Starting Fresh

So about a month ago I was desperately trying to finish up Shin Megami Tensei – Digital Devil Saga – Episode 1 (say that three times fast) and I was rapidly getting bored. “No,” I thought, “I must finish this! I want to hurry up so I can sell it and play something else! I always do this…I always just start over and play something else!” And then…that’s exactly what happened.
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Deus Ex Coca Cola

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Everyday! The Bored Game

EVERYDAY! The Bored Game!

Biff Zongo: Conference Against Domestic Violence

Fredrik: Now before you accuse me for making fun of domestic violence, think of this. Maybe this nazi guy isn’t beating his white trash wife or children… He could be gay! And if he’s gay he is beating the living shit out of another guy, which of course is totally acceptable behaviour.

Homefront Sequel To Be Made By Crytek.

This was news that I did not expect. Apparently neither did the crew over at CVG. They are reporting that Crytek is set to make the sequel to Homefront.  Considering the first one by Kaos Studio was a bit of a disaster, this news is rather interesting.  Given how well made and received the Crysis franchise was I am sure Crytek can make an excellent game in the Homefront Universe. That said I am pretty sure given how the first one went, they are facing an uphill climb with gamers.

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The War On.. New Beginnings

Welcome, Wonderpod readers/listeners/viewers/somethingelseImayhavemissed. This is the new column, the new rant, the new piece, brought to you by Wonderpod Online, and But before I explain just what it is you’ll see in future editions, the opening has to be cued.

Cue the opening..

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PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Bill Kazmaier vs Ted Arcidi .Powerlifting Competition!

Welcome to another episode of classic wrestling, Stampede Style! This time around I am featuring something a little different than my usual old school wrestling matches. Don’t worry, all the dungeon trained future super stars and Stampede alumni will return to wrestle it out for our enjoyment next time. Today, I am featuring a “strong man” competition, or powerlifting showcase if you prefer from 2 of Stampede Wrestlings most powerful men. Hell 2 of the WORLDS most power full men at the time. Legitimate “Worlds Strongest Man” winner  Bill Kazmaier “mans up” against former power lifting champion Ted Arcidi. With new and younger powerlifters and strong men entering the scene, the decision for both men to become pro wrestlers was a complete no brainer and coincidentally both men found them selves in the Calgary promotion at the same time. Of course this was a great chance for Stu Hart to promote big matches between these massive muscle men in the future. Sure, these guys could not actually wrestle very well. However unlike the smaller guys in Stampede, they didn’t have to know all the wrestling holds and moves to be noticed, they just had to be in the ring beating the crap out of people. Because of their fame as strong men and their intimidating size, they automatically gained all the attention they needed to get a good days pay. lets watch the “Competition” unfold and of course because this is taking place in a Stampeded Wrestling ring, you can rest assured that things wont exactly go smoothly! Worth noting is the actions by Ted Arcidi later in the competition that, of course, sets up a big feud between 2 of Stampede Wrestlings strongest men to ever step into the ring.


[youtube tIRPCtu5ioE]


Biff Zongo: Spice Up Your Sex Life

Fredrik: I have never done any of this stuff. But I hope this script has given you some new ideas. Please let me know.

Wonderpod Episode 80

The latest and greatest episode of Wonderpod is done. Hopefully your not tuning in for any news out of TGS. Because we didn’t cover any of it. Basically we got through three topics and everybody fell a sleep after that. I got an hour or so of snoring caught on tape. Riveting stuff, which luckily for you I edited out. Before that happened we put together one hell of a show.

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Impact Wrestling: 09/15/11.

Hot off the heels of a terrible turrible pay-per-view, Impact Wrestling returns to the airwaves to torment and torture us all. A few notables to consider coming off of that show, is that Angle retained and Sting is not your new champion. This means the Hogan/Sting debacle that should occur at Bound For Glory will not involve the belt. Of course, that is provided that Sting defeats Ric Flair tonight. If you’re wondering about the Bound For Glory tournament, it turns out that Bobby Roode is your winner. I’m not going to even bother to describe how badly TNA screwed up that thing… Let’s just get this crap over with.

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