Impact Wrestling Review- Prop characterization, Mixxed Tag and Karen’s void makes it Rayne

Welcome to another edition of Impact Wrestling for Dec 22nd. After the events of Final Revolution, Impact is gearing towards Genesis were Hardy will face Roode for the World Title, Devon will take on the Pope and Double Trouble, and when called for a tag title match will emerge from this Wild Card tournament.

Impact opens with a replay of last week, with the decimation of Hardy and Sting. Following it up with an appearance from the heels as Roode w/ Bully Ray the culprits of the beat down. Roode spews his heelish hate which eventually leads to him attempting to get Sting to suspend him so he doesn’t have to defend his world title at Genesis.

Taz:Wouldn’t Roode being suspended lead to being stripped of the title? Tenay: Yes, Captain Obvious.
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Smackdown 12/23/11

Tonight is the go-home show before the holiday weekend, and probably will be left in a holding pattern. Much to my chagrin, I work late on Friday, so I was not able to catch the ROH PPV tonight. Hopefully after the craziness of the holidays dies down next week, I’ll find a way to watch it. Until then, it’s time for Smackdown. Let’s hop to it, shall we?
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Biff Zongo: Prison Bitch


Fredrik: This is life. Sad, but truer than we might want to realize.

Hobbit Trailer (yeah you read that right)

The wait for the first peek at the Hobbit movie is over. The Hobbit is easily one of my favorite books of all time. I read it before I read the Lord of the Rings series. I am impressed with what I have seen in this trailer. I am not impressed with having to wait until next December for the actual film.  Oh well we can all sit here and watch this fancy teaser trailer and hope the rest of the film is just as awesome.


BWF Radio 5: BWF Awards 2011

This week on BWF Radio, the crew discuss, as best they can through minor technical issues, the best of 2011, with some surprising results. Pintnoir’s kids take over the tail end of the podcast, unintentionally, to the point where they had to be edited out. We predict tonight’s TLC Pay Per View and what we expect to come in 2012. Plus, we find out we all hate Nickelback. Right click/Save As the link below!


Note from G: We will return with all likelihood on January 8, 2012. It’s been a crazy year for professional wrestling, and we look forward to another one to follow. Wrestling show recaps will still be available here, and at

Cena Sucks T-Shirt, a very smart financial move by John Cena and the WWE.

PatMan Picks Ti99/4a Classics: Tunnels Of Doom.

If  you have listened to any of the 90+ episodes of Wonderpod you know one thing about me, I am no fan of RPG’s and some dungeon crawlers. Yet, as a kid I spent hours playing what today might be considered a tedious & repetitive dungeon RPG title. That game was Tunnels Of Doom, which although available also on disk, I played off of a cassette tape! If you think the load times of old PC Disk titles were long, just be glad you never had to play games on tape format. Thankfully tape format was all but finished, but I didn’t actually play this game until several years after it was released and thus had to suffer this archaic form of storage, at least for this one single game. What made the loading feel extra long was the fact that every other Ti99/4a title I owned was on cartridge, giving almost instant start up gratification. Playing this title,I remember drawing crude maps just so I didn’t get lost, enjoying the exploration & combat elements very much while having less fun with the RPG elements. I found the RPG elements slowed the gameplay right down at times. Also, even for a game on the TI99/4a its visuals were pretty poor.I still enjoyed the game a lot, over all, and it was good fun for its time. My big brother was much better at the game, probably due to his time enjoying Dungeons & Dragons. I fondly recall watching him play this game as much as I did playing it. So, if any of our listeners think I am ” biased”  against RPGs & Dungeon crawlers, or maybe “never have played one”, take a look at this classic title I enjoyed playing as a kid , perhaps before some of our younger listeners were even born.

[youtube  dhfQF9075NQ]

PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. British Bulldogs VS. Cuban Commandos. Steel Cage!

Its time again for more retro wrestling favorites from Calgary, Alberta, Canada! A few weeks ago I featured a 6 man tag team match featuring the British Bulldogs & Don Moraco. This time, we will take a look at a great match that took place only a few weeks prior to that event. The Stampede International Tag Team champions, the Cuban Commandos, had been fighting off the title hungry British Bulldogs for about a month, doing what ever it took to remain champions.This involved cheating, getting counted out , using foreign objects and being disqualified on numerous occasions. These matches drove the crowd absolutely nuts every time as Stampede fans anticipated their returning heros, and former world Tag Team Champions in the WWF, to win the titles with ease. They did not. These matches were all leading up to, of course, a match where the Commandos were confined to an event with no rules , no where to run and no way to win by cheating.  A match inside a solid steel cage!  Enjoy the match and I will return with more classic wrestling from the Stampede promotion. But, “In the mean time, and in-between time, that’s it. Another edition of Stampede Wrestling”!

Smackdown: 12/16/11.

Let me level with you, there IS a PPV this Sunday. Seriously. I know what you’re thinking, but I assure the TLC PPV is this Sunday. This might seem baffling if you have been watching WWE programming lately, because you’d think they’d make you care and want to tune in to see it. But they didn’t book much, or do much, and as a result… meh. Let’s just hop to it, shall we? I’m too tired.
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TNA Impact 12-15: The Rise of Hardy and the Exodus of the Jarretts

We start with a promo promoting Final Resolution and its outcome.

AJ Styles comes out for his 5 minute sudden death extension from Final Resolution against Bobby Roode. Because TNA could care less about PPV buys. After the initial 5 we have a second overtime. 30 seconds later we have Bobby Roode retaining after using a single Boston Crab on an already injured limb of Styles.

Next we the tag tournament that teams various people together. First we have Hernandez and Robbie T taking on Abyss and Scott Steiner. Decent match which ends when Abyss black hole slams Rob Terry and allows Steiner to make the pin.

Kurt Angle comes out to demand a rematch against James Storm. Calls out Sting who tells him that James said that he has already beaten him and is moving on to the world title picture. Angle vows to go to James hometown and attack whomever for Storm’s attention.

Tony Nese takes on Xima Ion in a best of three series for a shot at the TNA X division title. I believe the whole purpose of this match is to build up both Nese and Ion as top contenders in the X division. And for that I have no problem with that. Xima executes 3 high impact moves on Nese before finally pinning him and shooting a cocky promo to boot.

Jesse Neal takes on Gunner in what is I guess an excuse to write Neal off television after going on his twitter complaining about leaving. Message served as Gunner hits a DDT on the exposed concrete floor an assist by Flair sealed Jessie’s fate.

Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and documents his victories over Jeff and the soreness that followed.Bully Ray cuts him off before reminding him that he will not be a stepping stone for Hardy.

God… Robbie E and Douglas Williams wrestling Samoa Joe and Magnus (This all before a behind the scenes look at the too measuring each other up.) Entertaining match that really showed how well these two (Magnus and Joe) mesh. A muscle buster on Williams for the win.

EY (Eric Young) finds out that ODB is his mystery partner.

Devon calls out the Pope who comes to the ring with Devon’s kids. After a heated exchange Pope kicks Devon in the balls from behind. Terrence and Terrell join in holding their father as the Pope slaps on him.

Traci comes out dressed to stress that she is a wrestler against the Killer Queen Madison Rayne.Short like a divas match ending in the weakness kick to the head I’ve seen.

Sting calls out both Jarretts. After earlier encounters decides to fire them both.

Roode comes to the ring to specially announce while Bully Ray wrestles Jeff Hardy (who is now the #1 contender for the TNA title belt. Okay. Bully Ray is a worker and this match ends after 2 twists of fate. Later on Ray distracts Hardy in the ring and puts him through a table. Sting emerges and is beaten down.

End Impact.

Final Observation: Better than the last few weeks and Impact is slowly improving and the best part I haven’t seen Hogan since the Thursday after BFG. So here is to continuity and less Russo style matches. Since you know he is still writing the show while Pritchard oversees.

PatMan Plays: Rayman Origins. 4 Mins Of Gameplay Goodness!

Welcome to another PatMan plays. This time around I bring you another “shakey cam” video of me playing videogames. Rayman Origins is one of my top games of the entire year, as you will learn when you listen to our Wonderpod Video-game year end special ! This is one of the most beautiful video games I have played in a long time. Its bright, colorful and the art style is very, very nice. The game play is top notch as well with some of the best 2D platforming I have encountered in a long time. In my opinion, its every bit as great as DKC returns was last year on the Wii and even better than ” New” Mario bros was before that.  And,  as a Nintendo guy growing up,I was never a big Rayman fan before this game! Sit back and enjoy about 4 mins of great platform goodness. Watch me die and get pissed off,  then if your in any way a fan of platform games, go buy it now you wont regret it.