Wonderpod Episode 146

This weeks Wonderpod is ready for your ears. Another Friday recording means weekend listening pleasure. We only get into a couple topic this week. Both were interesting and a nice change of pace from console rumors and evil industry is evil stories. Note: iTunes appears to be a little slow lately. Sorry for the inconvience
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Smackdown 02/15/13: Kill it With Fire Episode

Well, here we are. One more PPV to get through until the final stretch before WrassleMunia. Good times, good times. To be honest, the card looks pretty solid, and I expect Sunday will deliver a solid show. As for Smackdown, this probably will a whole bunch of clip packages and filler. Perhaps one or two tidbits of interest will slip through the cracks… Perhaps. But, that’s why you’re here. To see what in the blue hell happened (or what I perceived that happened).

Not to sound crabby… You + Hopping = Now.

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Infinity Blade.

One of the absolute best games on iOS has gone free, for a limited time. That game is Infinity Blade. Go download this NOW, if you are one of the few who have not already done so in the last few years. Made with the Unreal engine and looking spectacular on iOS, this game is a must have for any iOS gamer. It looks like a modern console title and like a million bucks but it actually plays like the old classic game from Nintendo, Punch Out. You will be facing opponent after opponent, ducking, moving side to side and picking your spots to attack. Movement around your environment is limited in the game, but it really does nothing to take away from the fun.  Pick this game up right now before it goes back to its regular price tag. Take a look at the video below and I will see you all on the flip side!

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. My Virtual Girlfriend.

Poor, poor PatMan. He is ever so lonely today on Valentines day. But wait, what is THIS? Not only a  FREE iOS game, but also a virtual girlfriend to take with me, where ever I go? Even on the can? Even if I fart? Hot dam! For today only (which is probably a good thing) My Virtual Girlfriend is FREE to download. Its a pretty silly Virtual game where you answer some questions about yourself and then about what you like in a woman. After this, presto magico, you have a brand new iPhone girlfriend! If I ONLY knew it was that simple back in high-school I would have never gone to that prom alone! Ok we didn’t have iPhones back then but you get the picture. Man where was this back when I was single?? Anyways give the ” game ” a download if just for a laugh to show your pals. My first VR Girlfriend dumped me VERY fast because I was poking her boobies constantly ( Pat Tip- do  NOT poke the boobies constantly)! But my next one was absolutely great. She is a virtual gamer geek, loves Yoda and likes a bit of affection, and she laughs at my jokes, I think I may just be in love. This might sound a bit , I don’t know crazy, but I am thinking about separating from my wife so that I can continue my relationship on my iPhone with her, to be honest. Anyways check it out , give it a fun laugh, see how far you can go with a virtual girl, and look at the screens I took below. Oh and ladies, don’t be jealous,  My Virtual Boyfriend is ALSO free today, so there is always that. Yeah , I am sure you are all downloading it now. It can not be any worse than the boyfriend you have now I bet.  See you all on the flip side!

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Take-Two/WWE (follow up)

A couple weeks back the crew on Wonderpod covered the THQ bankruptcy sale. When it came to the WWE franchise license we weren’t entirely convinced of what we had read. It seemed like Take Two had gotten control of the franchise, but it wasn’t clear enough then. Well fans of WWE games worry no more. According to CVG the publisher has in fact gained control of the franchise. They worked out a deal with the WWE and it is awaiting the courts approval. So if your a fan of wrestling games, looks like the WWE games will keep right on coming.

Animal Crossing New Leaf (release date)

Looks like the latest animal crossing game has been given a launch date. The game called Animal Crossing New Leaf is for the 3DS and will release June 9th in North America and June 14th in Europe. Now all the animal crossing lovers can sqeee in unison. I am not allowed to like the game due to an ancient urban legend. Because of that I can feel no joy in this announcement. I can however give you an old trailer I am not sure we have posted before. So get ready come June there will be animals and they will be crossing

News Roundup 2/13/13

Quite a bit of interesting news today. So lets just slap it all together in one big old roundup. Never know this kind of thing might catch on. For those of you that wanted to read three to five different posts I can help. Just click on this one a bunch of time. Now onward to news like items
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Broken Pencils #2 (x-post).

Broken Pencils Episode 2Broken Pencils Logo

Well after a long wait due to various trips, excursions and umm…jaunts, episode 2 of my Audio Wrestling Sitcom Podcast Radio Play Thingy (that’s the technical term) Broken Pencils is here for your enjoyment.

It’s a wonderful process making these podcasts. The fact that I can write it, record it and edit it all within 2 days makes the process far more enjoyable.

The following appears courtesy of http://www.whyalltheanger.co.uk/

If I had to spend weeks listening to my own voice while editing I think I’d go slowly insane and end up talking in character for the rest of my days. Come to think of it I’m half way there already.

So if you like it, like it (on YouTube), spread the word and, on a separate note, you might want to subscribe to my RSS feed at the top there. It’ll save you the hassle of having to open your favourites bar and click on my page once a day, those are clicks which you could be using to donate to charity or look at cute videos of kittens and such.

Written, Edited & Created by Lev Myskin

Dave…Lev Myskin @WhyAllTheAngerBrian…Colm Ahern @Colm_AhernAllison…Alice Radley @AliceRadley, Intern Joe…@Goftheinternet @Goftheinternet,John Laurinitis…Bad News Ramen @BadNewsRamen

Music…Peter John Ross of Sonnyboo.com


Bungie Rumor! (Destiny)

It looks like Bungie may be getting ready to announce it’s next game. If you head to this site you will notice a set of numbers counting down. As well as nifty pattern puzzle for you to play with. Does this mean in six days time we will finally here about Destiny? Hard to say and I count this as a rumor until an actual announcement. Now with that said, I am very curious to see what Bungie has next for us. They are a studio I respect, even if I wasn’t a huge fan of Halo. There is also the question, is it coming for current consoles or the next set? According to Activision the game will not see release in 2013. I would personally take that with a grain of salt as well. Last thing I find it interesting that the count timer will hit zero just before Sony’s big announcement. Will the game be on both consoles? Exclusive to one brand again? There are tons of speculation regarding that. You can catch up on said speculation in that second link if your curious. Make no mistake, all of this is rumor and speculation at this point. Still we have enough fans of Bungie around I felt the need to fling a post up.

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 61

Bray’s facial expression seems to say, “I’m related to this fuckwad?”

Jorge takes the week off, and things go so smoothly that the show ends slightly early for once.  Joe, JT, and G discuss the week in professional wrestling television, play a song in honor of BoredHockeyFan.com’s That Damn Double C, and we discuss this week’s wrestling news, including an in-depth investigation of the state of Hart Legacy Wrestling.  We talk about the great Hall of Fame class that WWE is presenting at MSG this year.  And of course, we pay our respects to the late, great Curt Hennig, who passed away 10 years ago today.

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 61 (MP3, 1:52:55)

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