Goin’ Retro – Paladin’s Quest

There were a lot of RPGs I played for the SNES (and in general) and while some were weird from time to time, very few achieved the strangeness of Paladin’s Quest. So what makes it so strange? Well to clarify, it’s not strange in the same sense that games like Earthbound, some Final Fantasies, and a few other Enix RPGs. No, it’s strange in that various gameplay concepts either don’t make sense or seem to be there just because and because it’s totally alien at times…literally.
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Left 4 Christianity

This is only a test introduction, if this had been an actual introduction, there would have been a lot more fire and screaming. I never have quite worked out how to kick start this morning abomination if you haven’t noticed. Do I jump straight in to the meat of the post? Do I conjure up silly shit like this? I need answers damn it.

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8 Robots


This is an outtake from a short film we recently made called “Evil Twin.”

Two Man Reviews Episode 1

Hey there, we got a new audio thing were giving a try. Pat and I sat  down tonight and put together our thoughts on a co-op game we recently finished playing. If they banner doesn’t give it away, I will tell you which game after this.

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Ranting and Raging

Good Wednesday morning to you. Brain is functioning a little better today. So will run through an actual written post. Plus the nostalgia images bombed big time. Silly bastards, just don’t know comedy gold when they see it. Plus most of the those images were the kind that only make me laugh. I tend to have a weird sense of humor anyway.

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Curb stomp on Kinect ? Gears of Rails ?

In what can only be called a  rumor at this point, several video-game sites including kotaku are spreading the thoughts of a GOW motion controlled game for kinect being closer to a reality. The catch? Its not going  to be GOW 3, but a new game that plays on rails.  Other websites such as IGN have recently discussed the trademark for Gears of War Exile  and our very own PatMan himself,of the Wonderpod Videogame podcast, has humorously  hinted at the idea of a Kinect GOW title a few episodes ago. Read more »

Nostalgia Trip

Stress is making my brain vomit. So in an effort to get something up I am going to do a nostalgia image post. Almost as crappy as list post, but with my brain broken it’s better than nothing. Most of the images you will see come from the original Morphine Nation forums. Lets say between the years 2003-2005.

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RPG of the Year – 1993

This year will be easy. Why? Because the only tough part about it is not highlighting certain games I know are great, but not the best. I went into this one expecting it to be as tricky as the last two years, then realized I knew exactly which 5 should be at the top within 30 seconds. There are 25 games, but you only need to remember these…
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RAW 02/07/11: Line of the Night

Howdy y’all! This is not a recap nor a review of the entire episode of RAW. I’ll let someone else do that. Rather, it’s an observance of a very subtle reference in the episode by CM Punk in the opening segment that was so excellent, I felt the need to make a note of it.
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Ritalin Comics: The Big Game

Last night was the “Super Bowl,” the championship game for American-Football.  Much like the FIFA World Cup of Football-Football, the “Super Bowl” is a sporting event that caters to people who don’t “get” sports, what with the party culture that surrounds the event, the celebrity appearances, the entertaining and creative commercials, and the always-spectacular Half Time Show.  Picking an organization to support is much trickier, though, as one doesn’t have ancestry to fall back on, and has to brush up on some basic concepts of American-Football to avoid ridicule.  Trust me, publicly anncouncing that you support a certain team because you think their uniforms look neat apparently isn’t sufficient, especially when watching Football in bars and pubs.

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