The crew is back with another episode of Wonderpod. We wander back into gaming news this week. It was kind of difficult not to. It does create a great discussion on a number of topics affecting the industry. Doing the news is great when it encourages discussions. Enjoy your weekend!
Posts Tagged ‘over’
McGee In State Of Decay
So I am a little later than I planned posting this. That is what happens when your playing games and having fun. You forget to do constructive things. Anyway, I gave State Of Decay a shot on PC. I seriously doubt I will be doing many videos in the game after this. The story line […]
Wonderpod Episode 159
Time for this week’s Wonderpod. As your humble post scribbler, I suspect you can guess what we talked about this week. We run through everything and anything connected to the Xbox 1 and it’s reveal on Tuesday. Going through this reveal and the reaction was maddening for all of us. We did our best to […]
Emulation Arcade – Avengers
Avengers is a fun, straightforward action brawler that involves you advancing toward a seemingly endless barrage of enemies, punching and kicking your way to justice. Yes, this sounds like Final Fight, but there are a number of twists. Firstly, it’s overhead and has a look and feel similar to that of Commando, but with you […]
Used Game Sales Bad!!
For those of you that don’t know I cruise a lot of gaming sites when trawling for podcast fodder. Normally anything I find gets worked into Wonderpod in some shape or form. A story like the one I am about to post for you is generally ignored right from the start. Because it is yet […]
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga – Endless Frontier
General Overview What other game can you play as ridiculously big busted anime babes, Xenosaga’s KOS-MOS included, beating the hell out of robots with tons of over the top juggling combos and super combos with an emphasis on a hit multiplier and tag outs AND claim it’s an RPG? Seriously, if there’s an answer to […]
Starting Fresh
So about a month ago I was desperately trying to finish up Shin Megami Tensei – Digital Devil Saga – Episode 1 (say that three times fast) and I was rapidly getting bored. “No,” I thought, “I must finish this! I want to hurry up so I can sell it and play something else! I […]