Gambling Man

Monday and I have no hangover, that is about the best news. I never quite understood why the Super Bowl is on Sunday. Makes more sense to me that it should be on Saturday. That way you can have Super Hangover Sunday. Maybe they just never thought of it that way. I am sure there is a marketing angle to make money with based on that notion. Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers and Aaron Rodgers. He is from a town about 45 minutes south of my current home. I can look forward to local morons going on about how a “home town” boy won big. Even though this isn’t his home town.

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The Scruffycake

Wonderpod Episode 50

I have some good news for you people. We have a new episode of Wonderpod and it’s audio demon free. I have never had a problem with shit going wrong. You just keep going until you get it right. Recording this episode involved four recording session and a lot of cursing. To everyone involved in finally bringing this bastard to life, I thank you. Your hard work was not in vain and speaking of that hard work. Here is what we got on tap for you.

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TCR Comix: No One Rips on Local Sports Team!

This comic is particularly special, in that it is the 200th comic I have done for my website, TCR Comix.  You know, I was toying with ideas on how to mark this monumental occasion.  Should I do a metahumour comic, chiming in on how this silly website of mine actually made it to 200 comics?  Should I dedicate it to one of my many several popular characters?  Should I hold out until Valentine’s Day, and celebrate 200 like I celebrated 150, with everyone’s favourite Cryptid, The Mothman?  I got to thinking, and I decided to dedicate #200 to a past-time that I enjoy: ripping on social groups I absolutely loathe!  But what group should I focus my crosshairs on for this one?  Everyone LOVES it when I shit all over Hipsters, but I Just DID a comic on those people already!  Making fun of Twilight Losers appears to be getting slightly passe.  And, obviously, politicians are out of the question right now (even with the Egypt Situation…).  So, I got to some more thinkin’ and there one group out there, one which I think is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, that I have let off the hook far too much: The Bro!

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Power Poll for the Week Ending: 2/2/11

In the week following the Royal Rumble, all eyes in wrestling certainly would be on the winner of that said event. While amongst the dirt sheets, there is much argument about the value of a Rumble win in lieu of the Elimination Chamber PPV hurting it’s credibility. But that, is an argument for another day. There was also a RAW rumble match of significance this week, with the winner going on to face the Miz for the title. These two events will have significantly influenced this weeks poll.
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Halo CE 3D & Battlefield 3 to come out late this year.

Hold on to your controler,  there are 2 big FPS coming out in the end of 2011 that you may be interested in. The first should come as no suprise,it has been rumored to be in development for a while now, Halo CE remake. The catch is, its going to be in 1080p HD and have 3D support. It is also rumored to have co-op online and a control scheme more like Halo reach. According to both 1Up and Joystiq , Halo: Combat Evolved remake is in development at the  TimeShift game developer,  Saber Interactive. I didn’t really think that the demo for Timeshift was that great, so this is both a little surprising and worrying for me, why not have some MS in house developer make it? I hope this is not the start of slutting out the Halo franchise just to get a Halo game out once every year. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. Read more »

Year Of The Donkey Punch

2011 is starting to look a lot like 2010. This would not be a good thing for me and in some ways is going to affect you. The hard working crew at Wonderpod got a podcast recorded. This is a vast improvement over last weeks disaster. The recording is suffering from some major issues and it isn’t pretty. The good news from fans of the podcast is we will get something out to you this week. It may not be until this weekend, but we will get you something.

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iMPACT: 02/03/11. You Get Many Videos and Tangents This Time.

Whoop-dee-do! It’s Thursday Night Suffering Time! According to some semi-spoilers I’ve run across (unintentionally), some are saying this is a sure contender for the worst iMPACT of ALL time. Great, and it’s my job to review it. Expects tangents… many, many umm…
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Minecraft Madness

I have been playing minecraft off and on since it made it big. It is a fun little sand box game and thanks to the boys at Penny Arcade, the whole world knows about it. In that time I have built many kingdoms, ranging from tiny shacks to my latest monstrosity.  I thought it was high time I show off my work. Granted I am not the greatest design wizard, but I have a lot of fun. Photo goodness after the more.

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Wonderpod Highlight Reel episode 4

Welcome to another Woderpod video game podcast highlight reel. Perviously we traveled back into time to revisit our first episode that made it to double digits and now we comeback to a more current time. How current? Well the last episode that we have successfully put out, hows that? Enjoy the highlight reel of episode 49, where we talk about the upcoming Nintendo 3DS and Glasenator tells us how he likes to make massive sex organs in Halo Reach forge world.  Remember to subscribe to our show on iTunes, become or friend on facebook and download the full podcast, right here!!  Thanks for watching, as always.