Wrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years TodayWrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years TodayWrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years Today

Twenty years ago today, on February 25th, 1992, Gene Kiniski’s final appearance in the ring occurred in Winnipeg, Canada for the West Four Wrestling Alliance (WFWA) promotion. Kiniski would perform in four matches on the card. The fourth, and final bout, was a three man tag team match with Kiniski’s partners being a young Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Their opponents were “Bulldog” Bob Brown, “Champagne” Gerry Morrow, and The Natural. “The Natural” went on to be known as Don Callis (a.k.a. The Jackel and Cyrus).

Late Edition- Impact Review. Pintnoir

Well here I am after a wonderful week of work. But even with all that I’ve found time for Impact Wrestling. We start the show with a replay of how Roode has held onto his title for months. And culminating in his beat down of Steve Borden. Roode opens the show.

He gloats how Sting on twitter has apparently quit wrestling. Roode praises himself for doing something that Harley Race, Vader, and Ric Flair failed to do. This time we don’t have an interruption from someone in the back.

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Wonderpod Episode 99

We have made it to episode 99. The last of the double digit episodes. Normally I am not the kind to get super nostalgic about milestones. Still there is sense of accomplishment with 99 down and soon to hit the century mark. Better not get to far ahead of myself. We still have this episode for you to enjoy. Jon and I went slightly more free form this week. You’ll have to listen and see how it all went down.

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Medal Of Honor Sequel News

I was one of the few who really enjoyed the Medal of Honor reboot. I liked the fact that it didn’t have a traditional story and just dropped you into the daily chaos of a special forces solider. I admit that it wasn’t as spectacular as I had hoped. The originally WWII MOH was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences. I had a lot of good times with it on PC. So I was more willing to give the reboot a shot. Now the news just broke that there will be a sequel. That is the good news coming from CVG. There is however some bad news to go along with it.

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Will Borderlands 2 be 1000 degrees hotter?

Those of you that have not listened to past episodes of Wonderpod Video Game Podcast may not know that I was never a big fan of the original Borderlands. Which is a bit strange considering how much I like both shooters and online co-op with members of the Wpod family. It may have been due to my picking up the title late after its release and those that I played with were much too high in rank to be playing with me.  Perhaps it may have been because of the needless grinding that game sometimes had, I am not sure really. As a result, I have not been paying much attention this sequels progress at all. After watching the latest trailer I have to say its looking  like more of the same gameplay, which for most of you out there is probably a good thing. For me? Well I will have to be really impressed with what the guys on the podcast will be telling us about it when the game actually launches in order for PatMan to make another borderlands purchase. Still, I can see why so many gamers loved the game and for you good people, go take a look at the new trailer and let me know what YOU think about this sequel!

Smackdown 02/21/12

Well, it’s Friday, and you know what….. wait… what? It’s Tuesday? Damn! I was really hoping it was the weekend. Sadly, it’s also the Battle of Alberta tonight as my Edmonton Oilers face the Calgary Flames. While I enjoyed the PPV on Sunday, my patience will be short for this episode since I am more inclined to watch hockey. My DVR says that Randy Orton is scheduled to face Daniel Bryan tonight. Really? Alright, let’s just hop to it, shall we?
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Portal 2 Co-op With The Wonderpod Crew

This evening Jon and I finally sat down and played some co-op in Portal 2. Glasenator was right about one thing. It’s funnier when you don’t use voice chat. Most of this video will be very familiar to people who have played the game. Those that have not should get a kick out of it. Feel free to let us know what you think.  We plan to get in another session in next week.

BWF Radio 12

Joe, JT, and G are back to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. Today’s topics include Jesse Sorensen’s injury, Kurt Angle’s Olympic chances, RAW’s bad editing, Impact’s bad booking, and SmackDown’s bad Elimination Chamber sell. We also discuss potential future WrestleMania opponents for The Undertaker, who might possibly attack and replace Santino, and the possibility of Santino actually winning the SmackDown Chamber match tonight. Right click and save the link below to listen!

Click below to download the mp3!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 12

Smackdown 02/17/12: Orton’s been replaced, “Oh You Didn’t Know?”

Let’s skip the intro crap, and we begin with clips of the Big Show/Orton match from RAW. Orton was concussed and is being pulled from this Sunday’s Elimination Chamber match up. So our go home Smackdown will serve to find his replacement in a Battle Royal. Teddy Long confirms the stoic faced Orton kayfabe, but it’s all legit too. So sell me on the PPV WWE, I wouldn’t have shilled out the money for Orton anyways. BTW, if you somehow didn’t hear the announcement WWE made themselves on their own website, I’ll save the spoiler for after the jump as I run down this episode of Smackdown…
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pintnoir Impact wrestling review 2-16-12 The Aftermath of AAO

We start the show with a replay of the pay per view where we watch Bobby Roode retain the World Title after infuriating Sting by spitting on him. This causes a hoopla the results in Sting swinging and missing Roode and yet hitting Jeff Hardy with the title belt.  And being forced to count the three. Welcome to iMPACT wrestling.

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