Wonderpod Episode 112

This weeks Wonderpod is a day late due to random acts of the cable company. That said this show was a nice laid back affair. It’s a lot of what we’ve been playing with a pinch of pre E3 discussion. It’s one of those shows that was kind of thrown together and works really well for that reason. Next week we will talk E3 and nothing, but E3.

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Smackdown 06/01/12Smackdown 06/01/12Smackdown 06/01/12

Unlike last week, I am coming into this episode with a better attitude. Perhaps this is a result of a vastly improved RAW (well, at least by comparison) and a mildly entertaining live Impact on Thursday. I’m not sure why my mindset is linked to other grappling content I partake, but it is. Let’s see if the WWE can continue this trend as Sin Cara returns tonight! Let’s have at it, shall we?
Like a Whirling

Like a Whirling

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PNTNR iMPACT review: TNA is coming at you live!

So some downer news to start off and that is the leaving of Alex Shelley. This on the heels of the MCMG’s return. The division looks as empty as the knockout tag division at a time when iMPACT should be bragging about its dominance over The ‘E in Tag team wrestling…well I guess there is ROH.

Sadness over. Now on to Roode vs Sting in a Lumberjack match. This is a good opener that showcases the excitement of the crowd when there allowed to watch a show without having to sit through the retakes and can just sit back and be fans. Watching the ring I never realized the over abundance of faces compared to heels which is the exact opposite to brand eck!

Sting gets the win and just when you think that, yeah Sting got his revenge for Victory Road. Then Hogan comes out and calls for a match at Slammiversary where Sting takes on Roode for the TNA World Title. what about James Storm?

Oh look Madison…NEXT!!!!!

Joseph Park esq and Bully Ray have thier weekly confrontation over “My Brother Chris, you know Abyss” and what Ray has done to him. (even though a couple of weeks ago Abyss appeared okay so what is Bully Ray guilty of?! Ray calls Joseph’s whole family cowards and when the sweaty lawyer went to grab the bully, Ray threatens lawsuit only to antagonize him some more. Either way a fun entertaining segment.

Samoa Joe and Aries have an altercation that later leads to a match at Slammiversary. But before the PPV Aries takes on the staying half of the Motor City Machine Guns in the guise of “Hail Sabin” Chris Sabin. Good match that makes you wonder if we will see more of it now that he is a singles competitor but we’re not psychic so I watch to see Aries go over with a small package.

Coming in ten days TNA is celebrating 10 years of existing and Dixie “MILF” Carter announces that the Hall of Fame is coming to TNA with an inductee being announced during Slammiversary. She then call out Brooke Hogan who know is in charge of the Knockouts. I loved the mixxed reaction and what that means for her arrival of either putting up or shutting up. hey Brooke, We need a revitalized knockout division that has more than 4women in it.

kazarian and Daniels are gold backstage during Dixie’s promo.

And we have the television title match that Hogan promised us every week missing one along the way. Mr. Anderson, Jeff hardy,RVD and someone who will not be named wait to see what the total one and guess what it was….Jeff Hardy.

And like clockwork the Robbie’s interfere which leads to a Jeff Hardy winning by DQ. Right before the faces clear the heels which leads to a tag match between The Robbies vs Devon and Garett Bishchoff?


James Storm is having a crisis of faith about winning the world title and why do I feel that we won’t resolve this till Bound For Glory.

AJ and Daniels have a match. So when are we going to see match #12356 but it still shows the integrity of how they wrestle. AJ wins but is then jumped by Daniels with Kaz only for the newly appointed face Kurt Angle to make the save but both are taken out by the heels.

Daniels plays a recording of Dixie and AJ only to have Dixie herself come down and take control of TAZ’s headset and ask for the show to be shut down.

Sidenote:Joey Ryan didn’t make the cut because he’s a jackass who pissed off Taz, Flair’s replacement. Where is Alex Silva?

Shadow Hearts Series

The Shadow Hearts games are hilarious, fun, and great RPGs. All of them. If you’ve not tried at least one of them, you’ve seriously been missing out. Funnily enough, you won’t find them on most peoples’ top RPG listings. This is because of various factors such as better RPGs being out the same year, shortsightedness, or probably not having played them, but all the same, they’re great games that you should definitely check out immediately.
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7th Saga

General Overview

1993 was a great year for RPGs. This was one of the tougher ones. If you know anything about RPGs from the late 80s/early 90s era, you know that I’m not saying this is tough in comparison to today’s gaming; I’m saying it’s tough in comparison to THAT era’s gaming. If you like hard RPGs and have plenty of time to invest, 7th Saga might be right up your alley.

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MPX-Indeed 5/26/12

I still remember when I decided I wanted to support indy wrestling and sent a message to my buddy and told me about this new place he had started working. I remember how small and “work-in-progress” this company was. But they concentrated on their strengths: great characters and storylines that kept you coming back. Tonight they had Funaki. Like, THE Funaki. Smackdown Announcer #1. Indeed. That Funaki.

They opened it up with Funaki coming out to speak to the fans. He was interrupted by the Asian Nation who invited him to become a junior member. Good stuff. And of course it went into fisticuffs. I think everybody was involved except for Kate.

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BWF Radio Episode 24BWF Radio Episode 24BWF Radio Episode 24

ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G all return for the 24th episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio, and the bad shows this week allowed us to skip over them and jump straight into another busy news week. Discussed this week are Ric Flair and Alex Shelley’s TNA departures, the lawsuit TNA has pending against WWE, “Pretty Boy” Doug Somers’ lawsuit against WWE, WWE’s potential lawsuit against a Connecticut newspaper, and so much more. Tune in via the link below, and don’t forget to comment here on BoredWrestlingFan.com or give us a rating on iTunes!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 24 (MP3, 1:05:54)

Smackdown 05/25/12: Better than RAW… Again. Impact was better than both.Smackdown 05/25/12: Better than RAW… Again. Impact was better than both.Smackdown 05/25/12: Better than RAW… Again. Impact was better than both.

Ahh, Friday is here… and thereby another neglected edition of Smackdown comes with it. Over the last number of months since RAW became SUPER, Smackdown has been… well… basically Superstars. Will that change tonight? Only one way to find out. Let’s hop to it, shall we?

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Impact Wrestling-The Plot against Roode

Oh I actually find myself loving Impact Wrestling’s opener with Hogan trying to decide who should take out err on Roode for the title before he amasses the longest reigning champion title which is currently being held by AJ Styles. Outside of that the interaction between Ray, Angle Styles and Hogan with Hardy sitting on his hands (not much on mic skills) debating back and forth about who should get the shot was a breathe of fresh air. But

Then Gail Kim with the love struck Madison came out to talk about being a dominate champion only to show a shot of Angelina Love count on her hands all the times she won the title. She goes on about her one blimish being the loss to a man/woman? tag team of EY and ODB and wanting to rectify that.

I won’t go into detail lets just say that Spike must of laxed there no male on female violence stance because EY gets some body slams and headlocks on Gail and Madison before the heels win when Madison holds the legs of ODB so Gail could pin her. But again I’m confused because its Open Fight Night and when you call out someone their title has to be defended but Tenay still calls EY and ODB champions? Whats up with that?

So after RVD lost in his bid against Roode for the title, he had a smokers moment and said to himself “Hey, how was I not able to compete since Genesis?, Oh yeah some dude named Gunner was responsible.” We have him call out the Gunned one and commence to beat on each other for 5 minutes before RVD gets the win with an insane Five Star Frog Splash.

Then we step into the nepotism zone as Devon comes out and calls out Garett for a shot at the Television title. We get a mostly Devon controlled match. And in one of the most stupidly comical spot of the night Garett pulls off a swinging neckbreaker pauses and waits for the applause. Rob T and Rob E. come out an beat on them until the faces get the upper hand and embrace at the end. YEAH! we have the continuing Robbie E saga and nepotism wrapped into the same match someone please shoot those two. (Not really because thats conspiracy to commit murder.)

Speaking of murder Joseph Parks attempt at getting Bully Ray to admitting to doing….(Abyss is alive and no longer missing..oh) in his brother Chris you know Abyss. After the Abyss reveal no matter how cool, it kind of took the air out of the story so what will be the payoff. Because Abyss is back with a warning to his brother for playing to close to the fire. Which I’m guessing is Bully Ray. So Park wants a mock trial so the fans can have their say and Ray can be judged by a jury of his peers, the fans. Wouldn’t his peers be the locker room?

Ray beats on Parks and we solve absolutely nothing.

Then comes one of the best segments when Joey Ryan who looks like a 70’s porn star takes on his 90’s equilvalent in Aries. Good and short. The best part is when Ryan flicks his mustache sweat in Aries eyes. Aries wins with a brain buster.

World Heavyweight title time as Roode takes on AJ. After Hogan eliminated the other three throughout the night.

Roode wins. Beats AJ’s record for being the longest reigning champion in TNA history. He celebrates and Hogan the chief conspirator calls in his friend The Insane Icon Sting shouting “Its Showtime” as Sting beats on Roode and then announces the new time slot but forgets to mention it will be live which thankfully Tenay fixes and we fade out

Sting vs Roode in a Lumber jack match at the top of the live show should give a fun feel to it.

PNT NR out.

Wonderpod Episode 111

Another week another episode of Wonderpod. After doing roughly 100 of these post it’s so hard think of anything clever for this paragraph. Maybe it’s time to start lying about what went on during the show. Add some drama and hype before you listen. Then there will be the standard gamer rage when you find out we were lying about the wild antics. Controversy equals downloads right? The show is awesome even without the hype. You can trust us, we would never lie to you.

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