Posts Tagged ‘car’

GTA 5: People Person

I am going to skip the whole it has been twelve years since I posted anything bit. Recently I bought a new microphone and really wanted to improve the audio quality of my videos. Get rid of the bulk of noisy office that drives me nuts. This video was the first recording after said tweaks. […]

Blast Corps

General Overview Save the world from utter, total annihilation by destroying absolutely every goddamn thing in the path of a truck that’s gone out of control and whatever the hell else you’d like as well…wait a minute…

Wonderpod Episode 84

Time for some hot Wonderpod action. This week we wander off the beaten path format wise. The show is still about video games and was a lot of fun to record. You, the fine listening audience will have to tell us what you think of us mixing it up a bit. If you like it […]

MPX Retribution 9-10-11

Well, MPX’s most recent show is in the books. First of all, this had to have been their top-drawing card. I’m not exactly sure what brought the people out tonight: Mike Foxx, Athena, a casket match, the buzz over MPX in general. This is filling up a void in the DFW area for the good, […]

Carmageddon Is Back Baby!!

Man I loved the original Carmageddon back in the day. I never played the second one as I could of cared less about it. I was still to busy running old ladies down in the first one.  While I am not sure calling this a racing game is entriely appropriate, there is racing involved.  According […]

Adventure Game of the Year – 1998

This was a very slow year for adventure games that sadly would continue on as a trend. There were only 7 games. Let’s go!

Left 4 Christianity

This is only a test introduction, if this had been an actual introduction, there would have been a lot more fire and screaming. I never have quite worked out how to kick start this morning abomination if you haven’t noticed. Do I jump straight in to the meat of the post? Do I conjure up […]

The Sign Of The Beast

I am pretty sure at this point the world or at least the authorities are aware of my thoughts. I don’t mean that in a paranoid mind control sense. More of a hey we have heard all about this guy and will let karma help us sense. Yesterday was a classic example of what I […]