RPG of the Year – 1999

Yet another gigantic year for RPGs. There are 29 games! This will probably be the last year I do, at least for a while, so let’s not wait any longer and just hop right into it.
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Death By Server Bomb

Scrambling around to find stuff to talk about this morning. Both for the podcast and this daily post extravaganza. The last couple of weeks doing anything creative has been difficult. Welcome to a slump were nothing you do is pleasing. Anyone who writes or creates has these moments and I am hoping sooner or later it will pass. Maybe the top secret, even I don’t know whats going on theme week will get me back on track. Now when was that going to happen again?

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WWE RAW Reflections: 21/03/2011

-We’re one step closer to WRUSSLEMUNYA, boys and girls!  It’s just two weeks away, so we gotta kick this here Pro Wrest… I’m sorry, ENTERTAINMENT into high gear!

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Crysis 2 Launches.

Crysis 2 has officially launched and is getting some pretty solid reviews from the likes of 1up.com ( 9.1)  and IGN (9.0) even some of the lower scores still have it around the 8.0 range which is a decent score. Of course we should all make our own minds up and not be persuaded by media, however its nice to see it has not been a disappointment in the eyes of reviewers. I for one have been looking forward to checking this title out after playing the 2 multiplayer demos hands on . Although very unoriginal, (part Halo reach, part COD ), it was still fun. And fun is what matters.

I still have not had my fill of Homefront, a title which  launched with its fair share of problems last week, and it would be easy to abandon that title in favor of Crysis 2 I suppose, but I am willing to give it a few more days to fix its online issues before I think of giving up on it. Here is the launch trailer of Crysis 2 looking all pretty with its fancy graphics engine. Looks like another solid FPS for fans to enjoy, which ultimately is a good thing. I am getting spoiled with choice this last couple weeks, first Homefront and now Crysis 2. Gamers trigger fingers will be busy both online and off this month.

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Video Tuesday: Fishing?

I wrote a really long morning post as I usually do. Thing was it sucked. I am not talking the kind of bad were you post it anyway and be done with it either.  After reading through it twice I wanted to vomit.  So to save you I will post a funny video from one of my favorite comedians.  If you have ever tried to teach a young child to fish, this video will have you laughing.


Potassium Iodide Review

I think spring has been kidnapped. It is almost my birthday and we usually have spring by that time. We need to slap it’s picture on milk cartons and throw up fliers around the neighborhood. I hope spring finds it’s way home soon. As you may of already guessed, I am a little tired of rain and wind. Which isn’t good as we are supposed to get more that all week.

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Wonderpod Video Game Podcast Highlight Reel !

What is going on people? I hope your enjoying your weekend as much as I am. While you relax on a Sunday afternoon why not check out some highlights of an older episode of our Wonderpod Video Game Podcast? You can subscribe to us on iTunes, listen on Apple T.V. or download MP3 files of the show right here at  Wonderpodonline.com! Thanks for listening and checking out the website, we do appreciate it!  if you missed our lates episode its right here at the website so give us a lsiten, will ya? Now take a little bit of time from your lazy Sunday and check out the highlight reel for Wonderpod Episode 12 where we first talked about the 3DS and also debate the casual VS hardcore gamer mess. We will see you all on the next episode of Wonderpod !

Discount Bin Reviews: Freddy vs Jason (DVD)

Having watched the Friday the 13th remake, my wife and I decided to revisit a favorite of ours, Freddy vs Jason. We originally saw the movie in theatres when it came out in the late Summer of 2003, and quite honestly loved it. We knew it wasn’t going to be Pulp Fiction or anything but we got exactly what we expected and that was satisfying enough. Re-watching the movie on DVD almost eight years later was still enjoyable, but at least for me, the flaws I once chose to ignore (even for a cheese ball Slasher movie like this) seemed more apparent this time. Let’s hack and slash through this monster.

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Power Poll for the Week Ending 03/16/11

When you’re on the road to WrestleMania, things are going to get shaken up on a weekly basis. And it should come as no surprise that this is what indeed happened this week.
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Semi-Annoyed Videogame Nerd 2 – Secret of Evermore
