iMPACT 04/07/11

Wow, it’s Thursday already… And like a ritual of shame, pain and self-abuse, I will be reviewing the outlandish lack of action that is Total Nonstop Apologies. This week I hear that they installed a convex glass dome over the entire ring (now with 3 sides), and sealed 7 men inside in what had been dubbed a Suffocation match! Each wrestler will try to stay alive the longest until all participants are dead… THERE WILL BE NO WINNER!

The sad thing is, that would probably be the longest match on iMPACT in months. Let’s see what “really” happened.

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Semi-Annoyed Videogame Nerd 3 – Final Fantasy 13

Brawler of the Year – 1991

Hey guys! This year was a tough call. There were so many EXCELLENT brawlers this year…and a few strange ones…but mostly EXCELLENT. I actually had it narrowed down to about 5 for the #1 spot, but…well here goes.
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…I Don’t Think I Can Sleep Now…

I’ve seen some pretty messed up games, but…JEEZ…

PatMan Plays: Nintendo 3DS AR cards!

What is going on people? PatMan here with another edition of PatMan plays. I noticed that everyone around WPO had taken a much deserved rest today from last weeks big wrestlemania  festivities, so I decided to put a little bit of “filler” in for our viewing audience. I just purchased the Nintendo 3DS today and have really hardly played with it at all, so this will not be a review by any means of the system or any of its games.  I have pilot wings and Street fighter to enjoy in the next few days and I will give my impressions on an upcoming episode of Wonderpod Videogame podcast. I hope to play online with the likes of Glasenator ,Gunsage and whoever else picks one up in the future, but in my first few hours with the cool little system, I have been mostly testing out the waters with my new toy, its camera and the cool 3D effects. Let me say that the 3D works well and is pretty fun thus far.  I especially  like the AR cards which are a very cool little tech demo inspired bonus that you get with your purchase.  I have taken a few funny picks with the 3DS and will share them with you, for a laugh.  Please note that the 3D effects of the AR cards do NOT show in the pictures I am posting, so you are not getting the full effect by a long shot and the quality is not so good either, but here are a few shots I just took with my new toy! Enjoy !

Bring Back Jobbers

Watching last night’s Raw made me miss my favorite time period in WCW. I loved it when you had Lex Luger taking on the guy in the beige-striped tights from the local city. He almost always had long hair, possibly a mullet, a killer ‘stache and had some cheesy name. If they were really awesome, they had a mask. During the 80’s there were a group of wrestlers that we all knew: Jose Luis Rivera, SD Jones, The Brooklyn Brawler. During  the mid-90’s, I loved the WCW ones: The Gambler, Johnny Boone, Bobby Blaze, Mike Starr, Steve Doll. These were the guys Kevin Sullivan was going to take all over the studio. Meng was going to put them in the nerve hold til they passed out. And Ric Flair was going to make you think that “Hardwork” Bobby Walker was half a second from winning the championship.
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FPS of the Year – 1992

So yeah, I decided to talk about 1992 after all. 1992 is a year you should familiarize yourself with when it comes to gaming. Sure, there were a lot of cool things going on in the console world, but the PC gaming market was especially interesting. I already briefly went over Terminator 2029 and Gun Buster, so let’s go over what ELSE came out this year.
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Retropod – Episode 1

Welcome boys and girls and Scruffys! Do we have a treat for you today…we have a brand new podcast known as Retropod! In the pilot, we discuss various topics such as…
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Battlefield Play4Free

So if you haven’t heard of Battlefield Play4Free, well here have a trailer. The game is in open beta currently and doesn’t look to shabby. I suspect like a lot of play for free games there are going to be challenges to actually playing for free. Still the trailer is worth a watch and I am glad EA is giving this a shot.

WrestleMania 27

-Ladies and Gentlemen, here is BIG FUCKING WRUSSELMUNYA FOUR!!  This is the fourth year (third in a row) I have reviewed The Big One, and this year in particular, I haven’t been more hyped to watch the show.  Will it live up to my ridiculously high expectations?  WE SHALL SEE!!

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