Archive for the ‘Not Tycho News’ Category

Monday Meandering

Monday and it’s nasty outside. I saw a cat go flying by just a moment ago. Some how I went to bed in California and woke up in Kansas. I either need a new travel agent or I was kidnapped. Nasty weather means more time indoors. Which means I can focus on some internet projects, […]

Digital Home Yo

Another Friday and that means another Wonderpod. Well that is coming up a little later, this is my morning selfish post. Obviously most of you would rather I just post the podcast and bugger off. Yeah, that is not happening, I got stuff to say and it is more fun with victims. These posts are […]

Left 4 Christianity

This is only a test introduction, if this had been an actual introduction, there would have been a lot more fire and screaming. I never have quite worked out how to kick start this morning abomination if you haven’t noticed. Do I jump straight in to the meat of the post? Do I conjure up […]

Ranting and Raging

Good Wednesday morning to you. Brain is functioning a little better today. So will run through an actual written post. Plus the nostalgia images bombed big time. Silly bastards, just don’t know comedy gold when they see it. Plus most of the those images were the kind that only make me laugh. I tend to […]

Nostalgia Trip

Stress is making my brain vomit. So in an effort to get something up I am going to do a nostalgia image post. Almost as crappy as list post, but with my brain broken it’s better than nothing. Most of the images you will see come from the original Morphine Nation forums. Lets say between […]

Gambling Man

Monday and I have no hangover, that is about the best news. I never quite understood why the Super Bowl is on Sunday. Makes more sense to me that it should be on Saturday. That way you can have Super Hangover Sunday. Maybe they just never thought of it that way. I am sure there […]

Year Of The Donkey Punch

2011 is starting to look a lot like 2010. This would not be a good thing for me and in some ways is going to affect you. The hard working crew at Wonderpod got a podcast recorded. This is a vast improvement over last weeks disaster. The recording is suffering from some major issues and […]

Dookie Calls

Thursday the day we record a podcast. I suppose it should be known as the day we attempt to record podcast. Tonight will be our second attempt at recording episode 50. After sitting down with Audiomaster G last night I am 95% sure we will get it done this time. 5% chance of failure is […]

Late=No Image

Hump day is upon us and with it the tell tale sign of zombie ferrets. They will creep out of your pants and in to the night hunting for vegemite. They are similar to tweak’s under pants Gnomes, only far more lethal. I am pretty sure that is why they call it hump day. The […]

I Don’t Like Spam!!!!

Hello and welcome to the opening paragraph. I have such a bloody hard time getting these things started. Hell how many times can you say happy Tuesday before it becomes boring. Either I need to make my coffee stronger in the morning or just live with standard boring openings. Right now I am wondering how […]