Silent Hill Downpour E3

I have been a casual fan of the Silent Hill series.  The video your about to watch is interesting and it seems like an interesting game.  It appears that you can play Downpour and enjoy it without having to play all the previous titles in the franchise. I am reading that it is scheduled for a late 2011 release, which could be problematic for it. I am sure survival horror fans will be happy. Let me know what you think of the demo.


RPG of the Year – 2002

This was a surprisingly dry year, at least compared to last year. There are only 18 games this time and sadly, not all of them are great. Let’s hop into it!
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Rayman Origins Trailer Looking Good At E3

This year at E3,there are a lot of heavy hitters . Which means this holiday will be filled with games that I will be counting down the days till release.  I will be fighting it out both online and offline in games like Battlefield 3, Halo Anniversary, Gears Of War 3 and others. And while this years big names are taking the spotlight at E3, and rightfully so, there are a few cool titles that seem to be getting lost in the shuffle. Rayman Origins is one such game and it would be  a shame if gamers didn’t take at least a look at this fun looking, old school inspired platformer. After watching this trailer I know one thing, I must have this game. Its absolutely beautiful, colorful and has a great feeling of humor. The level design looks to be both fun and challenging for platform fans. It really has a lot going for it if your a 2D platform fan, or someone looking for something completely different than all those big name shooters that will be out this holiday. And thats exactly what I think I might be doing, buying this title as fun and colorful break from my hardcore shooters come holiday time. The only thing that may deter me from a purchase is if it turns out to be a very short game.  Check out the trailer and let me know what you think of Rayman Origins.

Battlefield 3 has tanks

The last day of E3 is today and tonight the wonderpod crew will gather to discuss the show in podcast format. So while we have the time how about some Battlefield. This tank run looks really well done, there is one thing that I noticed above all else.  The sparks when something explodes is damn amazing to me and is really accurate. While I don’t recommend being around things that are exploding, dice has done a damn good job making them realistic.  So if they paid attention to that little detail, then the rest of the game is going to be spectacular.  Oh right and heres a video.


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Play/Interview

I am going to close the day with one more video. This time some love for the RPG fans who cruise our site. I knew that Skyrim was a must have for me and this video just confirmed that. The game looks gorgeous and seems to retain the same spirit and vibe from the earlier Elder Scrolls titles. The fine folks at gamertrailers spliced this together from a live stream off Spike. Worth a watch if you an RPG fan that is for sure.

PatMan Picks His Favorite 3DS E3 Trailers, So Far

Nintendo had a very good press conference this year at E3. While I was very interested in the Wii U technology, thats all that it really is at this stage and I am not about to get as excited about the Wii U as I did with the original Wii. I don’t think I could handle the disappointment again. Untill I see some solid , real, playable games I will remain optimistic, yet cautious. The 3DS, on the other hand ,was showing off many great looking and actually real titles and in my opinion after the “newness” settled down, the 3DS stole the show away form the Wii U. One problem Nintendo is having with showcasing its 3DS titles is, of course, the inability to actually show us how the game truly looks on the new system when showing footage. Yesterday, I watched the E3 trailers for the 3DS games running in 2D and I was impressed and excited about many of them. However, it was not until I watched those trailers on my very own 3DS later that day that I was really impressed with the technology. For those of you that have not downloaded the trailers on your 3DS go do it right now and, of course, while your there download the free ExciteBike 3D and  3D Pokedex as well. The rest of you fine readers are going to have to trust me when I say that there truly is a big difference between the 2D footage we see on the internet and the actual 3D footage running on our little magical machines.  Follow me below as I post some of the E3 trailers for 3DS games that I am most interested in and say a few words about each in the process. After an almost painful wait with the 3DS, it looks like the system is poised to explode with great  titles soon.

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Bioshock Infinite

Well E3 is proving useful for a reason I didn’t not think of. Plenty of videos to post for lazy bastard like me. Well okay I have way to much other work on my plate and videos are easy. This gem is an interview, but shows plenty of the game world for Bioshock Infinite. Looks bloody awesome to me and I am sure it will be a first day purchase. In face I am glad it’s coming out in 2012. 2011 is already crowded enough as it is. gametrailers is our friend.

Gotham City Impostors Trailer Makes PatMan Give It A Second Look.

The first real gameplay footage of  Gotham City Impostors is out and to be honest, it looks like it could be pretty darn fun. It all depends on the pricing for this game and as it was said to be downloadable, it will probably not be very hard on the wallet. Sure, its still a ripp- off and cash in on the BatMan DC universe, and yes I still feel playing as BatMan “wannabe”s is kind of silly. But, its looking good enough in my eyes to check it out when it comes out. What do you all think of the game, now that we have actual game play footage to watch? It could be decent fun with the regular crew here at

[youtube 7Q-OmfhRmuM]

Kirby Is Back

Well look what we got here, a little pink dude. That is correct fine people of earth Kirby is going to do one more adventure on the Wii. Sadly he isn’t made of yarn this time. Which reminds me I still need to play Epic Yarn, damn it. From the Looks of this trailer looks like there is 4 player co-0p. I bet that will work flawlessly on the Wii. either way check it out and thanks to gametrailers for the video.

RPG of the Year – 2001

Back by popular demand that I just happened to find under the sofa, I present yet another GoTY article! This was a tough year. I mean, REALLY tough. It’s bad when you’ve played half the games on the list and LOVED them. Yeah, THAT bad. Anyway, after some deliberation, I think I’ve come up with something solid. There are 31 games this year, so let’s hop to it!
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