Posts Tagged ‘Single’

Wonderpod Episode 177

This weeks Wonderpod is very special. Our very own Jon and Glasenator recorded, produced and directed this episode. I for one am very proud and happy to hear this episode. They did an amazing job and I think you all should give it a listen. Warning I did make a brief pre-recorded appearance.

Used Game Sales Bad!!

For those of you that don’t know I cruise a lot of gaming sites when trawling for podcast fodder. Normally anything I find gets worked into Wonderpod in some shape or form. A story like the one I am about to post for you is generally ignored right from the start. Because it is yet […]

Sports Games or Game Sports?

Hey I am going to give this writing thing a try. Might as well kill off what little traffic we get from all the stellar game trailers. Okay so I might be joking, but in reality writing does not bring in the hits. Especially if I am the one doing the bloody writing. Well that […]

Homefront: Single Player Gameplay

IGN has put out some single player footage of the upcoming game Homefront.  Our very own Bruce Mcgee is very interested in this title, and to be honets, so am I. The multiplayer sounds to be different from most of the other FPS out there and its about time we all had a new game […]