E3: Twisted Metal Game Play

Wow there was a lot of news with E3 yesterday.  So much so that were just going to post videos. This one popped up while combing the remains of the press briefings and such.  Nice little game play courtesy of our friends at gametrailers.  Twisted metal is one of the games that keeps pushing me closer and closer to getting a PS3.

Who’s Next?-UFC Edition

The following is simply my opinion. I welcome any comment below.

Recently, in my opinion, the world of MMA has hit an impasse. They have hit an area of stagnation with their stars. For a long time, we were very lucky in the MMA world. We had some huge names at the top of our list for a long time: Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, Rich Franklin, Matt Hughes, Ken Shamrock, BJ Penn. Now the landscape of MMA is changing. Chuck Liddell has the job where he is like VP of Party Planning and photo ops at big events. Couture has a great gig in the direct-to-video, low-budget action film market. He will be comfortably living the life of luxury until Expendables Part 25. Ortiz hasn’t won since ’06, and with the domestic issues a year ago, is about as marketable as Michael Jordan with a Hitler mustache. Rich Franklin is trying to follow Couture’s path with Kelly Kapowski (Saved By the Bell reference). While still a name, it doesn’t have the luster it once did. Matt Hughes was a great name, but nobody would see him on the street and go, “Oh, hey, there’s Matt Hughes.” Ken Shamrock tested positive for steroids in ’09, so he has a scarlet letter on his chest. And BJ Penn has his book and was last seen taking down a Fox News guy. Time is marching on.

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My Totally Serious E3 Predictions

So The first E3 press conference starts in about two hours. That gives me time to make some bold and shocking predictions. Which will tie in nicely to the smart ass nonsense I was spewing on last weeks podcast. In case your a little thick all of these predictions will be humorously based on sheer insanity. I do not intend to give you one fact or morsel of information. Basically I am going to be smart ass about the whole thing for a few cheap laughs. Mostly because I am finding it hard to give a shite at this point. Read more »

Brad Jones talks “Hooker with a Heart of Gold”

Having run across an earlier interview for Punk globe, I was shocked to see you live out in Springfield, Illinois, being from the Moline/East Moline area of the Quad Cities myself; I have to know how it was to film out there?

Filming movies like I do is a billion times easier to do in the Midwest than it would be in the west coast. Here, you don’t have to worry about permits. It caters very nicely to guerrilla style movie making. You can also independently screen them at art theaters.

Knowing your love of exploitation movies was it important to copy that style with Hooker with a Heart of Gold? Also what movie or movies were inspirations?

 With “Hooker,” I don’t know if there really was a particular movie or movies that inspired it. With my movies of the past, I can certainly point to a specific movie or a specific style of movie and say that that directly inspired what I set out to make, but with Hooker, honestly, I came up with the idea when I was drunk. My friend Sarah loved the idea so much, so reminded me of it when I was sober, and even convinced me to make it into a movie. I also sort of worked that into the script as an inside joke, when Dr. Rogen says he came up with the idea for the Golden Heart when he was drunk. Obviously, in all of my movies, I’m very much inspired by the directors who have an ear for a great soundtrack, be it Scorsese or Tarantino, so those musical influences were definitely at work here.

What is your creative process? Do you use a strict script form or improvisational style?

Nothing was improvised. The whole movie was scripted. I’m a dialogue writer, so the first thing I write is always the dialogue. After I have all the dialogue written, I convert it into script form, check for mistakes, and go from there.

What was it like to work alongside your wife? And what was her input into the creation of her character?

 Working with Jillian is always great, she’s a natural actress. She has a lot of stage experience and absolutely loves acting. She likes to know the background of her characters, how her character would talk, and little details like that.

Your lead, Sarah Lewis seems to be giving a Golden Globe performance. How did you know she would be perfect for the role?

Instinct and experience in working with her. I wanted to give Sarah a major role for a long while. She played supporting parts in “Midnight Heat” and “Game Boys,” so I knew very well that she could act. She was the only person I had in mind for this part, both because she’s perfect for it, and she was instrumental in getting the movie made as well, having talked me into actually doing the flick, and designing the Golden Heart prop.

Seeing the responses on your site is there a plan to mass market the movie on DVD?

There will be a DVD released, mainly just for the special features. Unfortunately, the DVD version will have to be a “legal version,” which takes out the copyright material. That version is not in any way shape or form my version of the movie, and I’d discourage people from watching it; but the extra features will make it worth it. And if you want the “real version” of the movie, definitely feel free to rip it onto DVD from site, and place next to the DVD of special features.

What are your plans for Stoned Gremlins Production? Future webisode or movie plans?

I’m planning on doing another movie in a couple months. There’s a post apocalyptic flick that Ryan Mitchelle (director of “Paranoia”) are trying to get off the ground, and also a special movie project I’ll be working on for the site. Who knows what’ll come up in the future.

 check it out at: thecinemasnob.com

Update: June 07, Brad and Director Ryan Mitchelle are releasing “Paranoia” with an itunes release following later.

Here’s the trailer for “Paranoia”


StarWars Kinect E3 Trailer Is Here. But Is It Strong With The Force?

Kinect needs new games, there is no denying that fact. Its a fun peripheral with great potential, but there just isn’t the software for us to enjoy,at least not yet. This is especially frustrating for me as I have been playing around with the Kinect hardware and software for about 2 and a half  months longer than the majority of you have, making the wait even longer . With E3  finally here tomorrow, MS  will hopefully change all that.  And here is the trailer for one Kinect game that I was pretty excited about, Star Wars Kinect. I have to say that the game looks fun and interesting, but it may be aiming at a younger demographic then I was hoping for. Still,  if I can use force powers with my hand while using a lightsaber with the other, I will probably end up getting it at some point in time. Here is the teaser trailer, a day early just for you StarWars fans. What do you think of it?

[youtube QGerHNWXYi4]

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City E3 Trailer Leaked

Take a first look at the RE : Operation Racoon City E3 trailer a little early, right here at WPO. The Trailer, that has been said to have been leaked by “someone out of Europe” is completely CG, but still looks to provide some clues to the game and its story if you are the type who like to analyze CG trailers. Apparently ,you can choose to play as either the heros or the bad guys at Umbrella. Is it me, or is it always more fun to be the bad guys? Anyways check out the trailer right here, I for one don’t  know a lot about this title and hope to see some gameplay footage at e3 for a more clear picture as to what to expect from this latest game set in the RE universe. It does have me interested.

[youtube ki2QGA_1GcY]

TCR Comix: The Professional Sports Championship

SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS!  The Professional Sports Championship is underway, you guys!  It’s the VERY best part about sports, when the best two sports teams in the entire WORLD collide to determine who can claim to be the Best at Sports for an entire year!  While we, as Sports Fans, adopt a new favourite sports team for two weeks, and CHEER THEM ON, until they either win or lose!  Heinekens will be drank!  Chicken Wings will be ate!  Asshole Bros who don’t cheer for your adopted Local Sports Team will be PUNCHED!  Because you know the Mixed Martial Arts, and NO ONE TALKS SHIT ABOUT LOCAL SPORTS TEAM, BRO!!!

On a serious note, the worst insult you can levy upon a Canadian is to call them an American.  Doing such a thing will result in a variety of outrage, ranging from “Stern Lecture” to “BEAT YOU UP!”  Depending on the level of drunkeness, of course.

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PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Descent.

Im trying out another feature for the website, inspired by our very own Gunsages “top games of  the year” posts and also inspired from our discussion topic of retro PC gaming on Wonderpod. I will be picking PC games that I once enjoyed years ago and posting a video to help those that have never played them understand why I like them so much. I am starting with the game Descent.  If you suffer from motion sickness this is not the game for you as I unintentionally ended up playing upside down for probably half the game myself.  It really was a cool and different take on the corridor shooters that were so popular on PC at the time. It had amazing freedom of movement in all directions that was very smooth as you piloted a ship inside underground bases, looking for survivors to rescue , enemy ships to engage and a core reactor to destroy. Although easy on the first few levels, the core reactor (or whatever it was called its been a while) was heavily defended and if you DID succeed in destroying it, you had to find an escape route out before the entire underground base was destroyed, with you inside it. The video below shows off the very first level on an easy difficulty, but do not be fooled by the ease of escape and lack of challanging opponents. This game becomes amazingly difficult as you progress, especially when fighting the reactors and finding the way out in time.I never could finish the game it became so hard.  Descent  for me was a classic PC game in a classic era, even if I was playing  much of the game upside down.  Did anyone else play this game back in the day, and what did you think of it?

[youtube LtgepMDikeU]

Time For Another Wonderpod Podcast Highlight Reel.

What is going on people? PatMan here with yet another Wonderpod video highlight reel from our recording past. Episode 15 to be exact. I know some of our latest friends are new to the website and also to our Wonderpod Facebook page,  so why not take a look at a short highlight video reel from one of our past episodes to catch up?  We have many highlight reels to offer on the site if you are interested. With Episode 66 of our podcast just up on iTunes and Apple TV yesterday and also here on the site for MP3 download, lets take a look back 51 episodes and see what was going on with Gunsage, Bruce Mcgee and yours truly. We talk about retro inspired remakes of games and the rumor of being able to get your friends pregnant in Fable 3 in this highlight reel. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes so that we can feel all warm and fuzzy inside with your ratings of us!  I hope that you all have a great and relaxing weekend filled with fun, and on behalf of all at Wonderpod Online I thank you for checking out the website and podcast!

[youtube 3uoz32X2IEk]