Posts Tagged ‘Khali’

Smackdown 03/01/13. We’re Marching Through Georgia… (G-G-G-Georgia. I don’t give a damn where they are tonight, I love that Pavement song).

Never underestimate The “Unseen Power Of The Picket Fence”. Alice of RWR knows what I’m talking about. So does J.T., Joe, and Jorge of BWF Radio. We’ll see you on Sunday for the podcast. Maybe even Alice will show up and make Jorge laugh? Until then, I decided to continue my streak of abusing my […]

Smackdown: 09/23/11

Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not. Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him […]

WWE RAW Reflections: 14/03/2011

-RAW REFLECTIONS!  Snarky wrestling editorializing of televised wrestling the night before, so we can have a laugh later!  Telling you why your opinions on wrestling are WRONG, coupled with jokes!