Monday Sleaze

Hi there, do you ever have problems writing? I am Fred Moneysleaze here to tell you about a revolutionary system for getting the most out of your writing. My new system is called just start writing you stupid fuck. The system is simple and all you need is a standard pair of head phones. Just insert my CD in your computer and magically you will begin composing sonnets that even Shakespeare would drool over. The CD plays my voice chanting the same simple mantra over and over. Basically it’s me screaming write you stupid fuck over and over again. Here is how you order

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PatMan Plays – Kinect. How to look like a fool and enjoy every moment!

Welcome to another PatMan Plays.  This time I bring you a video I made a while back that some of you may have seen on our official facebook page ” Wonderpod On Line”. I called it Kinect is SUPER hardcore, making fun of those who dislike Kinect only due to the “casual” persona it carries. I have news for you, if its FUN, enjoy it. That is what video games and gaming is for. And Kinect is fun.  So, sit back and enjoy my short Kinect video showcasing how to look like a fool, but getting achievements for it in the process ! This video also marked the first appearance of the Kinect living statues ,which have returned multiple times in other videos I have made and are sure to make even more appearances in the future.

Homefront: Single Player Gameplay

IGN has put out some single player footage of the upcoming game Homefront.  Our very own Bruce Mcgee is very interested in this title, and to be honets, so am I. The multiplayer sounds to be different from most of the other FPS out there and its about time we all had a new game to play together as shooting Zombies and space marines is getting tiresome.  I now share with you a short video of single player gameplay from Homefront from the good folks at IGN. And to be honest from the looks of this video, it doesn’t look inspired by Half life  as the developers have mentioned in the past, but more from the COD franchise.  Of corse this is just one very short video of a much bigger gameplay experience, so we really cant tell if it represents the whole game, however here it is for you all to take a look at and decide for your self what you think of this video. I for one have this game on my radar mostly for the multiplayer, but if this is a representation of the single player, it looks decent as well even if its very familiar.

Power Poll for the Week Ending: 2/16/11

What’s up wrestling fans? It’s that time of the week for another power poll update. There was much movement amongst the ten rankings this time around, as four grapplers fell out of contention. You might be surprised to see one particular entry, perhaps…
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Wonderpod Episode 52

Two weeks of good recordings in a row. That must mean it is time for Wonderpod. We got another brand spanking new episode for you. The original line up is back together this week. It’s almost like a Beatles reunion. Only this actually happened and we didn’t sing. We did, talk about games and make animals noises

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iMPACT 02/17/11: Nut-shots for everyone!

It’s been an intense week in the world of wrestling. It seems pretty unlikely that TNA will be able to come close to topping The Rock’s return to the WWE, but they are coming off the heels of the Turning Point PPV that aired on Sunday. It was an interesting show (I think that’s a nice way to put it), that ended with the enigma Jeff Hardy recapturing his ugly Championship Title from Mr. Anderson… and the wait for March 3rd will likely continue to simmer… ok, enough of this introductory paragraph, let’s just get to the suffering, alright?
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Adventure Game of the Year – 1994

Surprisingly, this year there were only 10 games and only about half of them were good. This was also the year of the second worst King’s Quest game ever, the absolute worst being Mask of Eternity. It was a tough call for the #3 spot also. #2 and #1 were pretty easy to pick, though. Let’s do it!
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Casual Games About E3

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday. Reality, among other things decided to make an appearance. By the time I was able to free myself up, I had nothing on my mind that was desperate to be on a page. Maybe next time I will just start writing and see what happens. That is how some of my more colorful creations are born.

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Wonderpod Highlight Reel !

Welcome ,once again, to another Wonderpod Video Highlight Reel. This time around I give you a short taste of episode 51, our most current episode. I was unable to attend this recording, but Bruce put together a great show. This one is a special episode because it serves as in introduction to our newest contributor, Jonkind. I have been enjoying Jonkinds work  for a while now and I think you will really like his work on video games, wrestling, movies and more. Look for content coming from him soon right here on the main page. As for now, enjoy the highlight reel and if you have not subscribed on iTunes  please do so and give us a rating, will ya?  Also don’t be shy and send us a friend request on Facebook or look up past episodes at and enjoy all the site has to offer everyday! Enjoy a quick sample of our latest episode and I will see you on the next episode of Wonderpod soon! Thanks for your support , as always.

A very nice looking Wonderpod logo .

No Image Tuesday

I wasn’t going to sit down and write a post this morning. My ugly creations are scattered across the main page and it seemed silly to add another one. Then I thought screw that I feel like writing and if the rest of the crew wants to contain me. They can knock me down a peg or two with they’re posts. So lets get in to the meat of this beast shall we.

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