Posts Tagged ‘halo .’

Wonderpod Highlight Reel episode 4

Welcome to another Woderpod video game podcast highlight reel. Perviously we traveled back into time to revisit our first episode that made it to double digits and now we comeback to a more current time. How current? Well the last episode that we have successfully put out, hows that? Enjoy the highlight reel of episode […]

Halo Reach: Evaluating the “Forgetacular Contest.”

On October 14, 2010, Bungie announced that they were going to have a contest in which players of Halo: Reach could design and submit their forge-designed levels. Early into January of 2011, the first batch of nine levels were released to the online community and the crew here at Wonderpod Online has chimed in collectively […]

Foggy And Cold

Good Monday morning to you all. Most of you in the US probably have the day off, so enjoy it. I am not sure how you will enjoy it, when you consider a good portion of the country is snow bound. I got a lot of my little mind this morning and some of it […]