Wonderpod Episode 91(year end)

The final Wonderpod of 2011 is here. The show covers some year end things like GOTY and we threw in a few other features as well. We would like to thank each and every one of you for listening. With that out of the way, why are you still here? Hit the bloody button already you got a show to enjoy.

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Biff Zongo: Porn or Cookies?

Fredrik: What can I say? I really wanted a cookie today. I have tried to cut back on cookies, candy and soda lately…
And it has started to effect my sexual fantasies. All girls are covered in cookies and cream now.
You can’t be mad at Stingo. For a slimy space mutant this is an honest mistake. But I guess you could be a little bit mad at me for making this comic.
I’m blaming my rampant sugar addiction. I would kill for some ginger candy right now.

The Men In Black Are Back

I thought the original Men In Black movie was absolutely great. It was humorous, fun, and had a good fill of sci-fi action and special effects.Then came the sequel and, well, it didn’t exactly live up to the original. Sure it still had Sci-Fi moments and some humor, but it just didnt ” click” like it did in the original. So, when I heard of a MIB3 I was not exactly jumping with movie watching joy. Then I watched the new Trailer, which we can see below, and I must say that I have much more faith in MIB3 now.While it may not recapture the fun of the original, it looks to be a step above MIB2 and that’s all I need to go see it!  Let us know what  you think of the trailer?
[youtube IyaFEBI_L24]

BWF Radio Episode 4

No, you’re not here on the wrong day. No, this is not a special edition. We have officially moved BWF Radio to Sundays! This week, the BWF Radio Crew talk about Impact and SmackDown, the attention span of the average wrestling viewer, whether WCW was the cause of titles being “hot-potatoed,” and if Ring of Honor could eventually become a top national promotion on the level of WWE and TNA. Also, this week you can weigh in on our final question, “Which Pay Per View is the better value for your money this month” on our facebook page. Ready to listen? Right Click and Save the link below!

BWF Radio Episode 4!

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: Goldeneye 007.

Before the N64, the only place for a good first person shooter was on the PC. But then came Turok with, for its time,  superior visuals filled with full polygonal graphics and a more open environment than the traditional corridor shooters on PC. PC games would, of course, very quickly catch up to the N64 with the use of 3D graphics cards, sound cards and all new processor. But, it was on the N64 that I enjoyed some of my early favorite FPS, with out the costly hassle of upgrading my PC and then fighting with software and hardware to make a game actually run properly. Goldeneye 007 was, with out a doubt, one of the greatest games to ever come out on the N64. Not only did it help change FPS for the better and help prove that FPS can work very well on consoles, it also had gamers enjoying multiplayer split screen for years on end. Before Goldeneye , I don’t recall a console game with such amazing replay value and fun with friends. The stealth elements and mission objectives in Goldeneye were a great addition that is now common in many FPS. Gamers didn’t just have to shoot their ways down a corridor, find a key and unlock the next door. Now they had specific tasks, such as using a spy cam to take pictures, download data from a terminal, locate an informant and more. Also, surveillance cameras added great fun and stealth to the game. If you could take the cameras out in time you would be rewarded with less enemies to fight, making things easier when you played on high difficulty levels.If you didn’t see the cameras in time you had a wave of heavily armored guards to contend with, and if you did survive, your health would have certainly taken a massive hit. Goldeneye was, for its time, a near perfect combination of shooting action,stealth and mission objectives, all taking place in one of the best looking FPS games ever made at that time. And then, there was all that multiplayer fun with friends and family on the couch!

[youtube qbxOPKv8r2w]

PatMan Plays: Mario Kart 7. Staring PatMan’s Mii !

My favorite Mario Kart title of all time was on the Nintendo DS. It took all the fun of a console Mario Kart racer and, for the first time, actually made it possible to feel like I was playing a console Mario Kart on a hand held. Not to mention the fact that Mario Kart DS was the very first Nintendo game to go online, that in itself was epic. And now comes the highly anticipated Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS. Honestly, the new Mario Kart comes very close to topping my favorite Mario Kart title, but not quite. Of course, it has superior audio and visuals, and makes very good use of the unique 3D technology while not allowing it to become distracting to your Kart driving game play needs. There are 16 all-new tracks which make use of the 2 all-new abilities your karts now have, those being the ability to drive underwater and to glide through the air. Also, 16 classic tracks  return from the past for that all important “retro kart racing” we have become accustomed to in the series. The classic tracks, however, have been updated with ways to use the new karts abilities. Online is more robust now and the the game is just as fun as ever. Mario Kart 7 is one of my favorite Mario Karts to date and to just say that is no easy task as they are all addictive and fun. And, for only 39.99 its a great value for tight budget last minute shoppers who are looking for a gift to put under the Christmas tree, for Christmas Day! Check out my “shaky cam” game play video, staring PatMan’s Mii ,directly below. Its about time PatMan’s Mii got some attention, PatMan’s  360 Avatar seems to hog all the air time in my videos!  =)

[youtube ratitynKRH4]

Smackdown 12/09/11: Beat the Clock Night!

Wow, I just worked for 15 hours. So naturally, what do I want to do? Watch some Smackdown, you ask. Actually… yes. I do. See it’s “Beat the Clock” matches to determine placement in a TLC match. This is a gimmick I love. This review might be a little more convoluted than normal, however. Let’s hop to it, shall we?

Totally stolen.

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Impact Wrestling–Promodown to Final Resolution

Promo starts the program, it details the events leading to Final Resolution.

Steve Borden enters the ring and calls out Bobby Roode. Explains to Roode that there will be consequences for his actions and that last week was just one punishment the next is coming up. Out comes Dixie Carter. Borden tells Roode to apologize to her. Roode rants about how Dixie sucks at her job and that she needs him as their champion. He figuratively and physically spitting on authority. Dixie is in shock, Steve chases him from the ring. So much for the age of Selfishness.

Backstage continuation where Styles throws Roode up against a wall. Steve then comes to the back to confront Roode only to be held back by Styles and Hardy.

First Match. Samoa Joe vs Abyss–

Short match that seems to be the way for Joe. Steiner distracts the referee leading to Ray hitting the Samoan with a chain. Winner Abyss. Afterword with Steiner and Ray in the ring, Abyss blackhole slams Scott leaving Ray to run from the ring.

Backstage with Karen Jarrett. She instructs Madison to take out James. Yep inept assassin #2 will so put away Super Mickie.

More Backstage with Gunner and Borden–Gunner wants a third try against Garett Bischoff. He promises no Bischoff Sr. or Flair at ringside.

Devon and the Pope call out Matt Morgan and Crimson. Devon shoots a mutual respect in ring promo but promises to take home the titles. Pope grabs the mike and shoots a heel promo…Elijah Burke all over again TNA? After saying he’ll do whatever it takes stooping to any lengths to attain it. He bumps Morgan who grabs him and beats him down. Crimson and Devon scuffle to the back. Leaving Pope alone to low blow Morgan and calls in Devon’s kids. All three beat down on him until Morgan hulks out and they flee.

Madison Rayne vs Mickie James–

Yeah a four minute filler where Rayne puts on some offense before Mickie overcomes laying out Rayne with a DDT for the win. Rocky and Bullwinkle villain extinguished. Gail comes out to show off the belts. Because its setting up for Final Resolution. You know.

Gunner and Garett pt III, and still no one cares. The people in the back care so little that Bischoff Jr. still comes out in dress pants, belt and converse all stars. Even poorly dressed Gunner who whoops on Garett until Bisch Junior pulls off a single leg pin. Beatdown after the match leading to a spiked piledriver on the concrete. Afterwords Flair and Bischoff mock an unconscious Garett who is being loaded into an ambulance.

*Special notice* When Taz and Tenay talk about fatherhood and Tenay looks annoyed by Taz and his non announcing ability. I guess it really is what you know.

James Storm confronts Angle spew some good dialogue which first seems like ass kissing. Gay reference. Storm turns his back to hit him from behind again. Mocks Angle’s catchphrase.

Devon’s Kids —- skip

Traci Brooks versus Gail Kim what was supposed to be a reenactment of the Madison Rayne/Tara match except Traci kicks out after 2. Leads to a decent match where Ms Brooks unleashes her frustrations on Gail. That is until Karen comes out distracts the referee causing Traci to be knocked out by Madison’s ill earned KO’s belt. Gail wins.

*Daniels is snarky funny, comparing RVD’s singlet to a colostomy bag was inventive.

Jeff Jarrett w Karen Jarrett/Bobby Roode versus AJ Styles/ Jeff Hardy—-Disconnected—-

Which I feel was a warning from the god’s to not spoil the ending of the pay per view. Who know but this Sunday is Final Resolution and here is too a decent 3 hr Impact.


Wonderpod Episode 90

Finally, Wonderpod episode 90 has come back to WPO. Fun fact the audience may want to know. Buying a new PC means you will get be screwed side ways and not just by shovel ware. So much for plug and play! Okay shitty pun’s out of my system we got a great show for you, including a discussion topic that you will not want to miss. Next week we will be doing our end of the year show including our personal GOTY picks.

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Not All Retro Is Awesome – Badlands

Usually when I think laserdisc game with QTE, I think Dragon’s Lair. What I don’t think is cowboy anime with a hyper ass trigger finger and a level of ridiculousness I’ve not seen…well, since ever. You can click on the pic above to see a playthrough to learn more, but allow me to highlight some main points.
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