Smackdown 11/02/12

Coming off a stinker of a PPV, the WWE has decided to try to salvage the product. In all fairness, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it would appear that almost every single member of the IWC is visually challenged. That’s the P.C. way to say fucking blind, right? Just kidding, most of that PPV sucked. Let’s see if Smackdown gets the same treatment. It doesn’t cost $45-55 either! Hopping time…

Best Cubito Aequet ever.

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PatMan Plays: ARC Squadron

The first time I saw footage of ARC Squadron I immediately thought of the fun of a Star Fox game. And I am guessing if you saw the trailers you though the same thing as well. Of course this is not a bad thing at all as both Star Fox and Star Fox 64 were two of the best arcade style space shooters of all time. Turns out that while ARC Squadron does have a Star Fox feel,  it also is its own game with its own personality. And with the use of the Unreal engine the game looks absolutely beautiful running on a retinal display iPhone. The sounds and music are good as well, although the dialogue could have used some improvement. ARC Squadron controls with touch and swipe motion. No virtual D-pad or Virtual stick in sight and I am fine with this method, although it is difficult if not impossible to make very sudden and very sharp turns. When fighting boss characters it sometimes becomes more frustrating than challenging when avoiding enemy attacks due to the less than perfect ability to make sudden large movements, but it is not a game breaker by any means. Overall however, the controls are decent enough most of the time. Auto fire is at first a bit strange but it is acceptable and you do use touch to fire your secondary weapons so there is still a good feeling of control of your weapons.

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Steamed! – Jamestown


Current selling price: $9.99

Normally I hate bullet hell titles. The idea that all oldschool shmups operated on the principle of having a ridiculous amount of bullets on the screen at once is stupid, inaccurate, and has been done to death. This one has a few nice twists, however. Firstly, it’s an alternative history title that has an oldschool look and feel. It also helps that the music REALLY kicks ass.

Second, it is…technically…a bullet hell title, but only on higher difficulties. Furthermore, the way they work you up to it is almost as though it’s a trainer for bullet hell newbies. There are several play modes, challenges, and even co-op available. With all this ridiculous amount of content they easily could’ve gotten away with a $20 pricetag, but this comes in at a mere $10.

This game is absolutely worth it and if you don’t already own it, you should totally get it right now. Screenshots follow.
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Wonderpod Episode 134

This week on Wonderpod. Halloween is over, which means the three of us are all hopped up on sugar and running wild. Might not come across in audio to well, just trust us. We discuss video games for the most part, but we couldn’t pass up one piece of super serious business. It kind of involves video games, maybe.
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Torchlight 2

General Overview

I’ve been wanting to review this one for a while, but never felt like I had enough content to do so. I’ve beaten the game…and I still feel this way. If anything, this speaks volumes about the magnitude of ridiculous content stuffed into this package. If you enjoyed anything at all about the original Torchlight or any Diablo or Diablo-like game, why you haven’t picked this up already is beyond me.
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Steamed! – The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac

Current selling price: $4.99

Initially I wasn’t sure what to think about this one. Now…well, I’m not sure what to say. As a game, it’s really damn good. It’s a Zelda-esque rogue-like that has all kinds of fantastic elements and a steep ass difficulty. However, it’s also incredibly fucking disturbing and offensive. I seriously cannot recommend it to anyone who’s easily offended or highly religious.

All the same, it is really damn fun and quite the value at only $5. There’s also DLC now, so if you really enjoyed it the first time around, it’s worth having a second look. Highly disturbing screenshots follow.
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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Mindless Dungeon Crawl

When it comes to classic old school dungeon crawlers ,PC gamers have been spoiled as of late with games like Diabo III.  And to be honest, I gave the demo code  a good run for its money when the game came out. Turns out it just didn’t stick for me like the original one did all those years ago. Maybe I have just changed tastes. So  naturally I am not a big RPG or dungeon crawling fan on the iPhone either. But then I found Mindless Dungeon Crawl, for free of course. Even when I knew right from the start that the game was nothing more than a joke to make fun of “real hardcore” dungeon crawlers ,I just had to give it a spin for shits and giggles. I am glad I did because while very simple, Mindless Dungeon Crawl is pretty humorous at times. The game is exactly what the title calls it, mindless. But maybe the title should have also included the words funny in it because that’s a good description as well. With hilarious items to loot and silly creatures to combat the game is a decent time.I don’t know if it will hold me till the end, but for now it gives me something to do while I wait for the next free title to show up!  So if you would like a good laugh at the expense of the overly serious “Dungeon Crawling” game type, give this game a free download! Check out screens below.

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Steamed! – American Mensa Academy

Hey everybody, it’s Gun Sage. I saw the different iPhone quick posts Pat was making and decided I would try something a bit new. On my site I have something I’ve been calling “Steam Roundup,” where I’ll take 5 games and do separate mini-reviews for them. Well, I thought I would start carting that here, but as regular updates and separated out so that they get a little more depth with pics, etc. And with that, here’s the first!
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BWF Radio Episode 46

Keep Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

As we inch ever closer to the one year anniversary of the first episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio, Andrew J Reimers of the Andrew J Reimers CPX and wrestling manager Brian DeVille join Joe, G, JT, and Jorge for another great episode!  Wrestling television is over analyzed, and Hell In a Cell predictions are given.  News includes a John Cena/Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly scandal, more on Hulk Hogan’s sex tape lawsuit, news on KENNY!, words from Snitsky, and much, much more!  Click the link below to tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 46 (MP3, 2:04:36)

This week’s break song was “Dragula” by Rob Zombie.  Buy “Hellbilly Deluxe” here.

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Super Bit Bash

Another lazy Sunday. While your sitting on the sofa watching sports today why not download another free iOS title? You need something to do during those annoyingly repetitive commercials and I have just the thing for you. Today, Super Bit Bash goes free , well “For a limited time”.  As always that means it can go back up in price at any time and as always this is where I suggest you download  it quickly. The game is a fun little old school inspired jumping , scrolling, swiping game. When you swipe up and down or side to side this takes up a large amount of energy from your character and collecting coins will replenish that energy. So, you better keep a look out on your energy meter and you better pick up as many coins as you can. Also,the idea of randomly chosen levels to play on really helps keep things fresh game play wise.  In short bursts I like the game, it has pretty responsive controls which is always essential on the iPhone. As a matter of fact the responsive controls are what I really like about the game the most. If you enjoy old school inspired games on the iPhone this game is for you. Check it out and I will see you all next time for more free iOS titles! Screens below.

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