeting while watching the WWE App during SmackDown on Friday.  In the news, we hear of Hogan’s horrific injury, mourn the loss of Hector Garza, and get a detailed report from our dear friend Benson about the fan brawl during RAW.  Find out what happens when you call Bully Ray a “mediocre athlete.”  Has WWE been reading BWF?  Joe ponders this as news of an animated Flintstones movie featuring WWE stars makes it’s way through the offices.  Meanwhile, the crew attempts to uncover the identity of the mysterious “Mavenfan.”  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 76 (MP3, 2:20:32)

Today’s break song was “Jigolo Han Megiddo” by Ghost B.C.  Buy it here!

You can tune in to BoredWrestlingFan Radio live every Sunday afternoon at 2PM Eastern time on Ustream.

Smackdown 05/31/13

Tonight, Smackdown hails from my city of birth, the mean streets of Edmonton. A place ravaged by gang warefare between Polar Bears and Steve. You know, Steve? Everyone knows Steve. He’s a tough dude. Saw him wear shorts in July once, in three feet of snow. There’s a statue of Jericho there too, inventor of Canada. In Canada, we all hop. Do you hop? You should.

Why wear wrestling gear when going anarchist?

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Wonderpod Episode 160

This week on Wonderpod. Down a man and still recovering from the Xbox One aftermath. So outside of what we’ve been playing. We didn’t talk gaming this week. We wandered between tech, movies and T.V. Always nice to switch things up from time to time. As always enjoy the show and we will see you next week.
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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 75


BoredWrestlingFan Radio live moves to Ustream with Episode 75.  Jorge is absent, leaving Joe, G, and JT to their own devices.  Wrestling television, including WWE Extreme Rules, is talked about.  That Damn Double C chimes in on some of the news via infiltration of our internal documents.  The Daily Show reveals why G’s SmackDown reviews are always so… entertaining.  In the news, we find out what Sunny was up to during her time in jail.  We find out if there really are any political aspirations for Kane.  We tell you where you can watch Bret Hart Appreciation night after RAW.  We tell you what happened when Jerry “The King” Lawler returned to the ring after his heart attack.  Who is Suicide?  Where are the released NXT talents?  How is The Rock?  All this and much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 75 (MP3, 1:57:34)

This week’s break song is “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi.  Buy it here!

Don’t want to wait for a podcast?  Catch BWF Radio LIVE every Sunday at 2PM Eastern on Ustream.

Smackdown 05/24/13

Can I be frank for a minute? JT is seen in my preamble holding up a sign that says, “No, your name is ‘G’, brother, dude.”

Fine. Look. On May 21st, Steve Wilhite, inventor of the GIF file format won The Life Time Achievement Webby Award on May 21 for giving the gift of the GIF to the world. He also settled the long time debate on how to pronounce the word associated with the format.

The Dude who invented it says it’s a soft “G”. Asshole’s calling me “soft”?

Or as he would nicely put it, “Choosy programmers choose ‘jif’.” So for all those whining and complaining that they have been wrong all along, deal with it. Just learn to speak properly. I can’t believe there is internet outrage over this. Un-fucking-believable.

And one more thing… There is also confusion on how to pronunciate the internet term, “Meme.”

Smarten up. It rhymes with “cream.” I have no clue why some people think it sounds like “Them,” or “B.B.“.

This is all more important than more normal preamble, actually. Hit the jump. Hopping time.

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Wonderpod Episode 159

Time for this week’s Wonderpod. As your humble post scribbler, I suspect you can guess what we talked about this week. We run through everything and anything connected to the Xbox 1 and it’s reveal on Tuesday. Going through this reveal and the reaction was maddening for all of us. We did our best to boil it all down and give you our take on the entire thing
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Achieving is better when you’re not doing it in school.

This year I have been focussing on my pile of shame. Games that have built up over the years which i’ve bought and just haven’t gotten around to playing through. These past few months alone i’ve gone through all the Gears Of Wars, Killzones, Uncharted, etc. I am getting there!

Not ever being one to hunt out achievements in games, or care much about gamerscores, I found myself missing them while getting stuck into some of the older games like Silent Hill (PSOne) and Wipeout (PSOne). Then I realised that achievements have always been about in some form.


Die hard Trilogy is probably one of my favourite games ever. Not only am I a huge fan of the films but as a poor teen and not having disposable income, I had to rely on Birthdays and Christmas for new games. Die Hard Trilogy was actually three different games in one. Sorted.

After completing these three games several times over, i used to play through but set my own side missions or things to achieve while playing through.One of my favourites was to go through the game, and smash every window in a level before I finished it, or just go through a level just using the handgun, and so on.

Love or despise achievements, they have always existed in some form, whether it be officially, or created by the player.

Can you think of any games that you remember setting your own kind of achievements in? If so, leave them in the comments below. It’d be quite interesting to see if anyone had the same goals in the same games.

Chris Lloyd. Over and out!




BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 74


MAY 19TH!  What do you know about May 19th?!?

Well, I know that it’s the date of WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per view this year.  It’s also Mrs. ThinkSoJoE’s birthday.  And it’s also the day that Cleveland Browns TE Gary Barnidge re-joins us for another round of Pay Per View predictions!  Gary joins Joe, Jorge, G, and JT to give his picks for tonight’s Extreme Rules event.  We then try desperately to remember what happened on the lackluster 3-hour WWE App infomercial that aired on the USA Network Monday Night.  In the news, we get the latest on “crotch-gate,” the incident involving Austin Aries and Christie Hemme.  We hear which NXT talents were released from their contracts this week.  The WWE2K14 release date is announced.  We lament the temporary loss of WWE Saturday Morning Slam.  We send our well wishes out to former BWF Radio interviewee Zema Ion.  We make an announcement on where you can listen to BoredWrestlingFan Radio in the future (and please, stay tuned to BoredWrestlingFan.com for more details in the coming days).  All this, and much much more!  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 74 (MP3, 2:09:32)

Gamers. They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To.(Super Metroid Miiverse Reaction)

So as I type this,  Super Metroid is available for the amazingly low price of only $.30 on the Wii U. Not only can you play one of the best Super Nintendo games of all time for basically nothing ,you can also play on the touch pad if the television is being used by someone else. Have a WiiU? Get this NOW !

So anyways,  I fired up this classic, but before I played I decided to check out the Miiverse just for shits and giggles. Wow was I shocked at the number of cries for help and the announcements of “how hard” this game is by the community. It’s both hilarious and a little discouraging to see so many newer gamers stuck on such a great classic game. They are declaring it “too hard to play”, even “the hardest game ever” !  The truth is I’ve been having nearly as much fun going through the Miiverse as I have replaying this great ,challenging and fun old school Nintendo game. I have to REALLY bite my “virtual tong” and not respond to some of the very silly comments like “what do I do when I turn into a ball “? , “How do I fit into this small hole?” and all the ” Hardest game ever!” comments.  Because , I fear if I DO respond I’ll be banned off the Nintendo network for more than a little while.

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