Attention Lemmings: Apple Needs Your Money

This morning while doing paperwork, I tuned into the Apple rally to see if they were in fact unleashing the iphone 5 on the world. I had a twenty dollar bet going with an apple head buddy of mine on it. I was convinced from the start that it would be another 4 with minor updates. He was just sure it was going to be the 5. While reading the Engadget live blog a few other thoughts came to mind. Oh and if your are not aware yet I am now 20 dollars richer.

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Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 50 – 46

Hey friends, Dave Chadwick here (aka Sugar Ray Dodge.) A while back I recruited members from Wonderpod Online, along with master web cartoonist Al Creed (from TCR and Retro Gamer Eric Bailey (from Nintendo to help me put together a unique Top 50 Games of All Time List. This list is unique in the way that members were not asked what which games should be on the list, but rather what games they wanted on the list. When professional game critics put their lists together, its always the same old stuff that you would expect to be on the list, while games that people truly love get left out.  Simply put: This is a list of our favorite games. This is how this will work. Starting today (October 3rd, 2011,) five games will be posted every Monday morning, that way we have all week to debate (aka wine and complain) about them, then we can move on. For those of you who are bad at math, that means this list will run for 10 weeks, with the Top 5 being revealed on Monday, December 5th. So we’re gonna get some mileage out of this.

So let’s get this train wreck moving. This week’s games are…

50. New Super Mario Bros
49. Ultima VI – The False Prophet
48. Star Wars Battle Front 2
47. Shadow of the Colossus
46. Rock Band 3

AIW Absolution 6 Review

This was my first time to watch an AIW show. I started out being very intrigued by all the promos at the beginning. I know some of the wrestlers, but I am not familiar with their characters. This gave me a brief overview. What it reminded me of was the UFC product. Fighter #1 doing an interesting soundbite followed by fighter #2 doing the same. It’s a formula that works. I don’t need the WWE 5-minute video package I just watched last Monday on Raw. Just give me brief promos so I can know I need to care about these wrestlers.
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Biff Zongo: Three Really BAD Ideas


Fredrik: Do not try any of this stuff in your real life. You have been warned. I’m serious. You have to be an alien psychopath to get away with this kind of stuff.

Smackdown: 09/30/11

What’s up? Looks like I am reviewing Smackdown for the foreseeable future, which is a nice change of scenery for me. Granted, I still tune into Impact Wrestling, at times one feels like they are writing the same thing week in and week out. So I we shuffle the deck at the BWF, the subsequent result is anywhere these “reviews” appear will be for the Friday Night WWE B Show.

That being said, we’ll see how I do with this official shift… No real sleep yesterday due to a fun case of food poisoning will mean I get to this episode quite tired…

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Wonderpod Episode 82

Wonderpod is back in town kids with another new episode. The world may rejoice as Pat has returned to the fold. He was in fact kidnapped by a yeti and was forced to challenge him to a round of miniature golf. I am telling you Canada has some cool shit man. Even the wilderness comes with full amenities.

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Pintnoir’s Impact Wrestling Review 9-29

Here I am to take over the Impact Wrestling review. Boy do I have my work cut out for me. No Barkley or Daffney to assist.

Sorry Daff, but the drunk tank you will stay

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The War On.. Video Game o-Mania, Falcons And Stars

Welcome to the War for another week. In this column, I bring you my reviews of Dead Island and NHL 12, plus some comments on the Dallas Stars and the Atlanta Falcons. So, without further adieu, as it is a long column (I should know, I wrote this piece after I wrote the reviews), I suppose I’d better cue the opening.. Oh, before I do, I need to put this disclaimer: The following reviews include spoilers. If you don’t want to know, then don’t read it, although you probably won’t read it anyway.

Cue The Opening

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Smackdown: 09/23/11

Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not.

Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him fifteen years to do it, and he has no inclination to accept praise from the fans. They never rooted for him before, so why should he care now? Let’s see how this episode unfolds, shall we?

Got my ducks in a row this week… I hope.

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Wonderpod Episode 81

Friday around here means three things. I doubt you care about my laundry or the naked paper work ritual. So let’s get to the new episode of Wonderpod. This week Jon braved the dreaded two man show and it came out awesome. Just for the record any of the awesome is strictly Jon’s, I did my normal schtick.

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