Wonderpod Video Game podcast Highlight reel

Welcome to another episode of the Wonderpod Video game highlight reel. This time around its another episode from the past as we discussed the launch of the  iPad and what we thought about it. Now that the iPad 2 is out, it is interesting to see what we thought of the original launch. As always you can find all our past episodes on iTunes & also on Apple TV. If you don’t like Apple like some of you have mentioned to us in the past, archive.org has all our episodes in MP3 format and also the latest shows can be downloaded right here at the top of our very own Wonderpodonline.com main page!  I hope you are all enjoying the weekend, I know I will be taking it easy as PatMan always does. Have fun and thanks for watching the highlight reel and subscribing to Wonderpod video game podcast. Check out our latest episode of the show ,which came out just yesterday, # 61 where we talk about Wii2 news and more !  See you all on an upcoming episode of Wonderpod and also right back here for another highlight reel in the future.

[youtube iGKYx4xmPT4]

Power Poll for the Week Ending: ???

Well, I’m back. I haven’t given up on the Power Poll, but I am as confused as ever. Rather than rant and rave, as I did that last week, I’ll put it this way: Since it is completely unclear which episodes the voters are voting on, we can assume it includes any, and all of the last two weeks worth of episodes.
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Wonderpod Episode 61

Wonderpod is still alive and kicking. This week we see the triumphant return of PatMan. We even had a party for him before the show. We never let you guys listen to that part. Oops, I don’t think I was supposed to say that. Oh well, we got another great show for you this week. We talked about gaming as we normally attempt to do.

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iMPACT: 04/28/11

Hockey Night in Canada! Playoffs round 2!! Just paused and started recording the Vancouver Canucks versus the Nashville Predators to “watch” iMPACT. Had to catch Coach’s Corner first.

Don Cherry is kind of like the the Ric Flair of professional. He’s been around forever, and when you hand him a microphone, he can shoot out promos like no other.

I worked a bunch over the last while and am tired. Also, some scathing things about TNA’s handling of their talent’s health and wellness has bounced around the interweb dirtsheets that have me pissed off at the company. At this point, I don’t think I could convince any other contributor to our site to fill in.

So you are getting Angry Man G, Disinterested Man G (NHL playoffs!), and Tired Man G… which combined as a mathematical addition problem, equals “FFW Through Everything G…. with a slight chance of Barkley Man G.”

Here goes… I guess…
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3DS Gets A 3D Dungeon RPG ,Beyond the Labyrinth First Screens!

Out of the blue comes the announcement of a new RPG/ Dungeon exploration game for the Nintendo 3DS, called Beyond The Labyrinth. While I am not known for enjoying RPGS, nor am I a big fan of dungeon crawlers, this is great news for all the RPG fans out there so there is bound to be many excited 3DS gamers right now.  The bad news is that its only about 65 percent complete, according to sources, but it is still good news for Nintendo 3DS gamers out there waiting for some RPG goodness to come there way.  There is little known about this title to be honest, so lets just enjoy the 2D screens and cross our eyes while standing on our heads and maybe that will gives us a 3D image out of it. The screens are right here , below.



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Brawler of the Year – 1994

A lot of you might be skeptical about the pick this year, but trust me, it’s one you’ll want to totally get behind when you learn more about it. Yet again, this was a year with MANY console brawlers and not so many arcade brawlers. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it might be a sign of things to come.
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Games In May

The month of April is almost over.  The coming of May, means there are new games being released through out the month. My initial plan was to do a post or two of all the relevant ones I could find. I am sure it would of been a lot of work, but I figured there are a lot of are readers who would of appreciated it. Luckily for me the awesome folks over at gametrailers already do this in video form.  Sure it may not show every game your interested it, but it has a damn good selection. Thanks gametrailers your a life saver.

My Take: PSN Breach

So I am sure by now you may have heard about the trouble Sony is having. Hackers took down PSN on April 19th. As of this writing on the night of the 26th it is still down and the news got a lot worse today. My intention is to give you my view of the incident and what I think you as a gamer should take from it. The best place to start this discussion is with just what exactly happened.

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Semi-Annoyed Videogame Nerd 4 – Alpha Protocol


Snoring Spur Cup

I am now quite aware that my dog snores and loudly. I have had dogs that snore before, but I may need to take this one to an ear, nose and throat Veterinarian. The reason I know this and now share this fact with you is I am writing at night. I have found I actually like writing my morning updates late in the evening. Which wasn’t exactly how I had planned these morning posts. My theory was, they would be more amusing if I wrote them before my morning caffeine jolt kicked in. I think that theory is valid, but I don’t see any problem with writing a few at different times either. I am sure your all thrilled to know these bits of information, but as usual I needed an introduction and this lame pile of poo will have to do.

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