Smackdown 07/20/12Smackdown 07/20/12Smackdown 07/20/12

It seems the last couple of months have been building up to this Monday. Meanwhile back in Smackdown Land, I’m sure most viewers are going into this just waiting for RAW. It’s kind of a bit of a joke though, because after next week’s Monday does the three hour tour… they are going to be scrambling for things to do to fill that extra hour. And let’s be frank for a moment here, they are having problems filling two hours. So what are we in store for tonight? A holding pattern? Two hours of vanilla tout videos? Ryback squashing someone? Momma’s being called? The answer to all of these questions is likely, “Yes,” but since it’s backstage dance time, let’s hop to it shall we?

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Wonderpod Episode 119

What do you get when two tired guys and Batman record a podcast? You get this weeks episode of Wonderpod. Jon had to work a lot this week I was hungover and Glasenator was really excited. We still banged out a show that pertains to video games. We also might of droned on a time or two, but it can’t be helped.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone Games. Mega Run – Redford’s Adventure

I have been playing  the best platform games for decades, so when I see one up for free on the iPhone I am a little pessimistic about it.  Turns out, Mega Run – Redford’s Adventure is actually pretty decent and a great, quick ,time waster.  It is a very simple game to control, which on the iPhone is usually the best way to play short burst of video games. All you do is jump. That’s it. Timing is everything as you jump high, jump low, bounce off bad-guys and jump for power ups. Simple game play, yet not so easy when you first pick it up. The game looks very nice. It is colorful and bright. Mega Run even has characters that are cute and interesting enough to want me to play as them. And, of course, it is bloody-well FREE which does not hurt this game one bit.. Mega Run is a good game to pick up if you have 3 or 4 mins to kill at a time and want a very fast paced platform game. It may be a little too fast paced for some gamers , at least at the start, as your character is constantly on the move and so is the level your playing on. There is no time or ability to actually stop and look around as you have to react right away. But it is that fast paced, easy to control  platform game play that gets addicting soon into the game. This little title will not give some of my favorite platformers a run for their money, but then again it does not have to. All it needs to do is be fun, and free. And it is both those things, so check out my screens below and give this one a shot if your in the mood for some quick platform action with plenty of fun power ups along the way. Until next time this is my free iPhone pick of the day!

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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – Episode 1

Just so no one gets confused regarding the order, yes, this is the original. When I initially set out making this site, I wanted ALL of my newest content to come first, so often if I neglected putting up older episodes and I have inspiration to do a new episode, what will happen is I put up the newest, then start putting up the older ones. Again, I apologize about the order, but it’s just the way they fell out.
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Glasenator Reviews Quantum Conundrum

Imagine you’re one of the original co-creators of the Portal series, one of the most critically acclaimed and popular franchises of all videogames. You’ve finished the sequel and you’re ready to try something new, so you go to a new development studio and get to be head of your own project and then…now what? Where do you go from Portal? Simple, you expand off of what you know, which brings us to Quantum Conundrum.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Zombie Outbreak

Ok, I know what you are thinking. PatMan, seriously, another frigging Zombie game? You don’t even LIKE most of them. And you would be right, except for 2 reasons. One, its a cool little trivia game, not a shooter or adventure game. The other reason? Yeah you guessed it. ” If it is FREE it is for ME” ! Anyways anyone who likes Zombies, or trivia or both can go download Zombie Outbreak right now. Its a fun little app that will test your true survival skills in the case of a Zombie outbreak. I will let you know right now that our very own Audio Master G will be the odds on favorite to ace this quiz. PatMan, well, I did not exactly do very well to be honest. But the cool thing is I can play it again!  Th is is one of the shortest ” games” I have featured and there is no real ” gameplay” to be had here.  Really, its more of an app than a game, but its fun and  of course its free. So go check it out and also check out a few screens I took in game below. How did you do in the Zombie Outbreak?

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The Underground Episodes 3 & 4: Wrestling You’re Not Watching, Except Also For Maybe NXT… or ROH…The Underground Episodes 3 & 4: Wrestling You’re Not Watching, Except Also For Maybe NXT… or ROH…The Underground Episodes 3 & 4: Wrestling You’re Not Watching, Except Also For Maybe NXT… or ROH…

In all fairness, I reviewed both of The Underground and NXT: Full Sail Series (or whatever they call it). And I never promised to review all of these shows… but I decided to at least give a little love to the best internet-only web-series about wrestling. This project deserves more recognition. It’s like a video game (e.g. Mortal Kombat) meets independent wrestling in cinematic form (e.g. Bloodsport). Kayfabe… and this series looks to go long down the stretch. Awesomeness TV is your hook up, and if this description sounds cool to you, you have like a 141 2/3rd chance of winning. Brief descriptions and videos after the jump… let’s hop to it, shall we?

This is not a meme. The dude’s name is “Jobs.” Gamer rage is awesome!

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Where They Drew The Line – Squaresoft

Ever since the original Final Fantasy, right at the ass end of the 80s, I was a huge Squaresoft fan. And why wouldn’t I be? They heavily inspired me ever since Final Fantasy and kept the hits coming with games like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Parasite Eve, Breath of Fire (they partnered with Capcom to make the original), Front Mission 3, Super Mario RPG, and of course, further Final Fantasies, both in the main series and also the various “gaidens.”
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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Bullet Time

Bullet Time is a game that, initially ,I didn’t think I would like very much. I mean how many times can we play a game set in some post world ending wasteland fighting off mutants anyways? And it is surely to have nothing but micro transactions because its, well you know, free.  However, because this is Pat-Man’s FREE picks, I gave it a try none the less. I am very glad I did because the game is pretty fun, it controls well and it gives you more than enough chances to level up and buy items with out spending a penny of your real money. As a matter of fact, one of the best features of Bullet Time is its unlimited ammo. That is right. Keep on shooting ( your going to need to anyways to survive) because you never run out of ammo. Also I must mention the very ample supply of medkits, speed and shield power ups that you can easily buy with in game silver. If you want to speed up the process , buy better stuff and level up fast, drop .99 cents . I wont call you a pussy. Ok , I WILL call you a pussy ,but I guess you could always kill me in the games online multi player mode now that you bought your way to “better gaming”. Bullet Time  is a twin stick shooter/ top down game where you face wave after wave of various mutants and collect silver when they die. You can find silver in  “treasure chests” and by preforming  “side quests” which usually involve a big assed mutant. If it sounds just a little bit like Torchlight or…dare I say it.. Diablo that’s because the game play actually does have some similarities to those games. Well, at least a little bit. While it is no “Diablo with guns” , it IS free and it is my pick for today. Check out some screens below and I will see you all next time!

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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 31

The BWF Radio crew have their first LIVE broadcast, as we started airing live on our official Mixlr page!  We recap all of the wrestling shows, give our Money In The Bank predictions, and talk wrestling news!  Who’s to blame in the DirecTV/Viacom dispute?  Does Kharma still have a job?  Has WWE really signed Pac?  How many matches has John Cena lost this year?  Will the BWF Radio crew Tout the WWE?  Where’s Charlie Sheen?  All this and much, much more, right here on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 31 (MP3, 1:47:07)