Good Monday morning to you all. Most of you in the US probably have the day off, so enjoy it. I am not sure how you will enjoy it, when you consider a good portion of the country is snow bound. I got a lot of my little mind this morning and some of it might be interesting.
I am seeing more and more “gamers” whining and crying about Microsoft and it’s crowing about Kinect. People are using the device as an example of how MS doesn’t care about “gamers” anymore. Personally I think everyone needs to just shut up about it. I don’t see any of the upcoming hardcore titles trying to jam Kinect functionality in their games at the last minute. Microsoft is going to be marketing the hell out of Kinect and that makes sense. They invested a lot of money inventing the device and they need to recoup that cost. Much like the carping about Nintendo when the Wii launched this is just another example of “gamers” acting like entitled babies. While I am sure the carping will continue this is the last you’ll hear about it from me. Oh and to you Sony fans, the same exact thing can be said for move. I just chose to use Kinect to explain my annoyance.
I was a certified dick last night while playing Halo. While I have been accused of being one in the past it was usually for less than honest reasons. You know someone calling me a dick in an effort to cover up there own asshole behavior. Last night though, I blew it and it I still feel bad about it this morning. The crew was playing Halo and I ran for a vehicle and was holding down X to enter it like your supposed to. I am not sure why, but a lot of the time I get screwed when trying to grab vehicles. I can be the first one there, press X and some random dork comes running up and drives off. So I tend to be prickly about that issue. Well it happened in this particular match and I screamed a couple obscenities over the mic. Thing was the guy who actually got the vehicle was our very own G. I had no idea at the time because I couldn’t see his name. Needless to say it pissed G off and I don’t blame him. While I was more mad at the situation than the person, I shouldn’t of cussed him like I did. I apologized immediately and repeatedly, but I still felt like an asshole, as I should have. I felt it was necessary to mention it here as it is the best way to just get it out and be done with it. G and I discussed it after the game and I am sure will be killing enemies again tonight. Most gamer dick moments among your friends can be handled quickly and painlessly as long as your willing to admit when your wrong.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion has been taking most of my gaming time and I like it a lot. There are still some traits carried over from Morrowind that annoy me, but overall a much better experience. I am very much looking forward to Skyrim. One thing I noticed in RPG’s like this is the time factor. It always makes me laugh that I can take a couple weeks doing side quests and yet the armageddon bringing enemy is no closer to ending the world. Mechanically I understand why that is as far as how these games work. Conceptually though it has to make you wonder. Does the enemy know your lolly gagging around? Maybe they are just really slow carrying out their plans for your ultimate destruction. Possibly the good guys are overstating how bad the situation really is? Kind of amusing when you think about it in those terms.
Careful your love gun could go off like a howitzer.
The Kinect affecting titles is a pretty unlikely non-issue. Unless the developer is Microsoft, the inclusion of Kinect functionality is not going to affect the developer's bottom-line… just Microsoft's bank. Just reading about you reading about it, pisses me off too. Seriously, why would a big title implement Kinect exclusive content, especially when most titles are aimed at multi-platform releases? It's not like people can connect their Kinect to their PS3, Wii, or computer. I can only chalk this up as gamer's not thinking about the big picture.
For example… How would Rockstar benefit from making their next title Kinect exclusive? The only way that would work is via monetary incentive directly from Microsoft… because they would lose out on a massive amounts of sales from the many gamers who do not possess the console, nor the device.
Ahh Bruce, you should hear the stuff I say with my microphone turned off… actually, no. No you shouldn't!
I am sure we have all cussed each other with our mics off. I am still cool with admitting I was a dick and apologizing for it
Happy day off you yanks !
It was freeze your balls off day today in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
hah- your a in house gamer dick, oh well I would have done the same thing probably. Thats why I used to mute my mic… last night my wife was yapping at me so i had the mic off some of the time.
As for Kinect, I love the device, and no not just because I got it for free months before the masses did, but because its FUN. So those cry babies need to shut up about it IMO.
So what your both trying to tell me that your cussing me all the time too? I suddenly have this warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I think it's gas, either way I said it and so I will account for it as it was not a nice thing to say.