PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Star Warfare Alien Invasion

One of Rares “lesser known” games on the N64 was a title called jet Force Gemini. It was a cool 3rd person shooter where you shot the hell out of  bug like aliens in arcade style action. That was what first came to mind when I saw footage of today’s FREE iPhone game, Star Warfare Alien Invasion. This portable game may not have the same depth of game play as the Rare title from yesteryear, but arcade style shoot em up fun is here to be had. And of course its free, so how can you go wrong here? As usual  it is only free for a limited time, so get downloading. The game has a lot of customization with weapons, armor ( think a cute version of Halo or Metroid here) and power ups, however there is a catch for all you free-be gamers out there. You have to pay real money for most of it. Also, you need to pay for ammo, this time using in game money and not real money, but I dislike this none the less. Fortunately, so far at least, I have never ran out of ammo or in game money, so its all good. I am early in, and things are already starting to get difficult. I am pretty sure that is the developers intention, to persuade you to actually buy some bad ass weapons and armor. But still, you can play the game for free as I have and have a good time. Controls are good except it takes a bit of time to figure out how to move the camera in order to kill baddies behind you.  There is also an online survival mode that I would love to check out with the likes of Glasenator and Bruce at some time.  The game could have been great with some sort of story mode and less emphasis on microtransactions , still, Star Warfare Alien Invasion is pretty good for absolutely free and it is PatMans Pick for today! See you all next time and check out game play screens below!

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Smackdown 07/13/12: Go Away Show.Smackdown 07/13/12: Go Away Show.Smackdown 07/13/12: Go Away Show.

Hey, it IS Friday the 13th, too.

Yes, it’s the “Go Home” show for Money in the Bank this Sunday on PPV. And the whole damn product revolves around one thing… not the laptop, nor the Smackdown GM getting his Christmas Wish granted with the ability to speak (even though he was over in December…. shh! We are supposed to forget that!).

BWF RADIO INVADED WONDERPOD TODAY! CHECK THIS OUT NOW! Wonderpod Episode 118 A challenge has been issued, Jabronis! iTunes,, article and stream.

Yes, one character seems to have taken over in a illogical way. No, not Double A (that’s the “good” product). We’re one year out from the “Summer of Punk II” shtick. Wow. This is not your Ten Year Old’s WWE. RIght Mr. Cena?

Oh yeah, remember that Zach Ryder guy? No? Me neither, but it appears he is the GM for Smackdown. Turns out the computer is more popular in the WWE’s opinion. YAWN. Oh well, here’s the magical picture part of the review and the “hopping” reference:

‘Nuff said, let’s hop to it, shall we?

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Wonderpod Episode 118

Another week another Wonderpod. The usual suspects are back for episode 118. This weeks show is talk of video games, game consoles and a little vaudeville thrown in. Listening to this episode is an excellent way to end your week. Now if you’ll excuse the crew, the siren song of the Steam sale is calling.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Major Mayhem

Another day, another free iOS title worth downloading. Today I played Major Mayhem, and so should you.  It is a very nice looking, funny, action packed little arcade style shooter. The controls are simple and precise, which right away makes me a happy iPhone gamer. You shoot and aim with your fingers, while taking cover automatically when you are not shooting. Also, using your fingers to jump and pick up grenades is very easy and works well. You see, evil Ninjas are taking over the world, and YOU have to stop them. Some of the power ups are funny and you can turn into the closest thing to Robo Cop they could make without being sued. Overall, I am enjoying this game and love the art style and humor. The levels are short so you can play them on the go,which is ideal for most iPhone users. So , go pick this one up pronto as I don’t know how long it will be for free. Take a look at some of my screen I took in game just a little while ago and I will return again for more PatMan Picks, FREE iPhone games!

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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – Episode 8

Just so no one gets confused regarding the order, yes, this is the original. When I initially set out making this site, I wanted ALL of my newest content to come first, so often if I neglected putting up older episodes and I have inspiration to do a new episode, what will happen is I put up the newest, then start putting up the older ones. Again, I apologize about the order, but it’s just the way they fell out.

In any case, it dawned on me that all throughout doing RPG and Adventure Game of the Year I didn’t really get to highlight one of the major things that makes me want to play games again regardless of how many times I’ve beaten them or haven’t: certain plot threads. You know what I’m talking about…it’s usually an hour or so’s worth of content that either makes or breaks a game for you.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games.

Are you starting to get a little tired of Draw Something?  Do you enjoy the social aspect of the game, but have had enough finger painting for while? Instead, maybe you would like to test your knowledge and trivia” know how” with your friends on your iPhone? Well then you should go check out Trivial right now at the app store because, as you must have guessed by now, its free to download for a limited time. I have only played the game 2 times , both times with my wife, and its pretty fun. You can compare your score with your friends and send them messages along the way. Be aware, this free game is not without its glitches, but, hopefully they will work on them. It is annoying to have a question pop up and then a blank space where the answers are supposed to be. Very annoying, actually.Especially if you lost the game because of this glitch.  However is absolutely free at the time I post this episode of PatMan Picks , so check it out and see what you think. It may not be as addictive as Draw Something and I can see less interest in this app, but I can also see my self playing this trivia game for a while. Assuming I have enough friends to play with, that is.  Check out some game-play screens I took below and I will see you on the next episode of PatMan Picks FREE iPhone games.

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Games You Need To Play Before You Die – Episode 1

Hello everybody, it’s your friendly(?), everyday Gun Sage here ready to throw a new series in your face hole. Recently I’ve been getting a few Virtual Console titles here and there for my daughter, trying to teach her how to play videogames. She’s okay at some and terrible at others, but it got me thinking…what games are “must play” titles that she absolutely should not pass up?

Sure, there are plenty of terrible older games…some that are so terrible they have to be experienced just to see how terrible they are. But the thing is all she really knows about videogames so far is they don’t all look graphically alike, control alike, and we don’t play the same games. She literally knows nothing about Sega vs. Nintendo, the rise and fall of Final Fantasy, the same with Breath of Fire, what happened to survival horror, the same with adventure games…or just plain anything historical regarding videogames.

And sure, she’s only 6 and may not even give a damn, but surely there are titles I can think up that would at least give her a good idea of what the different eras of gaming were like and help develop a broad comparison of the yesteryear vs. today’s market. So then that got me thinking…though there are obvious titles that must be played, there are also some not so obvious titles that I feel ANY gamer should play, maybe not even necessarily all the way through, before they go down for their final game over.

With this series I will be as spoiler-free as possible, but like anything, there could still be spoilers. If there’s a game I mention that you’ve been meaning to play and you don’t want it spoiled, skim it, but don’t ruin it for yourself. I’ll be listing not only the games along with pics and youtube embeds, but also why I feel you should play them and possibly even how it impacted me as a gamer. Let’s get started!
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Super Meat Boy-part 4

Now that I’m finally back home, I thought I should catch back up on my Super Meat Boy playing, so here’s an other installment of Glasenator Games, or as I like to call it: A documentation of one of the most annoying levels ever made, and a man’s decent into madness.

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Infinite Sky

Fancy some arcade style flight action on your iPhone? Fancy finding enemy planes to shoot down and power ups to collect in the air? Fancy this for free? Good, because I am finished saying the word fancy, however, thoses things are what you will get when you download Infinite Sky on iOS for free. As always, these deals are free only for a limited time and as always it depends on when you read this as to how much time you have left to download it.  I have been playing this fun little arcade flying shooter this afternoon and its pretty good. The controls, like many iPhone games , are not perfect. But that doesn’t not stop the game from being a fun little shooter worth  checking out on your iPhone. If you fancy ( OK I said it again) a look at Infinite Sky in action, click below as always and see a few shots of me in action. See you next time for PatMan Picks FREE iPhone games!

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Steam Summer Sale Plan Leaked

When Steam has a sale my wallet is usually begging for mercy fifteen minutes after it starts. So when rumors began to crop up of a summer sale, I prepared my wallet with daily flogging. First it was just rumored, a whisper here and there. Then I heard the date July 12th being thrown around on Twitter. It was at that point I was a happy man. I knew that on the date mentioned I could check Steam and see what was going on. There was nothing else I needed to know. Apparently a date isn’t enough for some people

According to CVG among others, the list of sale items has been found by humanoids sifting through back end files. Personally I really don’t see the point. Are we so impatient that we can’t just wait until the sale starts? This is the part of gamerdom I will never quite understand. The impatience just makes no sense to me. That said if you want to know exactly how much of a loan you need for the sale click the link and read away. For the record I didn’t read it. I am fine with waiting.