Wonderpod Episode 56

Here I sit with an empty page, I need words to magically appear damn it. Cursing the empty page has no effect. I may not be as strong in the force as I thought. If your still here I have an episode of Wonderpod, that much is clear. This week Pat slept through most of the episode. He is such a pro that you’ll never notice. We did keep him awake long enough to talk gaming.

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iMPACT 03/17/11: St. PatMan’s Day

Coming hot off the heels as possibly the worst PPV of all time, TNA has some problems to deal with. First, Jeff Hardy screwed up again, showing up likely high as a kite and Sting refused to work with him. Second, they gave us a non-finish for the number one contender’s match between Mr. Anderson and RVD. Third, Some Internet Guy had possibly the best match on the card with AJ Styles. What in the hell?
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Adventure Game of the Year – 1998

This was a very slow year for adventure games that sadly would continue on as a trend. There were only 7 games. Let’s go!
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Pestilence or Famine?

Hey there, I am feeling like one of the four horseman of the apocalypse this morning. Your more than welcome to interpret that however you wish. I will say it still amazes me that people who claim to know me, still show surprise and get upset at the things I do. What you see is what you get people. I thought that was pretty damn clear at this point. Let’s move on to a topic I will attempt to handle with tact and diplomacy. This ought to be good.

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Homefront = Epic Online Fail.

There will be no “more” link. Homefront online? Shit. Complete utter shit. Save your money if you want to play with friends online. Endorse a different company, these guys are the “TNA” of multiplayer. The 5 hour single player experience? Rent it. That part seems good.

This Is Not A Review

It appears my intro from yesterday was a hit. Sure it was one person, but that counts right? Being me, I have been sitting here for thirty minutes trying to create another one. According to the latest data from my brain, I am not that witty. He keeps telling me our flashes of funny are few and can come months apart. Maybe I should record the fucking things and just regurgitate them later. Lets move on, Homefront came out yesterday.

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WWE RAW Reflections: 14/03/2011

-RAW REFLECTIONS!  Snarky wrestling editorializing of televised wrestling the night before, so we can have a laugh later!  Telling you why your opinions on wrestling are WRONG, coupled with jokes!

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HomeStorm Brewing

I got in an argument with an inanimate object this morning. I battled my alarm clock from my immortal soul. There was a time not to many years ago when alarm clocks feared me. I would destroy them for annoying me when I was tired or hungover. Since it can get expensive to replace alarm clocks, I started using my cell phone to wake me up. This morning my brain argued with my phone for a good ten minutes. Each side pleading it’s case expertly, my body got sick of it and forced me to turn on a light. Going to be a lovely day I am thinking.

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RPG of the Year – 1998

This was a HUGE year for RPGs, at least if you go off the numbers. There are 30 games! This was not an easy pick, so don’t think I just randomly selected these. I almost wish I’d done a top 10 list for this year because a lot of the RPGs are just plain incredible. Also, with apologies to Bruce here. This is the year of Baldur’s Gate, but you might not like what I have to say about it.
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Monday Richard

I am just far to stupid this morning to write anything. So I am going to let my buddy Richard take over for me this morning. If your not familiar with Richards work then you need to be reading Looking for Group. One of my favorite comics and Richard is a big reason why. I post this video on the Morphine Nation forums ages ago. It is still as funny to me now as it was then. Take it away Dick!