In what can only be called a rumor at this point, several video-game sites including kotaku are spreading the thoughts of a GOW motion controlled game for kinect being closer to a reality. The catch? Its not going to be GOW 3, but a new game that plays on rails. Other websites such as IGN have recently discussed the trademark for Gears of War Exile and our very own PatMan himself,of the Wonderpod Videogame podcast, has humorously hinted at the idea of a Kinect GOW title a few episodes ago.
If these strong rumors prove to be true, would such a game be successful in brining the so called “hard core” Xbox 360 gamers one step closer to buying a Kinect? Or will it just end up being another reason for them to “hate on” the fun add on in the future? All I know, personally, is that it doesnt matter if a Gears Of War game comes out, hell if any ” hardcore” Kinect game ever comes out really. Kinect is very fun as it is now, its a great way to get off the coutch and play some games. Kinect will never replace hardcore gaming for me, but it doenst need to even try. While I know that Wonderpods Bruce Mcgee is looking to see what Kinect can do in a hardcore shooter, I say hardcore games for Kinect will ultimately fail. This probable failure for hardcore games to work well on Kinect will be of little consequence, however , it doesn’t matter. Thats not what Kinect was made for in the first place. I think developers for Kinect need to just stick to the casual market and expand the possibilities of fun there. Still, if the rumors going around the web as of late are true, I will be at the least interested to see Gears Of War on the Kinect, even if its on rails.
I think mechanically and technically it can be made to work. From all the hacks I have seen for Kinect, it has a boat load of potential. The failure will come from supposed hardcore gamers shitting on it, just because it involves Kinect.
A majority of them have this insane notion that motion control is going to take something away from them There wrong on that count without question. The good news is, the game doesn't need hardcore morons to succeed. If built right and marketed right, a rail shooter with a big name could almost be like a Fischer Price my first FPS. That way the next generation will be trained to buy the same tired crap every year from an early age lol.
The only other Hardcore on rails shooter that I can think of that was released on a motion system was Dead Space extinction. It looked very good , for the Wi,i and had a lot of action.
The game was only a few hours long
its sales were horrible.
So , i just dont see GOW doing very well, but I am willing to try it and hope for the best.