Every few months I check in on the Arma 3 mod Exile. See what has changed and a nice break from other games. This time I decided to show off a bit of the base building. Specifically how walls snap together. May seem like a simple concept, but if you played DayZ mod you will […]
Posts Tagged ‘Exile’
Arma 3 Exile: The Start
We all know I should never be left unsupervised. I personally blame Agent K. Silly man playing Dark Souls 3 on PS4. Anyway I decided to hang out in the woods and pretend I was big foot. Translation I have been play Arma 3 mods again. Lord help us all! Enjoy the video guys!
B and K In: Exile Mod
This video requires a little history lesson. Arma 2 had a mod called DayZ. Which became a massive hit and spawned it’s own stand alone game. Other mods like Wasteland and Arma life kept the game relevant for a long time. Even today you can find modded Arma 2 servers still going strong. When Arma […]
Curb stomp on Kinect ? Gears of Rails ?
In what can only be called a rumor at this point, several video-game sites including kotaku are spreading the thoughts of a GOW motion controlled game for kinect being closer to a reality. The catch? Its not going to be GOW 3, but a new game that plays on rails. Other websites such as IGN […]