New Fighter Makes MK VS DC Universe An Injustice.

So if you have listened to any episodes of Wonderpod video game podcast you may recall me talking very highly of the latest, and possibly the best ever, Mortal Kombat game. However you also may have remembered that I did not think the same about Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. The truth is,  while MK vs. DC universe is a decent game , it fell sort of making me love it on several levels.  I wont get into that because along came an all new DC universe fighting game, utilizing the Mortal Kombat engine and by the Mortal Kombat developers, and it looks pretty slick. Check it out for your selves, I know that I will be looking out for this one as it looks to be an improvement over the last fighter they made with DC characters. Maybe it is just me, and I completely understand why they have to do it for the sake of gameplay, but I just cant get over any story line , magic or whatever that allows normal characters to beat up the big S , even in a fighting game. But I suppose it would be a pretty one sided game if they did not. Anyways check out the trailer right here, hot off the e3 show floor.

Emulation Arcade – Action Fighter

Well, I’m kinda tapped out right now as far as creativity, so I figured I’d start up a new series of reviews, this time centering around different stuff I can emulate on my MAME32 emulator. So first off, what is MAME32 and what is emulation? Well, emulation is something I discovered in the mid 90s that centers around simulating an actual console, such as the Super Nintendo, Gameboy, or whatever.

MAME32 is an arcade emulator that can properly emulate most arcade games, especially from the 80s and 90s. My purpose in these reviews is not to necessarily encourage emulation, but rather, to seek out these gems that not a lot of people may know about or even just to highlight different games that you should know about and we should remember as retrogamers.
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Skyrim Dating Profile

I need to give you guys a little set up on this post.  I wrote this after playing Skyrim until my brain fell out my ear.  It was one of those pieces that just seemed silly so I promptly forgot about it. Until this morning when I found it while tidying up one of my hard drives. Since we have been doing a lot of video post’s I figured what the hell.  Might as well post it.

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Lego City Undercover E3

I still haven’t seen quite enough on the Wii U hardware, but this Lego game makes me want the console anyway. Lego cops running around a Lego city, what more do you freaking want. Again is it not clear that I am running out of crap to say. Seriously this game is awesome.

The Last Of Us E3

In our continuing effort to cherry pick the best trailers from E3 here’s one for The Last of Us. It is a Sony exclusive and a reason for me to finally buy a PS3. I know I have said that before, but this time I might be serious. As you can tell I am running out of shit to say. So watch the video and comment.

Weekly Spartan Ops Missions Highlight Halo 4 online modes.

If yesterdays Halo 4 trailer and game play footage was not enough to get your space marine excitement level up, then check out the new multiplayer footage.  The video below showcases both the competitive online mode ,now called War Games, and also the new co-op mode, Spartan Ops. I for one am looking forward to both variations of online gameplay. However, I have to admit that Spartan ops seems to be peaking my interests the most, especially with its weekly content.  Weekly Spartan Op missions will have me coming back for co op goodness over and over. Check out the video below for the first real details on the online aspect of Halo 4!

Watch Dogs E3

I missed this game during the Ubisoft press conference. Thankfully Glasenator was kind enough to show me this little gem.  It will be interesting to see what becomes of Watch Dogs. I am hearing rumors it might be heading to the next generation of consoles. Until then let us know what you think of this trailer.


Are Games Getting Too Casual?

This is something that’s been on my mind for a while and, while many may not care, it’s something that’s near and dear to me. Back in the 80s and most of the 90s, you’d play an action game that was about 5 stages in length, but chock full of retro goodness complete with an overbearing difficulty that made it easy to pick up and hard to master. There were bad or no checkpoints, tough bosses, and game overs a plenty.

Back then if a game was too easy then it was obviously “for kids.” And while there’s nothing inherently wrong about an easy game, most gamers didn’t really play them much. Plus, unless they were long games, they didn’t offer much to sate our appetites. Nowadays you have games that will offer a decent experience overall, but barely any bosses (or no bosses), no real penalty for getting in trouble, auto-recover…I mean, the list goes on.

What happened? Is this how all future gaming is going to be? Honestly, I have some suspicions, so I’m going to throw them out, but also discuss why it might not be as casual as we once thought.
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Halo E3 Trailer

Hey since were mostly a gaming site might as well throw some E3 trailers on the here.  I am not known for being the biggest Halo fan around here and I saw a lot in this trailer I liked. Feel free to tell us what your looking forward to about Halo 4.


BWF Radio: Episode 25BWF Radio: Episode 25BWF Radio: Episode 25

The BWF Radio crew is back with your usual show recaps and wrestling news talk. This week, the guys talk Joey Ryan and his potential, Brooke Hogan as knockouts guru, and Dolph Ziggler as one of the best workers in the business. Also discussed is the ongoing TNA/WWE lawsuit, the Randy Orton and Chris Jericho suspensions, potential opponents for Ziggler at No Way Out, and much, much more. You don’t want to miss this week’s episode! Click the link to listen!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 25 (MP3, 2:00:00)

For more awesome 8-Bit characters, check out Al Creed on Tumblr: