WCW Nitro Results 3/26/01

The Celebration of Professional Wrestling begins! Ten years ago, almost exactly to the minute that this article was published, the television wrestling landscape changed forever. Only seconds before, the Monday Night War was still underway… but that would change in one fell swoop as Vince McMahon dramatically showed up to open WCW’s final episode of Nitro.
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Wonderpod Episode 47

Hey there, time for another episode of Wonderpod. Hope your all still around after our holiday break. I am sure you have noticed we are hosted at a new site with the same name. It is the new and permanent home of Wonderpod. No matter what else happens you will always be able to find the podcast here. Sign up and enjoy the site. Oh and we did a show as well, including a special guest

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A Celebration of Professional Wrestling Begins This Saturday!

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages… it’s time for a Celebration of Professional Wrestling. That’s right folks! The showcase of the immortals, WRESTLEMANIA, is just over a week away! In a conjoint assembly of marks, smarks, and fans alike, Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online staff have united to create a week long tribute to the art and performance that is professional wrestling. And while much of the content will be WWE related, this is not limited to the one promotion. It’s an acknowledgement to all federations and organizations, big or small.
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Power Poll for the week ending 03/24/11

As we enter the final week of hype and promotion leading up to WrestleMania 27, it’s time to see where the Power Poll ranks our beloved wrestlers. It’s been an odd week in wrestling, and much like the past few weeks, there has been lots of movement. While the power poll is a regular feature here, this smark is getting even more excited for A Celebration of Professional Wrestling that will be going down at both the Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online. Stay tuned for more details… but until then…
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Sucker Punch: A Gamer’s Perspective

If you haven’t seen the trailers already, Sucker Punch was released in theatres today.  It’s directed by Zack Synder who also did 300 and Watchmen.  But unlike those moives which appealed more directly to comic book fans but gained a resulting wider audience, Sucker Punch is a movie made specifically to appeal to a gaming / sci-fi fantasy audience.  The plot revolves around a girl named Baby Doll who is forced into an insane asylum where she imagines that she and the other patients are actually slaved into working for a brothel.  While captive she is forced to dance, and through her imagination while dancing she creates some of the most epic action scenes I have ever seen; where anything can happen, or rather anything awesome can happen.

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Wonderpod Episode 57

Thank Luigi it’s Friday. I am not a 100% sure why I care, other than I have a new Wonderpod for you. This week we found things to complain about. What you think we ever debate anything with tact and diplomacy? We didn’t forget the blurry man either.

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iMPACT 03/24/11: TNA versus Homefront

Here we are tape-to-air for another installment of TNA iMPACT. Will Jeff Hardy appear tonight? Hell, no. But it gets sillier folks, they are apparently planning on bringing him back later as a babyface. While many people questioned him turning him initially, now people are collectively face palming questioning why he is even employed. But enough about that guy, let’s get to the suffering… and an interesting parallel between TNA and a game called Homefront. This is a pretty long article, so keep it in the background as you go through your Friday. Lot’s of goodies, and whatnot.
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Adventure Game of the Year – 1999

Done! Finally done! I might go a step beyond with this one as well, but don’t count on it. If Wiki is right, there are some years where there aren’t ANY adventure games, so we’ll see. This year makes me incredibly sad because it’s a tell tale sign that adventure games are no longer popular. There are literally only 7 games this year, unless Wiki’s being a jerk…so yeah, this should be over quick.
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Science Commercials

Okay so this is actually a trailer for Portal 2. Still I was able to amuse myself for a good ten minutes thinking about science commercials. I could just see Bunsen burner ads and buying beakers at  beakers and more located in the mall next to hot topic.  If you have no clue why I am yammering about this here, watch the video.  I am pretty sure my brain needs an oil change.

Discount Bin Reviews: Freddy vs Jason vs Ash (Comics)

One of the most debated topics that geeks of every shape, size and degree have discussed is “who would win in a knock down, drag out fight between character X vs character Y”. The X’s and Y’s can be filled in with just about anyone… Batman vs. Superman, Spider-Man vs. Wolverine or Strawberry Shortcake vs. Rainbow Bright, it doesn’t matter who, you just better have some good reasons for your pick. A few years ago Hollywood decided to cash in on this kind of debate, and released Freddy vs. Jason; two of the most recognizable horror movie icons going at it for supremacy. It was a fun movie, plenty of winks and nods to the genre that they helped define as well as a reverence for the continuities that their prior movies created. I thought it did well enough at the box office that a sequel would be a no-brainer. We also thought how cool it would be if Ash, from the Evil Dead series was thrown into the mix to take on the two forces of evil. He would be a good verbal foil for Freddy’s one-liners and be willing to hack off a few limbs like Jason. Apparently an awful lot of people online thought the same thing. But here we are almost eight years later and no sequel. No movie sequel anyway. Whether it was script problems, scheduling problems, Bruce Campbell’s age(?), I don’t know. What we did get was this comic book mini-series, based on the film script for the movie that didn’t happen.

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