PatMan Picks N64 Favorites. Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Nintendo has become famous for its amazing platformers. They usually star an assortment of our favorite cartoon like characters raging from the iconic Mario & Donkey Kong all the way to ultra cute Yoshi and Kirby. However,during the N64 life cycle ,Nintendo had some steep competition from their very own 2nd party developers, Rare. Rare would create the amazing Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel Tooie along with Donkey Kong Country 64, surpassing Nintendo in the technical aspects of graphics and sounds and matching the big N in the game play department. But it was Conker’s Bad Fur Day that really shined near the end of the N64s life cycle. It would be an understatement to say that this game made by Rare was “different”. Sure it had all the great components of a wonderful 3D platform game that Rare had shown in the past but Conker had one thing no other Nintendo platformer had ever had. A really, and I mean really adult scene of humor. Conker would help bees “pollinate” large breasted Sunflower, fight a giant boss made completely out of poo, get drunk, unzip his pants and urinate all over enemies that were made of fire. And Conker would do these things for that all important thing in life, he did it for money. Even the simplest of tasks such as putting a male voiced “screw” into a female voiced “nut” in order to open a new area would have very adult humor. It was this very well done and very British  “naughty comedy” that set the game apart from other platform games before it. The game play itself was ever bit as creative, challenging, and most importantly fun as the Banjo games or Donkey Kong Country 64 that Rare had made before it, but the adult content never took itself seriously and always made gamers laugh and was a great, refreshing new experience. I loved fighting the Nazi like teddy bears in multi player and playing out parodies of famous movie scenes such as The Matrix & Aliens. The game would never had become as famous had Rare continued to follow Nintendo’s advice and finish the ultra cute ” Conkers 12 Tales” Thankfully, the game changed for the better!

[youtube Wzd1ktXj0MQ]

Battlefield 3 Back To Karkand Map Pack Trailer , Bring it on!

A brand spanking new trailer for the first  Battlefield 3 DLC  has been released and frankly, I think  its looking very awesome. Its called ” Back To Karkand”  and for those of us that were lucky enough to find the “limited edition” on store shelves, or those smart enough to pre-order the title, its absolutely free of charge. Yep, that’s right, no need to sing up for some ridiculous pay service, which some what resembles Bungies  former and absolutely free Halo service, to get a “good deal” on DLC for BF3.  All you had to do was pre order or at least look for the limited edition on the shelves, which sold for the same price as the regular edition in most locations. The trailer is looking amazing with 4 very big  re imagined maps , several new vehicles, 10  new weapons and new dog tags. If you have not pre-ordered or didn’t spot it on shelves you can buy the map pack for the same price as a typicial COD DLC. Well, its  the same price only you get more maps, more weapons,vehicles and a 100 % less chance of being killed at your deployment point 2 seconds after you spawn by someone under the age of 18, who has not grown out of  the ” twitch gaming phase” that we all had to go through at one point of our gaming lives.  Enjoy the trailer and I will see you on the battlefield!

[youtube TyN_Zjw4l-s]

Smackdown: 11/04/11. “All RAW had was a bunch of Muppets”

Hot off the heels of a Muppet invasion on RAW, comes Smackdown. And as per usual, I am expected lots of great action, so let’s just skip this intro stuff and hop to it, shall we?

Well, maybe not literally…

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Impact Review 11/3 – A Heel is Lurking

Welcome to a late edition of Impact review.  Pintnoir always comes to Impacts rescue today we come from Macon, Georgia.

Look Ma, I can use google to find Macon rhymes with bacon, Georgia

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Wonderpod Episode 87

The crew has survived Halloween. The various hexes, curses and death threats did not stop us. To show there are no hard feelings  we put together a new episode of Wonderpod for you. For those of you that attempted to harm us, all I can say is better luck next year.

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Biff Zongo: Boy Scouts in Bondage

Fredrik: This is based on real books, but I changed scouts to boy scouts. Sounded better that way. And the last title is made up. I have been interested in weird books for a long time. Listen to the description of the book Cockeye Kerrigan “Hard-knuckled pages blazing with biff and stingo. . .” When I had decided to name the main character Biff and I googled it, saw the phrase and knew that his best friend should be named Stingo! :-)

Gun Sage The Hermit

Well, I have a lot to answer for, so I will attempt to be as quick as possible. As some of you know, my 360 died early this year. A lot of people have asked me why I don’t just get it replaced. Well, this requires a bit of explanation. I WANT a new 360…but I don’t know when the fuck that’s going to happen. I was unemployed all last year, but I was making more than I’m making now and didn’t really have to pay for gasoline much as a result.
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Slapping EA Around One More Time

This morning while trawling the internet for podcast resources. I came upon the sales numbers for the first week of Battlefield 3. The game has sold five million copies and shipped 10 million total. That is a pretty damn good amount for any video game in any time period. The problem is, it won’t matter if the game breaks all sales records. Because a group of morons at EA made a fatal error in promoting BF3 and that will in the end cause more harm than good.

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Panel of the Dead (Repost) Part 3/3

Back at a website that is no longer with us, this series was begat. It was a discussion panel about what you might do during an outbreak of zombies. All three basic types of zombies. It’s nearing Halloween, and so, why not bring back the dead? Get your shotgun or baseball bat, you’ll need it. Here’s part 3.

The Outbreak… part 3

Welcome back zombie enthusiasts! This is the third and final installment of our three part zombie discussion related to the outbreak phase of a pending zombie apocalypse. Things get a little bizarre in the edition as we speculate about survival tactics, as well as ideal situations. Mind you, nothing is truly ideal in such a scenario…
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Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 26 – 30

Happy Halloween friends! SRD here. And once again, I’ve rounded up all our friends from Wonderpod, TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. Lets get right to it, shall we?

30. Mortal Kombat
29. Shadows of the Empire
28. Pitfall!
27. Elder Scrolls 4
26. Final Fantasy 6