Scruffy in “H is for Hamlet”

Patman Picks N64 Favorites. Turok Dinosaur Hunter.

There was nothing like that surprising first time that a Raptor came running out of the fog at us. We panicked. We switched from our knife to our pistol and hoped we had the time to shoot it dead as it ran in and attacked. Then many of us said out loud , ” That was awesome”! And awesome it was. Turok Dinosaur Hunter was a great and revolutionary FPS filled with superior visuals, more exploration, item collecting, smooth animations, great weapons, platform elements and freedom of movement than any other FPS had at the time. Truthfully, however, times changed very quickly back then as PC gaming caught up much faster than console makers expected, surpassing some of the early console shooters. Also, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark and even Turok 2 would soon display a superior FPS experiences to N64 gamers around the world. That said, however, it was the first Turok that really blew me away for the first time with real polygonal 3d graphics, full freedom of movement and amazing animations. The original Turok was simply breathtaking and very fun to play in its short time period where it could claim its fame on top of the FPS world. Not only was it an amazingly beautiful game for its time, it had what’s even more important in every title. It had great gameplay moments. Climbing up a cliff only to see a Dinosaur waiting for you at the top. Jumping into a river and swimming under water only to find a secret cave filled with interesting items and a new weapon. Then, as you turn around to leave and go under water again, a creature that was been following behind you in that same river emerges out of the water, into the cave and attacks. Exploring mysterious ruins for new weapons and keys while always wondering what will be coming out of the fog for you to shoot at next. As much as I loved Halo on the original X-BOX, the notion that some gamers think that Halo was the “first game to show that FPS can be done on consoles” is absolutely ridiculous. They obviously never played video games in the N64 era, they obviously never played Turok!

You Love It, I Hate It – Halo

Before every fanboy that simply sees the title and simply gets ready to rant in the comments does so, I implore you, please read this first. Halo is a much drooled over title and for (allegedly) good reason. At least I assume so because sales for this title have been no less than insane, thus rampant fanboyism. Before I begin, I’d like to tell you a little about myself and why I SHOULD have fallen in love with this game, but couldn’t. Read more »

PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Halloween special. Brian Pillman vs. Jason The Terrible !

Welcome back to another trip down Stampede Wrestling’ memory lane. This week I have a match specially picked out for Halloween viewing! First up its a young “Flying Brian Pillman”, who at this point in his career had only recently started training in the famous “dungeon” of the Hart family. Pillman would, of course, go on to the ECW and he would also later become tag champions with Steve Austin. Perhaps his biggest claim to fame was his WWF run as part of the Hart Foundation. Brian Pillman gained international success everywhere he went. Unfortunately, like so many other Stampede trained wrestlers, he was taken from this earth well before his time. His opponent was Jason The Terrible, a “supernatural” wrestling heel who’s character was based on the frightening Friday the 13th movie monster of the same name. Although intended to be an unstoppable heel, Jason would  ironically become a very popular  face in the Stampede promotion. No matter how hard promoters wanted this character to be an “evil heel” that the fans would fear and boo when he was in the ring,  Jason quickly became a fan favorite. In fact, the crowd soon started to love his horror character and bring in hockey masks of their own to show Jason! Fans started to cheer for the monster more than they did the faces that he wrestled against. In other words, Jason The Terrible would become one of the first  true “anti-heros” in the business and as Bruce Hart put it “was well on his way to wrestling stardom”. Jason even became tag partners with one of the terratories biggest faces of all time, Owen Hart. Unfortunately,  the original Jason The Terrible was involved in a car accident which injured the man behind the mask and put an end to his career. After the original Jason was forced to stop competing in Stampede, there have been other men who wrestled behind the Jason Mask in other territories, but it is THIS Jason that I will always be  fond of. 

[youtube 1vMDRtMCftE]

Smackdown: 10/28/11

It’s odd. Lately RAW has been pretty terrible. I enjoy parts, but overall, Smackdown has been delivering in ring more often that the so-called “A” show. It’s akin to the days of the “Smackdown Six,” and some how includes Mark Henry. Crazy, I know. But the guy is on top as a dominant heel champion, and I actually look forward to watching what happens. And therefore, let’s get to it… shall we?
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Wonderpod Episode 86

Just like Jason, Wonderpod keeps on appearing. We got an epic show for you this week, including a rant. I hear through the grapevine that some of you love those. Sorry the shows a little late, got wrapped up in the World Series game last night. I am sure you will find the show worth the wait.

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iMPACT 10/27- Pintnoir Review

AH Welcome to another Pintnoir review of iMPACT Wrestling.

We open on a Storm montage going over his win at last weeks ppv. Then out comes the cowboy Storm with new theme music, he talks about his father and how he told him when watching Wrestlemania 3 that he wanted to be a wrestler. Fortune proceeds to the ring congratulating but Samoa Joe’s music hits he comes out and insults Storm and Roode wants his shot at the title. (*didn’t BFG have a stipulation where whoever won the three-way between Joe, Morgan and Crimson would get a title shot and didn’t Joe lose to Crimson?) ANYWAY! Sting comes down exerting his authority and makes a number one contenders match between Joe and Roode. Winner faces James Storm in Macon, Georgia.
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Panel of the Dead (Repost) Part 2/3

Back at a website that is no longer with us, this series was begat. It was a discussion panel about what you might do during an outbreak of zombies. All three basic types of zombies. It’s nearing Halloween, and so, why not bring back the dead? Get your shotgun or baseball bat, you’ll need it. Here’s part 2.

The Outbreak… part 2

Welcome back zombie enthusiasts! We’ve returned, but we are not the undead. We are those who discuss the phenomenon known as the zombie. And we are about to pick up where we left off.
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Biff Zongo: Erotica By Stingo

Panel of the Dead (Repost) Part 1/3

Back at a website that is no longer with us, this series was begat. It was a discussion panel about what you might do during an outbreak of zombies. All three basic types of zombies. It’s nearing Halloween, and so, why not bring back the dead? Get your shotgun or baseball bat, you’ll need it. Here’s part 1.

The Outbreak…

What is it about zombies that intrigues us? While the popularity of the horror genre slips in and out of the mainstream like that of all things, why is it that we continue to return to enjoying the idea of mindless humans (alive or dead) returning to prey on our living species? It’s a funny concept of an apocalypse, and perhaps a result of the fact that it is one that any one of us could survive… for at least a while. Here at the Morphine Nation, we like to challenge political correctness. And as always, we return in panel discussion form to rant, rave, and spew rhetoric on all things zombies.
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