Posts Tagged ‘Preamble’

Smackdown 09/06/13

Hey, it’s Smackdown again. You’d think it’s been a week or something… slowly drifting into slumber… Oh man, I hope we get this on tonight’s episode!

Smackdown 08/30/13

Preamble is cut due to time. I had to work late… work rate? You know what time it is…

Smackdown 08/02/13

Preamble and stuff. Yadda Yoda yolo yadda… Always check the bike first. Always. Hopping time…

Smackdown 05/24/13

Can I be frank for a minute? JT is seen in my preamble holding up a sign that says, “No, your name is ‘G’, brother, dude.” Fine. Look. On May 21st, Steve Wilhite, inventor of the GIF file format won The Life Time Achievement Webby Award on May 21 for giving the gift of the […]