Posts Tagged ‘way’

Goin’ Retro – Paladin’s Quest

There were a lot of RPGs I played for the SNES (and in general) and while some were weird from time to time, very few achieved the strangeness of Paladin’s Quest. So what makes it so strange? Well to clarify, it’s not strange in the same sense that games like Earthbound, some Final Fantasies, and […]

Nostalgia Trip

Stress is making my brain vomit. So in an effort to get something up I am going to do a nostalgia image post. Almost as crappy as list post, but with my brain broken it’s better than nothing. Most of the images you will see come from the original Morphine Nation forums. Lets say between […]

Gambling Man

Monday and I have no hangover, that is about the best news. I never quite understood why the Super Bowl is on Sunday. Makes more sense to me that it should be on Saturday. That way you can have Super Hangover Sunday. Maybe they just never thought of it that way. I am sure there […]

iMPACT: 02/03/11. You Get Many Videos and Tangents This Time.

Whoop-dee-do! It’s Thursday Night Suffering Time! According to some semi-spoilers I’ve run across (unintentionally), some are saying this is a sure contender for the worst iMPACT of ALL time. Great, and it’s my job to review it. Expects tangents… many, many umm…

Minecraft Madness

I have been playing minecraft off and on since it made it big. It is a fun little sand box game and thanks to the boys at Penny Arcade, the whole world knows about it. In that time I have built many kingdoms, ranging from tiny shacks to my latest monstrosity.  I thought it was high […]

Power Poll January 29, 2011… animated once again.

What’s up professional wrestling fans? Here is another installment of the goodness that is the Power Poll! We had some interesting movement this week, and as we kick off the Royal Rumble weekend… well much of it makes total sense. As per usual, I will chime in on each competitor briefly. Also included in this […]

RPG of the Year – 1991

This was actually a tough year for me to choose through games. There were a lot of PC RPGs, naturally, but the problem is a lot of them, yet again, are not very easy to simply pick up and play. Most of them require thorough understanding of the manual or perhaps prior knowledge of the […]

Saturday (re)post

Once again it is Saturday and that means digging out a post from my archives. Last week I started you off with the first Episode of Mister Sandy Toaster Pant’s and his adventures. This week we will move on to episode two in that fine series. If you happen to miss the first episode it […]

Broke Ass Gamer is Back!

Nope, don’t worry.  The new Broke Ass Gamer will not be like it was two episodes before.  In all seriousness it won’t.  The only difference is that I am more broke.