WWE RAW Reflections – 25/04/2011

-WOAH!  HEY!  How’s it going, dudes!  As you probably noticed, I didn’t do a RAW Reflections last week, because it conflicted with a Flyers game, and if you know me, Flyers playoff games trump EVERYTHING.  However, no such problem.  So, consider yourselves lucky!  Oh, and it’s a SPECIAL RAW!  The Monday Night RAW that pops my bubble every year, the bubble in which the Roster Split doesn’t exist for four months.  Goddamn you, Draft.

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FPS of the Year – 1994

This is a BIG year, but I think getting movies for all the games and briefly going over them, while it creates more work for me, is a better way of going about this. Sure, it means the article is HUGE, but unless I’m told it’s also BORING, I’m going to keep doing this so you can get a more accurate side by side comparison. That said, let’s hop into it!
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L.A. Noire: Game Play Trailer

I really feel like being lazy this morning. Plus I saw this trailer a couple days back and thought why not.  Actually this trailer has made my interest in  L. A Noire increase quite a bit. First off it looks awesome, but that is not really what has me excited. I really like the concept of working your way through the L.A. PD and some how missed that bit of information before now. In fact I am thinking this game may replace Brink as my game for May.

Retropod – Episode 2

Hold onto your shit, it’s another episode of Retropod! …You didn’t hold on very hard, did you? Well that’s okay…I guess I’ll just hold my nose while I write the rest of this. Anyway! Click onward for awesome awesomeness!
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Smurfs Episode One (repost)

I figured the best way to end a Monday was to assault you all with more Smurfs. We have plenty of gaming news which is always good. Now it is time for my twisted little mind to ruin things. I originally posted this back in 2007 or 2008 at the old Morphine Nation. It started with a forum post which I have reposted here.

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UFC 129 Preview

I’m really looking forward to this card. The only thing is how do I convince my wife to let me have the UFC party with friends. There are 2 fights here that are must-see, and a fighter who is must-see.

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Zelda OoT 3DS Opening Movie & Mario Kart 3DS coming in 2011!

Hot on the heels of Nintendo announcing to the world what we already probably knew, the successor to the Wii will be coming to e3, comes even more good news for Nintendo fans! The highly anticipated Mario Kart 3DS has been given a 2011 release window which is great news for us game starved 3DS owners. But thats not all of the good news for today, the intro sequence to The Legend of ZeldaOcarina of Time on the 3DS has also been shown and you can watch it right here at wonderpodonline.com ,  below. I have to admit that this movie brings back the memories of why I consider this to be not only the best Zelda game ever, but perhaps my favorite title of all time. Great news for 3DS owners and Nintendo fans in the last few days, I personally cant wait to play Mario Kart 3DS online with friends this year. What do you think about  the Zelda intro and Mario Kart 3DS coiming in 2011?

“To Whom It May Concern:” Wii 2 coming in 2012! But, do we need it?

A few days ago, I posted some pics of what ” looked” to be a conference held by the big N to developers concerning the successor to the highly successful Wii, code named project Cafe. The jury is still out on if those pics are legit or just another elaborate internet hoax, but you can see the pics right here at Wonderpodonline.com, just a few articles up from this one and decide for yourself.  Now  earlier today Nintendo has put an end to the speculation of the existence of the Wii 2 once and for all.  Yes, its real. Yes, its coming to E3. The question is, are we ready for another console? Do we really need one right now? I always love the new ideas in gaming that spawn from the creative minds at Nintendo, I have enjoyed the experiences of the first force feedback console game , first true polygonal 3D game, and now with the 3DS, the first true 3D games without the need of silly glasses that make us all look like a morons. So, While I do love the thought of a new console, I still have to wonder if its actually the time for one or not. The X-BOX 360 with Kinect is really just starting to take shape and Sony with the Move is showing what a powerful system can do with motion control. The Wii is still good enough for the casual crowd to enjoy while the 2 more powerfully systems are just breaking in their takes on motion gaming. So, it seems like the Nintendo Stream or Wii 2, or whatever you want to call it may be coming too early for its own good? On the other hand, there are gamers out there just waiting for Nintendo to get back in the ” hard core” game, to catch up with the likes of Microsoft and Sony in that respect. Personally, I am very excited to see what the controllers will actually turn out to be, if they will indeed stream games to them and if the system will be a PS3 killer in the graphics department as rumored.   Its a split decision as far as I am concerned, the Nintendo Fan Boy in me cannot wait for this new console, but the gamer in me wonders if we really need it just yet. What do you all think about this now that it has been confirmed by the Big N? Below, I have posted the official Nintedo announcement of the next console and a pic from the supposed conference that took place as well, again if you want to see the other pics they are just a click away on the main page.

Cargo Mine Jinx

I had this whole paragraph written about the internet and it’s hive mind like qualities. I edited three times and hated the way it read back each time. So I have scrapped it in favor of a much shorter and sweeter message. Never be afraid to voice your own opinion even if it’s contrary to what the majority is voicing. Just make sure your honest and well thought out in your views. There is nothing more satisfying in this world than spitting an opinion and saying fuck it. This is what I think and sorry if you don’t like it, but I can’t be untrue to myself.

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Wii 2 “conference slides” leaked,or totally faked? You decide!

A few suspiciously convenient screens have popped up on the internet in the last little while, supposedly showing a few shots of what looks like a secret Nintendo conference with developers about Project Cafe. They have surfaced in forums and sites such as IGN and neowin . While I would love to think that they are totally legit, I have my doubts to be honest. Still you never know and they DO look like they could have come from some sort of event and maybe what we are looking at is the first proof of the Wii 2. They do show specs of a controller that would fit all the latest online rumors, with the ability to stream games directly to each individuals hands. Heck, one  supposed name for the next console from the big N is exactly that, ” Nintendo Stream” .  I have to admit whether or not these pics are legit they do make me more interested in Project Cafe and I for one can not wait to see and hear some concrete information about this new console! What do you think? Are these pics the first real evidence of the Nintendo ” Stream”, or just another online, fake hoax? Check out the pics right here below!


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